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Just tried playing Counterstrike: Source again. Graphics problems = fixable?

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I felt like it since I haven't played for a while. Also there were a few updates.

Suddenly, in the default maps [e.g. Dust], the shading is completely gone, so it looks like everything has an equal amount of light on it. This makes it kind of look like CS1.6, which many say I should be playing anyway :roll:

This makes the HDR completely bonkers. On Dust especially, the bloom goes completely fucking nuts and blinds you the second you go outside.

When I played it before, and everything was fine, I noticed a message in the console about the shaders, and that "Support for this will go away soon," so I'm assuming it has to do with the source engine getting updated, but they left the maps unfixed. It might have something to do with my graphics card [Radeon X1650] but I doubt it.

Does anyone else play CS:S and possibly have fixes to this problem? Did they release fixed maps anywhere?


Yeah everything's updated as far as I know. Though my drivers were updated on the 20th, I'll try grabbing that but it probably won't fix much.

I don't know about the pagememorypool trick though. Enlighten me, since this is probably the game's problem. If it was something with my graphics card it would be something obvious like flickering or lines all over the place :P

edit: hey look, shade! I hope the video card update actually fixed this problem, but it may happen again who knows?


Here's the pagepool memory trick. "FOR WINDOWS XP ONLY"

--- --- ---

Start Menu > Run > regedit

Surf down to this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Double click on "PagedPoolSize". Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the "Value Data" to one of these below:

(Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.)

Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal

192Mb 0c000000 201326592

256Mb 10000000 268435456

384Mb 18000000 402653184

I went with the 384Mb option

Once I was done I made sure to reboot my computer.

--- --- ---

Hope it helps~!

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