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  1. See how it turned out, did it come out good or not?
  2. I'm sorry again, I really confused myself, seeing the last two videos I saw that this is it, it happens that in the remix it is written that the original track is called 'Falcon' instead of 'Legends', that's why I got confused. Finally I'm finishing testing the hack here and so far everything is going well, soon I will post the link here.
  3. You should have seen a post that I had edited, actually I had put '4-06 Usa, siebensus4 - Facing the Storm (Reincarnation)', but now it's clear that the track missing a remix is 'Legend'. (And why Gedfrey ? )
  4. Oops, only now I realize, the names of the tracks are changed in the videos: In fact this is 'Reincarnation' theme: And this is 'Legends': So it's definitely 'Legends' that does not have a remix on 'SD3 - Song of Light and Darkness'.
  5. Facing the Storm is credited as remix of another tune: "Reincarnation": While listening to the remix I find it more like 'Legend' itself. And still about 'Legend', I explained it wrong, it's the flashback theme of when Kevin's werewolf friend is killed.
  6. One small note, in 'Songs of Light and Darknes!' does not have the 'Legend' track from Seiken Desentsu 3, so here in OCRemix there is some remix of this song that I can use in the MSU-1 project?
  7. Yes, the soundtrack was posted yesterday in the Zeldix forum, but the patch still has some bugs like lack of songs in some parts and the repetition of others when they shouldn't, but the people there are running to fix them and when everything is ready I will post here the link for everyone to enjoy, okay?
  8. I would like to put the wonderful 'Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness!' in the SNES MSU-1 project as one of the soundtrack options for this game, would I have your permission? All authors will be duly credited.
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