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Everything posted by Spotnick

  1. Bye, and have a good holiday, so see you in a week! ...Just wonder what's happening with the other remixes...
  2. I've got a feeling that it's quite dead on internet today, 'cause of the holidays and personally I'm not quite good on remixing, or mixing. But I think you should make some upgrades with the bass, more powerful, and more epic feeling should be great in the overall but I don't know anything in detail. Keep working and go for it...
  3. Naa, maybe a little to simple... Kriby isn't simple you know? Make the kirby Remixproject in same way as the original Kirby-logo. I know nearly how to do it, if you don't know how to...
  4. Good thing, Darangen. Yes, do so. But maybe add some more effects and more layers of music. Hot it up a bit, you know Maybe you should do some parts that not follows the original melody that much, if you understand. Some parts that sticks out and also make the original melody more intresting, but I you're owning me on this kinds of remixes (all other kinds of remixes too, but we can hide that unnecessary parts for now ) and I know you will do a great job. Keep it up! (...I think i'm repeating that too much now! )
  5. Nice man, a little late but it will do. I'll son be hearings it... 85% 90 % 95%... Pling! Let's see... Heard the last WIP, quite much same so long... The last one rocked so let's see how much new you have It's still on the soft part in the beginning... Feh! That's new is amazing Just maybe add something in the beginning, 'cause it maybe is a little too slow and ... (something, english please? ). Whatever, add a little more except for the choir. About 1:37 when it rises a bit. Maybe put a little more in the background, and for now: Do the things you do, and we will hear a miracle!
  6. Hehe, I'm still downloading your song Darangen and I already have high thoughts And you missed the deadline by 15 minutes ;P ...Now I'm listening... A little much noise in the background but that will be fixed ofcourse And the piano... yeah, you said it But guitars and a piano is a funny combination My tip, cause the mix is very happy, try to find something else than a distorted guitar, maybe somekind of flute, harmonia or maybe if that wouldn't fit just an acoustic guitar. Quite nice and it have potential, keep "jobbin'"
  7. How many hasn't uploaded any WIPs? My instict sais that many hasn't... Am I right, and in which case, will the ones get kicked and backups will get to work?
  8. Yeah, know that Hadyn but thanks. Just thought it was good to introduce myself My musicstuff is all crap Don't waste time listening to it Or, maybe if you like to laugh
  9. I love Kirby too, so if anyone need help with something, just post here. I'm not very good at anything quite necessary for a remixproject really, but maybe i could help. At least i have photoshop elements 2, I'm not super but I know some things, I know some html-coding, for the web but im not very good there either, and i have FL studio Express version I know it's "n00biesh" but it was bundled with my hardware... Whatever, hope I can help with something and I hope this will be great! Keep working!
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