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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Brendan Bennett
  • Location
    A distant planet
  • Occupation
    Retail (aspiring game music writer)

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering

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  1. So I've been wanting to do this since I first saw Snail's House for the first time earlier this year. It was one of those things that I felt like I would have to get better at my music a great deal...let's just say my self-esteem wasn't that great at the time. Fast forward to now, and I saw a really silly video on YouTube called "How to sound like Snail's House" and was like "That's relevant to my interest!" So I tried it out, using some of the techniques as a template, and then writing my own tune with them. This is the result...and I gotta say I'm more excited about this than I ever have been about any music project before. I love the sound of mixing high quality synths with chiptune also...and it's definitely something I want to revisit again.
  2. A rework of a mix I did for a good friend of mine in recent years for his final animation project. I cleaned it up a lot and gave it some upgraded sounds. My good buddy Giles (aka GilesMan5000) made this epic background for it as well!
  3. Definitely my favorite original for the year so far. I like working on all the complex and technical stuff, sure, but sometimes it's nice to just have a bouncy happy springtime tune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9faRFMmpOk4
  4. Kind of an experimental minimalist midnight tune. https://youtu.be/cKOQfnNd0Rs
  5. I wrote this as a commissioned piece for my friend Gilesman5000 on YouTube. He's a very clever and funny English fellow and he's come to me to help him spruce up his channel with some music, and I was happy to oblige. I had a lot of fun working on this tune for his new background theme!
  6. This was done as a character theme commission and I'm very happy with how it turned out. After dealing with some personal inner turmoil, this was a very needed project to work on.
  7. Those are pretty sweet and easy to use. Thank you!
  8. UPDATE: Pleasantly surprised. IL was able to dig through their old files and find my legacy reg code. SL2 is back up and running! (disclaimer: not asking for a freebie - owner of license) So this is a slightly unusual request. Recently, I had some major file system problems with my computer after a power flicker. I formatted, and it's working much better now...but when I went to reinstall FL and Slayer2, I found that Image Line no longer supports S2, nor do they honor past purchases by letting you continue to download the unlocking reg code. Their reasoning is that it uses an "obsolete unlocking method" which to me sounds ridiculous. If I paid for it, I should be able to use it. Now I know some of you are probably thinking "ew, why slayer 2, it sounds so bad". Well, the plugin by itself does sound kinda bad, but I like using the FX portion of it as an amp for other samples to get new and interesting sounds. I use it in a lot of my projects, and as of right now, a lot of my projects are missing a key part of their arrangement. Anyway, to the point. If anyone happens to have a Slayer2 unlocking regcode, I would very much appreciate it. I don't think this constitutes piracy for 2 reasons: 1, I already have a license to use the software and 2, I'm pretty sure it's now under the umbrella of abandon-ware. ...also, if anyone happens to know of a comparable amp plugin which is free or inexpensive, that'd also be appreciated.
  9. Dude...this is like my favorite kind of rock. I don't know what you call it...crying guitar? I guess that's how I hear it...but damn, this is gorgeous to my eardrums.
  10. This is pretty cute and fun. It's kind of campy, but I imagine that's what you were going for. Silliness aside, it's got a good beat and a pleasing ambience to it. Nice job and keep up the good work.
  11. This project started off as a soundtrack for my friend Jack's senior 3D animation and rigging project, but after that version was finished, I decided to go back and work on it some more. I'm pretty damn satisfied with it and think it's one of my most polished works to date. And jack's animation project which totally deserves more views (and yes, a lot of it is inspired by Portal) NOTE: The version of my work in this video is not the same as the one above - it's an older and unfinished version.
  12. Some very interesting and insightful responses. Thanks everyone. I hadn't thought about before the intricacies of hardware compatibilities for PCs and can see why taking a mac might be a simpler (albeit more expensive) way to go. I think that the industry has Macs seeded deeply and it would be inconvenient for anyone to change due to complacency with the hardware and software.
  13. So, the other day I got into a rather...heated discussion with a friend of mine. She claims that PCs aren't as good as Macs for music and video production, saying that the price is warranted because Macs put better components for such things in their machines. Now...I'm a diehard PC user; I've always enjoyed the customization that you can have with PCs and how you can upgrade parts if needed...even build one custom which I have recently. I just want to know if anyone has experience working with both, and if there is any merit to my friend's claim. I didn't dismiss her claim entirely because she and her husband have worked in the recording business for ~20 years and they said that from experience, Macs are better for the job. I'm of the opinion that a PC can do anything that a Mac can if the proper components are installed. Any thoughts from the community? Also, hi! Been a while since I dropped in here
  14. I just did Molten Core last night as part of the 10 year anniversary. Oh man...all of the nostalgia...all of the feels! It felt so epic to actually -fight- Ragnaros again, instead of just kill him in 10 seconds...and in a 40 man raid no less! I was honestly expecting it to be boring and tedious, but the whole time I felt so giddy and nostalgic.
  15. ...has ended, but if you didn't make it, fret not. There's still a compo every Thursday @ 9:00pm EST / 6:00pm PST. The following links are still relevant. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/OHC300 irc.esper.net/#thasauce All mixers are welcome to join in, as always. THIS...IS...COMPO!!
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