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Renoise 1.9 Released


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For all 1 of you on OCR who are Renoise users [well... just me! I'm spreading the word], just thought I'd let you know that the newest version of Renoise has been released! There are tons of new features and improvements over 1.8, and I'm very impressed. New effects, streamlined interface, preset saving, etc.

Renoise is still missing a few things, though. Still no pre-delay compensation, and audio recording is pretty rough around the edges. These are things expected to be fixed for 2.0, including [hopefully] a fully-working linux version, which would make it the best linux app ever?

If you've never heard of Renoise before [highly likely], it's a modern tracker that incorporates all the new goodies computer musicians can have, like VST and ASIO, but instead of the clunky horizontal scrolling piano rolls, you compose top-to-bottom, which looks something like this.

It's mainly designed for people who started out tracking music on computers, anywhere from 1985 to 2001, and while you can still use the old trackers, or other ones, this is the most advanced option, giving audio quality equal to that of a DAW like Cubase or FL Studio. I'm weird though, I started out on piano rolls but then switched to this recently, and I actually like it. The workflow is super effective! It's also the cheapest option to produce high quality audio, at ~$70 [this is mainly why I got it].

I encourage people to try this out, though if you're already comfortable with your DAW you might find it a bit wild. A little time though and hexadecimals will come naturally to you :)

Actually, it's a bit sad how unpopular trackers are, because of this perpetuated idea that they're "too limiting," which by the way is wrong, but whatever. That's a debate for another time. THIS IS RENOISE TIME.

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