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  • Real Name
    Pete Urquhart
  • Location
    The last best place


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  1. Seems we're on the level here. I've actually tried to play SH4 on several occasions, but it never grabbed my attention enough to stick it out. Same thing with Origins.
  2. More on upcoming Silent Hill: Revelation We have a Heather!
  3. I guess good ol fog isn't cool anymore.
  4. The next installment coming later this year Silent Hill: Downpour Lookin like another Homecoming... and without Yamaoka, how could it feel like Silent Hill?
  5. More news on the upcoming SH film sequel. Silent Hill: Revelations
  6. The film sequel has a confirmed director and will be in 3D. Silent Hill: Revelations I gonna have to say that I'm a little put off by the 3D decision. More than likely, it will be more of a gimmick than any sort of enhancement. Time will tell I suppose.
  7. It's one of the better ones, I admit.

    Happy to help!

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  8. Thanks for the heads up on Kino's Journey, dude. Very good shtuff

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  9. So, uhhhh... Third season of Black Lagoon... when the fuck?
  10. Freakin sweet! Can't get enough Mitsuda
  11. ModWar 2! Add me on PSN, yos. ID= Petara. oh yeah
  12. Absolutely beautiful ending.
  13. It's very rare when a tv show can do that to me, but after sticking with LOST from start to finish, I've found myself getting misty-eyed on more than one occasion per episode these days... Powerful would be one very good word to describe this show.
  14. FREE 10charcoals
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