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    Anchorage, AK

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  1. I have always been a fan of Darkesword's mixes and this piece just reaffirms that fact. I will agree with his own assessment that MP3 just didn't hold true with the way MP1 and MP2 were composed with a more electronic feel to it this is how it should sound. Man another quality mix for sure.
  2. I have to say I grabbed this way back when it first popped out and loved it ever since, but because of a freak computer accident(small children and the 'Delete' button) I no longer have it and I am grabbing it again. I would also like to point out that friends of mine who didn't know it was music originally from a video game loved the collection. I can't praise this enough. I am of the nintendo generation and Metroid and LoZ have been my favorite games since I first bought my nintendo. All I need now is a LoZ project which if I remember in one of the forums it is already underway I can die a happy man.
  3. I don't post much on mixes but I felt compelled to post on this one. I have never really been a fan of heavy metal but I grew up with it and I can appreciate it none the less and this is really good. I really would like to hear what thisguy has in store for next time.
  4. I felt compelled to comment on this piece in that it is one of the best I have heard in a while. I am a product of the 80's in a manner of speaking and hearing the guitar/metal brought back many memories. Awesome mix, now if only someone can do that to Cyan's theme I would be in heaven. Also before anyone comments yes I did request it, a few times, but I know everyone does what they want and I certainly can't do it so I am not going to get belligerent about it. I just have to bide my time and pray for someone to hear my plea. :hint: :hint: :just kidding:
  5. I find it funny. I am presently in Oman on Business and when I hooked my laptop up and went to OCR I saw a new mix of Xenogears (awesome game) and downloading it, not realizing that it was going to pair where I am presently. I find that very interesting and very disconcerning at the same time. I am half tempted to burn it and play it for some locals to see what the vocals are actually saying.
  6. hopefully this is it. YAY it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. This should work but probably not.
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