I'll try to be a bit more intuitive than the last review poster.
Although Mario music is my strong suit, I've dabbled in Sonnic enough to like it. Also, along with Mario and Zelda, Sonic remixes are among the toppest in quality on the site. But enough of that.
To be objective, at 00:10 I was prematurely wondering if the mix was going anywhere. But at about 00:40 when the drums kick in, I got into it more. The mix has a nice steady rise and an equally pleasing decline at the end, with all instruments coming in on their cues. Is the mix repetative? Yes, a little? Is it monotonous? No, I don't think so. The patches are good enough, and their interface with eachother is implemented well enough, so that the mix, though not pulling much in the way of surprise and improvization, has a nice steady run.
Overall rating: 4/5