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*NO* Chrono Cross 'Under Cerulean Skies' *RESUB*


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1st RESUB: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43650

Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42476

Your ReMixer name: Ivan Hakštok

Your e-mail address:

Your userid: 43292

Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Cross

Name of arrangement: Under Cerulean Skies

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Another Termina

Link to the original soundtrack:

Your own comments about the mix: This mix was rejected a few weeks ago, the old decision thread is here, the source breakdown is also in there: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43650

I re-recorded the guitars, and changed some stuff with the mixing. The out-of-tune bell synth was somehow caused by FM synthesis. It didn't bother me as much as the judges but I went and replaced the sound with something more simple :)


Edited by Liontamer
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The arrangement's still on point, and I broke it down last time, so I didn't feel the need to elaborate on it.

Not that this is bad, but I was probably too nice the first time around. I definitely hear the changes made, but the cohesion isn't there in terms of the textures, mainly IMO because the snare pattern plods.

The drumkit sounded pretty flimsy on the whole, and there were portions where the snare pattern felt plodding with the rest of the track seeming empty, e.g. 1:47-2:00, 2:21-2:38.

:47 or 1:11 would have been a good place to add some easy variation the drum pattern; in other words, doing it earlier than 1:36.

The guitar at :23 lacked bite & presence compared to the percussion. Maybe have it enter louder and then drop it back to the level it's currently at from :35-on when the lead guitar arrives.

In any case, making the percussion sound more powerful and less static & plodding would both help in lifting this up to where it needs to be. Don't be discouraged. It might not be able to pass, but it IS a promising track. See if you can further improve it, but if you'd rather move on, you've already shown you know how to get tracks passed, and this shouldn't drag you down.

NO (resubmit)

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This track has some great qualities, and the arrangement works, but it has just enough production issues to hold it back. Larry's right about the plodding snare, it feels plodding because the timbre doesn't really fit, it's too snappy. The kick has too much high-end click also, making the kick stick out too much. The guitars by contrast feel like they don't have enough presence, they are loud enough but somehow don't cut through the mix that well, they almost sound low-passed compared to the synths. The synth work sounds good, it is mixed better and more cleanly than the guitars are.

I agree with Larry there are some parts of the arrangement that feel too empty, like 1:35-2:00. The phasing on the guitar at 2:52 seems a bit cheesy, sorry to say.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Kristina's comments on the drums are very useful, and I'll elaborate on those. The kick is all click, not enough thump. The snare sounds quite dull and needs the same mid/high end boost that the kick has. Those drums are a big problem when so much of the track rests on it. I really recommend doing an A-B comparison with say, one of OA's songs and see if you can get the guitars and drums to sound more like that. Pay close attention to the higher frequency ranges, I think your mix is lacking there.

Overall, an improvement over the last version though. The 1:35 section sounds better, and I think the arrangement is rock solid. There's just not enough bite here because of the production.

NO (resubmit)

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