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Everything posted by PLBenjaminZ

  1. i'ma noob so um... who's that lol... and anyone know where i can find nice (and possibly free ) 'orchestralish-like' vocal samples? i've been looking for good ones for a while now and i can't seem to find any
  2. damn i haven't been on my computer for like 10 days because the power supply for my computer went out and i didn't bother to get it replaced oh well i was too busy to do anything anyway. i skimmed through the six pages i missed since my last post and suprisingly found nothing relevant lol... if theres something important i missed leme know, thanks so i finally had time to work on something today, but i didn't really get any good ideas, so i just played around with the piano and threw something together... http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/plbenjaminz/denadoroclimb.mp3 <- Right Click Save As Please i screwed up and theres no way it'll fit in 2min 30secs so uhhhh... i just started adding bullshit in it... time to start over? lol... oh well the holidays are coming up so i'll have a lot of time to work on my scenes then i also added stuff to the lavos one a week ago but i didn't post it so... yeah i updated it http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/plbenjaminz/The_Final_Battle.mp3 <- Same thing as up there just a note, i'm gonna add some whole other section before that last part comes in, so like the order is all messed up right now, that last part is supposed to be when chrono starts to head toward lavos for the final strike; i just started that part and after i finish that i still have to do the part before it and then the escaping crap >_> whatever, okay time to sleep, one more day of school til thanksgiving break
  3. well I'm no English major, but isn't it kind of redundant? iono whatever I'll just shhut up now eDiT: that could work lol...
  4. sounds like your talking about that part in Chrono Cross where you see Chrono, Marle and Lucca... where they went over all that BS (in my opinion) about the worlds lost because they changed time lol... waaah this word is 'way too big' for a simple minded person like me... >_< I like the C and T effect though; what about Time? Chronicles of Time? xD Chronicles of Fate? Changing Fate? I dunno, I just don't like that word Tesseract lol...
  5. wow 'Mr twat' (jk ), I'll admit that I didn't really like yours when you just started started but now it's sounding really nice. some problems in my opinion; I think the build up in the beginning takes a little too long, and the processing of the Oboe sample you used (or Clarinet, whatever it is xD) needs to be worked on a little bit but, it's obviously still a WIP so, you'll probably fix that. Again, just my opinion... eDiTed eDiT: oh yeah, I just listened to what you had again and I think at around 1:52 there is a wrong note there... not sure if you wanted it to go like that but it sounds kind of awkward (sp?) to me. Meh awkward is an awkward word. I think everything else sounds great! I especially like the strings towards the end of what you have so far. Keep it up! as for my pieces, I can't really find any time to work on them right now... too much homework, and I currently have a temporary mind block to my creative flow... Oh well, I'll get around to it soon.
  6. yaay veteran's day! = days off from school! now i can finally get started on my scene ----------------------------------------------- eDiT: okay so I worked on my scene like all afternoon and I'm hella tired now; I kind of ran out of brain power on what to do with this song for today so I'm going to sleep (I gotta get some rest because I have to go fail my driving test tomorrow ) here's what I got so far (pretty much just the beginning): http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/plbenjaminz/The_Final_Battle.mp3 *Right Click/Save As Please* hope ya like it... the base drum in the slow section is SUPPOSED to represent a pulsing heart-beat but I don't know how to make it sound like that yet lol... let me know what you guys think of it so far, and tell me if I need to make changes in the style or just start over... (I'm not sure if it fits the guidelines on what instruments can/cannot be used, and how it's arranged) thanks oh yeah, and I just switched to using Cubase because the other program I used was 'gay' and it would literally take me four hours to do one hours worth of work, so I'm like n00b at this program; still finding out how to work it lol... and how are you supposed to do crescendos with samples ....one more thing... if no one is planning on taking Scene 10 (Mt. Denadoro Climb), I'd like to take that scene as well. I think it would be better if I worked on two mixes at the same time because it gets annoying listening to one song over and over and over and over again. okay nite
  7. lol... sounds a lot like what i was trying to say three pages ago
  8. ohh sweet, I'd like to take Scene 23 *goes back to doing homework* eDiT: okay i just went through the thread and i saw sephire wanted to do the ones i randomly picked because i didn't get what i wanted so i guess i'll drop scene 10 as well and let ellywu2 take them and yeah, i'm very very very happy now, thanks emperor another edit: i was going to say i wanted 9 still but nevermind actually i'll just drop scene 9, 10, and 11, and just wait until everyone's picked before selecting another one (wow i changed scenes like 497 times today sorry lol) and i see Claado Shou is constantly hard at work keeping everything updated on the first page, keep it up (and sorry for editing this post literally 14 times LoL)
