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Posts posted by Wicked

  1. Wow. Listening to this mix was surreal. I mean, if you had told me this was an Earthworm Jim 2 remix I would have checked the phone books for the nearest asylum. I have to say that no mix is perfect and I can find a couple gripes with it. Don't get me wrong on the vocals, I love them. They're up there with the best, quite possibly, the best. However, I felt they wavered a little. It's a great voice but it sounds like it could get some more polish and be outstanding. If he doesn't already, DB should take some vocal lessons. He'd benefit greatly from them.

    As far as the rap goes, it fits in quite well. It makes me think of maybe a collab between U2 and Snoop Dogg. I bet that'd really kick ass. Anyway, the rap is done really well but I have to say that every time I listen I wince really bad on the word "fervorous." It's the way he REALLY enunciates each syllable that bothers me. I think on that particular word, less is more. heh

    Don't take my griping as disliking the song. On a scale of ten, it'd be at least a 9.5 easily. I'm just making a suggestion here and there to help improve those little nuances that prevent the mix from being that perfect ten. Well done.

  2. I already posted once on this one but one good turn deserves another, especially since I still can't stop listening to this damn song. I can't explain why I like it so much. I love how the electronic and orchestral parts are so distinctly apart from each other...but so together. What's so messed up is now I can't possibly imagine hearing this song without both. Just orchestral or just electronica doesn't cut it anymore. If I were gay, I'd very much like to have sex with the remixers solely based on my opinion of this remix. However, I'm not, so you'll just have to settle for a friendly handshake. Actually, that's not really possible either. Oh well. A smiley face must do. :)

  3. Hmm...this song makes me think of something but I can't pin it down. I agree with some of the judges that the production quality should have been brought up even if it was intentionally done this way. I think I'd enjoy it more if it just sounded clearer for me. Not that I don't now. It just bugs me a little.

    Either way, it looks like Shnabubula is 3/3 on OC Remix and has a place in my heart. He could make the song equivalent of Gigli and still get my nod because he showed Secret of Evermore love. I don't see that happening, however. Great work and whatever pill you're taking with your milk and cookies before bed, don't you ever stop taking them.

  4. Yo everyone. Yet another new guy. I go by the name Wicked, as you can see. I've been hanging around OCremix since 2003 but never really cared to visit the message boards. I have enough of them bookmarked already but now that I'm half interested in remixing, I figured I might as well start participating. I'm sure everyone and their mom is interested in remixing on THIS board, though. Chances are I'll never make a remix just because I seem to have the worst grasp on all of the software. I've downloaded the demos for Fruity Loops and Reason and looked at what was there, tried messing around with it for a while but came up empty-handed. I'm planning on ordering the FL Producer's Edition when I start doing a little budget here in the next few days so maybe I'll have more luck when the SOB actually has a tutorial.

    If I ever need help, I'll call on you guys. I've got some great ideas for remixes that I'd love to share with you, two in particular. I can play them in my head forever but until I learn how to get them on computer, it'll drive me nuts.

    Anyway, it's a pleasure to join the site and hopefully I won't come off as a lame newb (and if I do, hopefully not for very long).

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