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Hello Guys,

I've been lurking around here for quite awhile. Haven't really been active until recently, when I decided that I wanted to not only play music, but make it. So this last weekend I decided that I was going to attempt to make my first piece even if it is lousy, completely from scratch in FruityLoops.

I am open to any feedback, first thoughts, initial impressions, or suggestions as I am new to the whole music creation process.. As you can probably tell from listening to piece is I am having a problem with cord progression, I'll probably fix the melody this weekend when I have time, but I don't like the 2nd verse to the melody. At :51 when the piano comes in, it sounds great up until the loop, then I have a little trouble progressing the melody after the loop, so I just changed the key and rythym (1:09) rythm but it sounds horrible that way. So, thats where I'm stuck for now, until I have further free time this week.

Thanks for you time and generous support.

Your fellow newbie,


Newest Version:

Current V0.5a http://www.zshare.net/audio/5459843efe2afc/

Older Versions:

Old V0.2b http://www.zshare.net/audio/5356934d8df4c2/


step one might be to fix the link...

edit- odd... it works now...???

you definitely need to add a couple more layers of sound into the mix. beat is a little too basic, some variations and fills would be nice. piano ends too abruptly after each section. bass seems a little low in the mix.


I like it man... especially for your first beat. Although there isn't a crazy amount of variation, there never really is in rap songs because the focus is usually the lyrics with something fat in the background. If you keep developing what you have, I'm sure you'll turn it into something great. :)

I think adding something like a simple string section in the background would really help bring it out, get a little reverse cymbal leading into some of the claps, get something going with slight reverb... just things I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck man, I look forward to seeing what else you do with it. :)


Haha, much thanks. I just finished the 2nd draft last night right before reading your post.

I added some more instruments (a little variation), and I bumped the bass up one octave.

I'll be working on adding a little more variation in the percussion, and I'm still trying to decide if I want to put the tenor sax solo back in there. So far it sounds ok, but im worried that it may become a little too repetitive. I'll be adding those reverse cymbol crashes, and see if I can fit in some synth strings on the breaks and transitions, without the piece getting to muddy. I appreciate your guys comments, and I will continue working on this piece until I feel it is satisfactory :).

Once again thanks,


P.S. 2nd Draft download below:


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