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    Purdue University
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  1. don't know if this has been posted http://www.ableton.com/frame/tips/2004_02 basically, if this works (I haven't tired it yet) you can record live audio with Reason! edit: tried it just now and it works perfectly! woohoo!
  2. ...where the hell is her music?
  3. it's all good guys, I got my misplaced order cancelled and my hoddie is on the way. So the rest of you just wait in line.
  4. question for leviathan: I placed 2 orders exactly 10 days ago, one I emailed to be cancelled, and the one I didn't cancel hasn't been shipped either. Both have 'pending' as their order status... Does it usually take this long?
  5. Heh, nub. not until I noticed that they never escape a grab... seriously the game's AI is godly and stupid at the same time. The best time to grab against the AI is when it is attacking, and you are not being hit by that attack. It does have some crazy abilities when it is just plain blocking, but it rarely breaks the throw if it is in action. haha I know how to play the game. I played a bunch of SC2 and had bi-weekly get togethers with 5 other friends on a regular basis. It's just damn frustrating when you throw in a 5 hit combo with mixups and the AI blocks them all flawlessly, but doesn't escape a simple A+G grab o_O||| godly and stupid is right about SC3s AI.
  6. Heh, nub. not until I noticed that they never escape a grab... seriously the game's AI is godly and stupid at the same time.
  7. currently...Soul calibur III computer AI is kicking my ass -"-
  8. thanks for your help
  9. leviathan, I placed an order recently under the account wu43@purdue.edu and I messed up. I meant to order a large only, and I think the cookies from before automatically put a medium in there that I had in my cart and I didn't notice. Do you think you can change that for me? I just placed the order a second ago. Thanks
  10. when are the next shipment of large hoodies coming in? Waiting
  11. We should just compile this into a guide or something.
  12. can you load those free SF2 samples (say squidfont orchestra) into the NN-XT of reason 3.0? I read earlier in the thread that VSTs wouldn't work in reason, or are they the same thing?
  13. wow good idea...I should've thought about that! I'm going to try it asap and I'll post back. THANKS!!
  14. Oh another question from me. I've been working with the orkester soundbank for a while. I love it! But I wonder if there's anyway to "multiply" the amount of violins playing a melody so it sounds like a group of violins (duh). Other than making 18 NN-XTs loading them all with VNS Long F and copy+paste the notes in sequencer.
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