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Patrick Burns

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Status Updates posted by Patrick Burns

  1. A WIP of Faron Woods you made just popped up on my iTunes -- calmly creative stuff, I like it a lot.

  2. Hello Sam. I love listening/viewing your creations. I heard some of your chiptunes some years back, and I really miss the fm1, fm2, ... etc., ones. I've searched everywhere but can't seem to locate them. Do you still host them by any chance? I'd love to hear one of them in particular again -- it's been some time but I can still hum the beginning of it.

  3. I just wanted to say, again, that Abandoned is absolutely wonderful. The Diplomat, Minus One, and Closed-Eyed Astronomy are my personal favs. Your arrangements flow so smoothly. Thank you thank you

  4. Thanks for the compliments, man.

  5. Thanks, I appreciate that

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