  9. nah i'll just let scene 11 go so that i can focus more on improving scenes 9 and 10 someone else can do scene 11, i'm pretty sure someone would like that, and it gives more options open to the people who haven't even picked yet yeah i was like 'holy crap' after i looked back on what i planned, and when i came up with 'this can't fit in 2 minutes!' i decided to write that long post
  10. yeah i think i went overboard on my post, in short all id really like to know is what part you want to emphasize in the music for scene ten and eleven... that's a shame because all of those scenes have a lot of potential for great remixes/arrangements I came up with this for those particular scenes: My Plan for Scenes 9-11 (Rough Draft) *Right Click / Save As* Please and all those ideas just don't fit into the fixed amount of time pretty much what i'm thinking is that scene 10 and 11 should be split into three scenes instead of just two because remixing the fight versus masa and mune would just be awesome oh well maybe i'm asking for too much, i'll guess just have to work with the time you listed yeah i totally agree with this, it does give it a challenge, which makes it all the more fun sorry for trying to make a big deal out of it
  11. get ready for long post time! Okay... *attempts to transform into a smart person* ... I’ve been having a problem with planning on how to arrange music for these scenes… I believe that the script doesn’t go along very well with the music OST time restraints that have been planned; the estimated times for the songs seem incorrect to a great extent. For example, in Scene’s ten and eleven, there is large amount of events which take place that I’m sure cannot be fit into a time span of only four minutes and thirty seconds (unless they talk super fast and A LOT of emotional charge is taken out). These events include climbing the Denadoro Mountains while Marle is hurt (and this part of the script is pretty long, by the way), meeting Masa and Mune, actually fighting them, followed by the two transforming into ‘Masamune’, fighting a bit more, then talking some more. Then, they are taken out of the Denadoro Mountains by wind to where Frog is located, the Frog vs. Chrono w/ Masamune part on the bridge is shown, Masamune talks to Frog, and Frog demonstrates the Masamunes power. As I already said, I don’t believe all these events can be shown in a mere four minutes and thirty seconds without dumping out a lot of emotional charge. I’ve been thinking about this, and I have come up with a proposition… I think that we should change the format of how the OST should be done. I think we should just create fully extended versions of our remixes/arrangements and ignore the time restraint. The project should be done so that it can adapt to the emotional charge the movie intends to portray. Why? First of all, I think several of the given time restraints are not proportional to the actual amount of time in the script, once again as already mentioned. Also, I believe that by doing it this way, the music can adapt to changes in script (and I believe there should be many changes in the script by the way). Another reason I believe ignoring time constraints is it would make this project a lot easier on the people remixing/rearranging the music. Basically what I mean in the previous paragraph is that I’m not particularly fond of the script as it currently is, and even if we were to correct the time restraints given to something reasonable, it would be a pain in the ass for everyone to rework their arrangement due to a change in script. The reason why I brought this up is because we haven’t really started the remixing stage yet, and can still effectively make changes to the structure of how this project should be done without any unnecessary work (working on a remix for a long time and then finding we need to start over…). I think we should do this project by remixing the many songs in Chrono Trigger individually, with variations of certain songs if need be. For example, I planned on doing two different variations of Frog’s Theme in the scenes I selected; the first to introduce Frog as he was “kicking Zombor’s ass”, and the second variation to play while Frog was demonstrating the Masamune’s power. The reason I came up with this is because while reading the script to plan out what I wanted to do, I found myself going through too many transitions in songs in order to fit the mood.It shouldn’t be the remixer’s problem to adapt the music to the scene, at least not until the movie is actually being made, complete with a reworked and mastered script. I don’t think the movie is even going to be made anyway (at least not anytime soon). We should just enjoy creating remixes/arrangements in an orchestrated manner, and not worry about the music fitting with the script. *reverts back to retarded self* damn i'm out of power to go super saiyen AAAaaAaNyWaYz i wrote WAAaAaay tOOo much! i have more to say but i have to go to church now so if i still remember what i want to say by the time i get back i’ll bring it up. Sorry if what i wrote doesn’t even make sense, i typed it kind of quickly
  12. I'd like to take this one as well, since that would make my three songs in conjunction with each other, and, in total, would only mount up to 8:30 anyway. ...and that's it for now I guess now to look at the script and plan exactly how I want do it.
