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  • Real Name
    Jonathan Condon

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio

J.L.Condon's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Very nice. I like the ambient feel of the song.
  2. I'm surprised that no one brought this mix up yet. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01646/
  3. Sign me up! The fact that Nobuo Uematsu is willing to remake his already well done songs makes them that much more awesome.
  4. I love your interpretation this song! I really hope this gets posted. Everything flows really nicely in this song. It is really smooth and relaxing, yet it maintains my interest. I really don't have anything to add so good job and good luck!
  5. Ok, so I think I see where everyone is coming from. I see that there is an originality that comes with the creation of your own sounds. However, what ever sound you use should fit your artistic vision for the song. I think my question is answered now. (My answered question)*1.28/ maximum rofl = end of thread ? Sorry about the math here. It's one of my weaker subjects....
  6. Ok, so I checked around and didn't see a thread about presets, which is surprising, given how many people bash others for using presets. One thing I've noted is that presets are looked down on by so many people. Presets are a useful short cut in creating songs and they save us time in creating our own synths, but when people use presets in a song, everyone jumps all over them. So, I'm wondering, why are presets frowned upon?
  7. Interesting. I looked for Ipod touch/ Ipad sequencers and music creators a month or two back. I didn't find much good, but this app looks really interesting. I'll have to look at this one. The other app for music which you should look at is the Apple Garage Band app (Ipad only) which is really amazing. I tried it out for a little and it is really cool. It has some great sounds and is pretty simple to use. The only catch with using it is that you record all of the instruments live, so keeping time is really key. It was 4.99 last I looked, but that may have changed. Even though It is not a sequencer, it is a neat alternative so check it out as well as the Koushion sequencing app. Amen to this. I agree totally.
  8. Hmmmmm.... Techno or Rock styles tend to be my preference, I also like some metal and some electronic styles also.

    I'm not sure of the exact genres, but I like 'em.

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  9. What kind of music do you like?

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  10. Ok, i'll try that. Thanks ;-)

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  11. I found this today. If you want more instruments and plugins definitely go here: http://free-plugin-list.com/

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  12. Ok, that would be cool. Thanks!

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  13. Please see below VM :-D

    My problem is I quickly lose interest and/or motivation and/or I simply forget my ideas...

    However, I am working on it, so I should be able to et something to you for you to hear

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  14. Here is version 5. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8934806/Shared%20Music/OCR%20submissions/V5.mp3 New in this version (V5): - Revamped the volume leveling and EQ - The last few things I found are tweaked - I have renamed the song "Ambient Exploration" At this point I am looking for suggestions on the volume and EQ as well as anything which sounds horribly out of place. If there are no further things to add then I will submit the song to Mod-review. If I think the project is finished I set the status to 'finished', right? Edit: I have at least One More Version coming because I discovered several things about the EQ I didn't know prior, SO Version 6 will have one more EQ update then on to Mod-review.
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