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Everything posted by Raulimus

  1. Well I finally got one by the very nice, and very cool CapnHulk. Vegeta and Terry= my sn VegetaBogard1658. So I'm happy now.
  2. Ok cool, saved it as JPG using paint, and now it's on my page. Very cool stuff, and thanks again Capn. Take it easy.
  3. Well it's on photobucket now, but I still need to convert it to JPG. Gots no clue how to do that one being as I have no photo editing programs.
  4. I was gonna just put it on my geocities page, but when I try to save it, it'll only save as a bmp. I don't know how I would make it into a jpg so that I could it upload it. Any solutions?
  5. Awesome Cap thanks a lot man. Looks hella sweet.
  6. Ok capn sounds good. thanks. btw i like the new sig, cooler picture of cap.
  7. hey capnhulk im seein lots of happy people with your work. any chance i could get one with vegeta and terry bogard along with my name and my aim sn "VegetaBogard1658". if not thats cool, figured id ask. thanks
  8. Alriiight awesome it worked coolness!!! thanks endblink your info was perfect. hmmm but now my question is, how does one go about getting the sigs to look all snazzy with the names on it and such?? im guessing with photoshop and stuff. am i right??
  9. Hello everyone, Raulimus here and I'm a newbie to the forums, actually to any forums. The site is awesome, the forums are really nice and helpful and the music here is fantastic. Hmm love games, anime, cartoons, figures and that sort of stuff. Hit me up on AIM at VegetaBogard1658, or make me a friend on Battle.net "Raulimus". I also have my blog at 1Up.com under "KokiriKid84". Fighting games and RPGs are mostly my favorite, but my friend just got me into shmups and I'm loving them mainly any Gradius and Ikaruga. (Please lemme know if you recommend any other good ones) Well I guess that's it for me, I hope to have a sig soon. Stay cool, later.
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