Well well well, this is a rad track. I did go back and find the judge's decision to see more about what they were saying despite not have hearing the previous version.
Here is my breakdown on source usage:
0:01-0:46 source
0:47-0:54 source
0:55-1:25 multiple sources
1:26-2:33 multiple sources with variation and additions on each repeat
2:38-2:41 source interpretation
**2:42-3:19 original material inspired by sources**
3:20-4:03 interpreted source
4:04-4:11 original build
4:12-4:26 source
4:27-4:36 source
276 seconds total
183 seconds of source without interpretation
229 seconds with interpretation
This should be enough usage to get you over that hump that was mentioned previously. I do notice that things return or loop a few times, but you do vary up each return so that it's not the exact same thing playing again (which is good). I.e. Adding a different instrument, rhythm, or melodic variation. You manage to keep the arrangement fresh and it changes right when it needs to, especially with a 10 second source to utilize. Production is solid throughout. My only nitpick is 2:27-2:33 gets a bit too busy to really be clear with all of the parts going on at the same time. Considering it was just a quick spot of that it's not a deal breaker for me, just would like to point it out as it could lead to issues if there was more.
Overall, very nice track. I dug this quite a bit, and would love to see this passing. Good luck on your resub!