  13. I was under that impression as well... and we are arranging the music according to what is happening in the script, correct?
  14. i hate these short replies but, yes please =) and I edited my post on page 16, I'd like this scene as well...
  15. yeah i was thinking about that too and i wanted to use the Boss Battle theme but I couldn't figure out how to transition into the frog theme... maybe I'll take that as well
  16. MEHHHHHHHHHHH I WOKE UP EARLY FOR NOTHINNNNG (its 9 here) LoL i didn't want it cuz it's dark, i wanted it cuz its like battle haha i wanted to do some like sick-ass Final Boss orchestral theme, oh well i'ma go look in the ost for something else i might like =( eDiT: Okay ill take
  17. aahh crapp I think you made it a little early Lol but i want Scene 23 as well =p I already got it planned an everything I was thinking of using the Lavos' Theme, World Revolution, the Last Battle, and maybe a little of the 2nd Boss Battle Theme for it. I also wanted to do a remake of Scene 3 with a sort of kick ass marching style to it, but DarkeSword already did it. waaah Maybe I'll just take some leftovers =p and yeah you didn't even double post because Emperor posted 4 minutes early Lol
  18. okay maybe shopping didn't take the whole day Yeah I feel ya, especially now that I've got like ten or so hours worth of spare time on my hands... I already know what scene I want to do, and since I've got a lot of time, so I guess I'm just gonna start working on it and just hope no one takes it...
  19. haha I just didn't expect it to be a candidate for the main theme because I only made it to get in... i didn't even think I was gonna be accepted but yeah I think the other candidates did a much better job because: 1. their samples are much better 2. their just a lot more experienced I guess I'll just leave it in 'the race' and see how it fares, and if people like it I'll complete/revise/master it(theres a lot of little things I messed up like around 0:36 messed up chords and crappy sounding trumpets just after that, etc.) oh well time to go run three miles, work out, go to the dentist, then go shopping the whole day (YAY!) lol...
  20. meh, i didn't even finish mine, why is it contending for the title theme I couldn't think of any good names, so I'll just call it "Determined", since I was 'determined' to audition so I sent that in lol...
  21. ohh sweet accepted lol yea my name is Preston Lee Benjamin Bautista Samoranos (I am cursed with a thirty-five letter name) but I go by Ben. err name of the song, "CT AUDITION"? i'll get back to you on that... gotta go, won't be home 'til tonight.
  22. hey people i'm like new here but ooomg i soo wanna work on this project but i just read this thread like 6 hours ago and i won't even be home until like night time tomorrow~ so for the past 6 hours i've been throwing some crap together in an attempt to make an audition piece lol i didn't even finish it cuz i'm hella sleepy, gotta wake up at 5 in the morning to go run =p oh well here's my attempt at an audition piece: "Hey I Tried" or "teh1daycrap.mp3" *Right Click / Save As* Please, Thanks (i don't even know if what i did meets the audition requirements; it's not even a remix,it's just a complete rip off the original with a touch of my style, and it's really short, but hey, gotta try right?) eDiT: *reads the first post in topic* damnit uhhhhhhh can I use piano in the beginning?
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