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Mother 3 - Girl's Room (Remix)

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Hello, this is a remix (or something like that) of "Girl's Room". This VGM appears in Mother 3 and it was a really short one and it looped after a while. Here is my remix of this VGM. https://soundcloud.com/cyber3000studios/mother-3-girls-room-remix I hope that you will enjoy it. I would be proud if you can give me a feedback. :D It is just a WIP.

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[X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source


[X] Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range)


[X] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough)

[X] Too repetitive

[X] Too short


Nice to see a Mother 3 remix. Lots of good source material in that game. Anyway, I'm really no expert, but I think you could use a little more variation. I liked the intro you had, but "Girl's Room" is such a short and repetitive song, you need to change it up a little more in your remix. As far as your production quality, I can't help much with that. I hope other people will provide feedback. Good luck!

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Right off the bat, the guitar is fake (FL Slayer is just not good, honestly), mechanically sequenced, and just not a good tone. It's not your fault, it's because of the VST quality itself. Also, the panning supersaw is pretty weird because it's very fast; why not have it at about a quarter the speed? It's dizzying as-is on headphones.

FPC drums, it seems like. The drums, combined with the guitar and the bass (BooBass? Sytrus?) create a pretty muddy result overall. Did you do any EQ or change any velocity timings or magnitudes? The instruments seem to not fit together at all, and everything sounds computerized.

And I know it's a WIP, but it felt looped or repetitive.

Overall, it's just lacking in cohesion (incompatible instruments), sample quality (fake guitar, fairly unprocessed drums), sequencing (mechanical), humanization (not present), production (muddy), arrangement flow (repetitive), and interpretation (not very personalized). I think you should get to know your VSTs better in FL and practice how to use specific ones more than others. But I think you should avoid FL Slayer and Boo Bass, because those are the most obviously fake instruments in FL. And I like using FL. :) Don't get frustrated though, because it sounds like you've just started. We've all started here, pretty much.

Edited by timaeus222
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Something that I think you can do right away (instead of learning for a while and doing it after that) is try switching out the instruments that are supposed to be more realistic and using alternate ones that are easier to work with.

The hard way is to learn how to play those instruments in a theoretical or actual way, and recognize what's fake about those instrument samples you have and how to either work with those to hide the fakeness or work with commercial (not-free) samples to emulate the real thing more seriously.

This would be a helpful read for EQ, in my opinion.

Edited by timaeus222
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