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Tasogare No Kin Ryu

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  • Location
    West Virgin I A
  • Occupation
    Perspective Concept Writer, Probable Program Designer

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Alrighty then, I go by the Gold Dragon of Twilight (Its in Jap.), and I suppose that I should post here to ensure that my already fragile personality isn't further crushed by my lack of competence... Oh well... This is the first time I have ever [EVER!!!] used a forum in my life, and I was hoping I could at least come here to share my time with some fellow video game enthusiasts. I am completely clueless on a lot of the abbreviations that are used freely around here, like the "pwed" that was in response to my first post. Is there any def of the thing, and I have used a search engine and get some kind of government bill... I dunno... I guess I'm obligated to talk a little about myself as well. As you can see from my sig, I am a perspective concept designer for video games, and am presently in college to pursue my lifelong dream of creating them myself. I come to the forums to look for the present consumer outlook and see what people want and don't want in a game nowadays. I was first into'ed to OCRemix by Terra in Black, and now I come back on a regular basis for inspiration (Thank you Beatmainia 2DX 'Kick your A' and Wild Arms 'Not Alone in the World' for inspiring C.O.P.E.) Presently I am here to find a way to manipulate the course of forum conversations to further my market research of those who actually play games. Hardcore Gamers like myself... Which brings me to a question. Would anyone know where or if I should post a topic on the current state of Japan? I know that some of the members here have to be from Japan or at least visited before, and I want to know what its like to live there from a natural source... I can get plenty of technical stuff from the net, but I want personal Exp. and real opinions. Its needed for a work I have in progress... I have no pen pals, I fear chat rooms like the plague, and I missed my chance to go there myself my Junior Year of HS over a stupid Passport!!! But anyways, does it belong under politics and economy or is that a General type message? And to conclude (DANG! Every Time he Writes it's a BOOK!!) I'd just like to say: 1. I'm just about as Anti-American as a person in the Marines can be... (He's not in the Military, he just grew up with a bunch of Jar-Heads) 2. I'm just about as black as Vanilla Ice cruisin' down MLK Blvd. in a Caddy with Hydrolics. (Give it up man, now you're trying too hard...) 3. I'm obsessed about video games, and I hope that with positive input from others on this forum, I can help make someone's console dream become a reality. (Man, you were just saying that so you could have a round three remarks) And finally, the person in the Parentheses is usually Mike... He'll keep us on the same page when necessary. © 2004. Why Is He Still Writing! Publishing Co.
  2. Forum Newbie Alert!!!Be Warned, and Be Very Afraid! I’d be surprised if no one indicated Star Ocean 2 yet. It’s the only game out there that I know of that you are almost obligated to find the secret area of the game to level high enough just to take the final boss… Sure, at level 110 or so, Indelacio is a cinch, but there is no way you can get that on the robots in Fineal. The real challenge is when you decide that you are going to max out the difficulty, and take on Filia upgraded Indelacio on Universe. Yes, I did try the angel in the dungeon and for some reason she was way easier on Universe than Normal… But Universe difficulty Filia-Indelacio is Stinking MAD LUDICROUS!!! They give no creature in the game Combat Casting (he has the ability to start chanting a spell while still running from you) until him at this point, and with over 300000 MP, it’s going to be a long while until your done dealing with his grand waves. I never saw a normal item break until that battle, after so long, equipment just starts wearing out. FCOL! No enemy should take over two hours to chase down and smack with a Mirror Slice. Bunny shoes, Angels Armlet, Levantine Sword and all… I did it with Claude at level 231, but I’m sorry, two hours in one battle is just irrational… But now, I’m level 250 with my main crew, and I still can’t beat the Angel in the Trumpet on Universe… The only reason I beat her on Normal was because I forgot to save before playing it right after killing the first angel… When a boss has auto-kill on touch regardless of equipment, even when you’re all max level, I think that Qualifies as being the most difficult boss known to humanity!!! Also, I’d like to see someone beat Super Metroid’s Ridley with No Energy Tanks, No Screw attack, the Space Jump, 1 Missile Pack, 1 Super Missile Pack, 1 Power Bomb Pack, and a Charge beam (which wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for Botwoon in Meridia…) Mother Brain simply cant be done without the E-Tanks, so Ridley is the last challenge…
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