I uploaded everything I could find of Disco Dan here:
If you have more, please e mail it to me, I'll add it.
Special: two 2008 Megaman songs- both 192kbits, BlueLightning and Hard Knuckles.
Mega Man:
Top Man Hot N Cold Mix (160)
Spark Man Code Red (160)
MagnetMan goes West (160)
HardMan HardKnuckles first mix (160)
GeminiMan All Around The World (160)
NeedleMan by Night (160)
bosscrap (128)
Gemini Man all around the World (192)
Get equipped with strobe light v1 (192)
and v2 (160)
Ice Man- Slippery when mixing (160)
Into the fray (159)
Metalman goes Clubbing (160)
BlueLightning v1 (96, OCR version)
BlueLightning v2 (160)
BlueLightning final 2008 (192)
Get Down (112)
Native Knight (128)
Needle Man by Night (192)
Spark Man Code Red (192)
Top Man Hot 'n' Cold (112)
Wily 3 Impendium (192)
Game Over Password (192)
Wily 3 Impendium (160)
Hard Man Hard Knuckles final 2008 (192)
Rapid Fire OC (128)
Bubble Man Funked Up (112)
Triforce Majeure (OCR, he won't make a new version)
Braving Tal Tal heights (same)
Donkey Kong Riptide