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Hi. Question is: What gear do I need before my (Not that I have one) midi keyboard can play without the computer.

Causs a midi keyboard isen't really making any sound, so I thought there must be some gear you can plug it to and then... Sound!:-P

Causs I don't really got the money to buy a Midi to a possibly comming amateur studie, AND to buy one that is not Midi and actually make sound.

EDIT:....But I guess the thing that would allow me to play on a midi keyboard, costs as much as it would to buy a normal keyboard?



You've been posting a lot of general how-to threads that I've noticed. I suggest you take a look at this, as it links to various threads and resources that should answer your questions.

Since I'm not sure that your specific question is answered, I'll answer it.

I'll start with another question: does your MIDI keyboard have the capability to produce audio sound or just MIDI data? If you're not sure and can't figure it out from the manual, see if the keyboard has built-in speakers or a 1/4" or 1/8" output jack.

If you have speakers and you're not getting any sound, make sure the volume control is turned up high enough on your keyboard. If it is, the keyboard is likely defective.

If you don't have speakers but do have a 1/4" or 1/8" output jack, you can listen to the audio using headphones (there are dirt-cheap 1/8" female to 1/4" male adaptors that will let you plug your 1/8" headphones into the adaptor and the 1/4" output from the adaptor into the female port on your keyboard). Alternately, you can get a proper keyboard amp (which should have 1/4" input) and a 1/4" patch cord to connect your keyboard to an amp.

If your keyboard doesn't have any kind of audio output whatsoever, then it's a MIDI Controller: a type of MIDI keyboard that only produces MIDI data and must be used to control some other source. You have a couple options here as well. You could go get a keyboard or synthesizer with audio output that takes MIDI input and connect the MIDI out from your controller to the MIDI in on your other keyboard or synth. When you play, the MIDI data from your controller (MIDI events such as "Note on" and "Note off") will be sent to the other keyboard or synth which will produce the sound.

The other option is to get software for your computer that produces sound based on MIDI data and hook your keyboard up to your computer, either through a MIDI port on your soundcard or through a USB port, if your keyboard supports that. The idea is the same as controller to keyboard: you're sending MIDI data to software that interprets it and produces audio. This can either be a standalone VSTi such as Kontakt (a sampler that contains a huge sample library covering a ton of instruments) or a DAW (Cubase, Sonar, FL Studio, Logic, Reason, etc.) that is running some type of audio plugin.

Without knowing what you hope to accomplish musically and what your current setup is, no one here can really suggest anything different or tell you how much the gear and/or software would cost.

You've been posting a lot of general how-to threads that I've noticed. I suggest you take a look at this, as it links to various threads and resources that should answer your questions.
Yep, and another excellent resource that will have even more advice is the tweakheadz guide. The forums on that site are good as well, but you may want to read up before posting in there. Sadly, they tend to not be as forgiving for newbish questions :/
You've been posting a lot of general how-to threads that I've noticed.

Ohh... right. Sorry:razz:

If your keyboard doesn't have any kind of audio output whatsoever, then it's a MIDI Controller: a type of MIDI keyboard that only produces MIDI data and must be used to control some other source. You have a couple options here as well. You could go get a keyboard or synthesizer with audio output that takes MIDI input and connect the MIDI out from your controller to the MIDI in on your other keyboard or synth. When you play, the MIDI data from your controller (MIDI events such as "Note on" and "Note off") will be sent to the other keyboard or synth which will produce the sound.

Yes. I was thinking about a MIDI controller.:-o

(Not that I have one)

To be specific I was thinking about this one
And also read this.

Yeah. Something like that:-P I take it, it is possible to plug a stereo phone plug in it. Or just some normal speakers with stereo plug.


Most Sound Modules are designed for stage play, they typically have at least one Phones out for direct monitoring and at least one Master Left and Right 1/4" outputs for sending to an amp or to some recording device/set-up.

Some even have built in FX chains where you can have outs sent before application of certain segments of the chain so you can apply external fx or just have a dry send for whatever reason.

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