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Posts posted by Compyfox

  1. Okay... is Wallet better?

    Sofar...nothing new from Musiclab. Those peeps sure dissapoint me. They swore on their webpage that they'll announce RG2 at NAMM, but I guess it's another one of those "delays" again.

    Then again... I'm glad that Steinberg didn't announce SX4. If they did, and it has less to offer than Sonar/Logic/Samplitude, then I'd ask myself why I even bought this shitty sequencer. And that since 1995.

  2. Santa's late, but the money I got for x-mas went into new stuff anyway. The package is on it's way and it includes the "Steinberg Waldorf Edition".

    Also known as a pack of the following Waldorf Plugins/Instruments:

    - Waldorf PPG Wave 2.v

    - Waldorf Attack

    - Waldorf D-Pole

    Would have loved to get a "hardware version" (Microwave for the Terratec EWS64) but what the heck. Sound from the 80ies/90ies... here I come. If I still have some money left for my b-day, I guess I'll either get Wusikstation, Siedlaczek Collection and/or a mbSID. Who knows... who knows...


    Only a couple of hours after I wrote this I got a nice little parcel... in it: "The Waldorf Edition". So much for a new little "toy". ;)

  3. I'd talk about your VG Frequency replacement shows, but I'll save that ammo for another battle.

    Crimson Moon wore only "once" the tag "VGF: Crimson Moon" (which was the beta show) and I had permission to do a show at Larry's slot. Not to mention that this was a testrun for Larry to do shows via a different system than the WMRE studios. You can ask him and he'll confirm that. But this is not an issue here.

    And yeah... internet sure is serious bussiness. Maybe I should start a livejournal about that. ;)

  4. Wow... OCR has turned into a kindergarden. You say something, you stand to your own opinion and get flamed to hell.

    I'm so proud of you, Steve.

    And I stick to it - like it or not:

    VGDJ is only VGDJ if Aurora and Rayza do the show. Else it's not VGDJ. It's as if VGF is without Larry Oji... is it still VGF? I guess not.

    But sure... go ahead - do whatever you have to do. Nobody forces me to listen, and nobody forces me to give any support (which also counts to the torrents).

    Again... two tumbs up...

  5. Isn't the poly evolver kinda old? I played on that thing last year already. And modular synthesis modules are just not my thing.

    Speaking of the SH-201. If you say "controller". Don`t tell methis devil (with a JP8080 included) will only cost around 300bucks. If so, maybe even I decide to get one, but my "purse" will hate me for that for sure.

  6. So much about my interest being focused on "Steinberg":


    Steinberg announced "Wavelab 6" at this winter NAMM. The most interesting upgrade might be a new "spectral tool" for cleaning up your sound, the implementation of the "hardware loopback engine" as known from Cubase (which is nothing else than just sendingthe data stream out an output and recording it in the same time again after processing via a different channel) and (oh wonder... after over 5 years!) the implementation of a proper VU meter that also works in the K-System standard.

    Steinberg never get's out of the shadows of other tools. A better meter could have already been implemented Wavelab 4 (which is 3dB off, it even was in Wavelab 5) and proper "cleaning tools"? Samplitude has that natively. Also dissapointing is the implementation of the K-System that's existing for years now and almost all wave editors have that, except Wavelab of course. Now my "Inspector XL" is kinda useless if I should switch to Wavelab 6.

    Steinberg also announced "Virtual Guitarrist 2" as war declaration to Musiclab's RealGuitar - then again, both are totally different tools.

    Now it's only a matter of "time" (hours? Days? Musikmesse 2006) till Steinberg announces Cubase SX4 and Halion 4. Then again... with both of those tools (sequencer and sampler) be behind standards again or will other firms outrun them (Native Instruments, Tascam)?

    The more I hear from Steinberg, the more am I dissapointed.

  7. If Tascam releases a virtual Violin, and Garritan too, this means that Synful will be forced to drop prices soon and renew their internal engine.

    The Juno-G looks hot. The MC808 will be an oportiunity to "finally" get this grovebox, but with more possibilities (like the MPC2000 and soon the MPC2500 from AKAI, a sample player).

    Enlighten me yoozer. Why is the SH-201 so interesting for remixers? I don't follow every newsbit as it comes out. I wait till NAMM is over or something really catches my eye (for example if Kurzweil brings out something new, Musiclab, Steinberg - all the firms that're not "that" popular).

  8. I'm curious about MusicLab - they promised to FINALLY reveal "Real Guitar 2".

    But I'm more curious about Terratec at Musikmesse 2006. I recently called them because I had a couple of questions and they told me that their "long time planned synth" might be ready for the Messe 2006.

    Then again... time flies by and a lot can (and will) happen till then. I gotta clog Sonic State's server in terms of videos.

  9. Again... somebody couldn't read the topic title, so I'll be closing the other thread till there're some news taking place. Sorry about that. Here's the feedback from the other thread:

    Dudes! I just registered on these forums in order to say THANK YOU. I only heard of this Symphonic project today because I was searching Chrono Trigger music over the internet after a long time. Although it seems that this has been going on for a while, I must say this is just what CT needs. While Brink of Time was a nice arranged album, fans have made something even nicer! AWESOME. Keep up the good work.

    So... When are we going to revamp the game with updated graphics, gameplay, additional sidequests and TECHS (Magus always needed more Combos)... Not that CT isn't a superb game in itself. :D

  10. Then try to get an old Roland Juno or the newer V-Synth. The Korg Legacy Collection has an external "module" for patching your sounds and along with the "Digital Edition", you even have access to elder hardware racks.

    The most three hardware deviced I'd use however:

    Access Virus

    Waldorf Q (digital synth) or Waldorf Microwave XT

    Roland JP8080 or the general Juno Series.

    The drums mostly came out of a Roland 808 or Roland 909 Drumcomputer. But if you want to be more versatile:

    - Yamaha RM1X

    - Kork Electribe S (the sampler)

    - AKAI MPC2000 (the 2500 will come soon, so prices will fall - also afaik the MPC has a ton of "oldschool drummachines" shipped on CD).

    For software you have way more possibilities. Freeware I'd recommend the SuperWave P8, Synth1, JX220 (now free), Juno 106. Commercially reFX Vanguard is a recommendation by a couple of peeps, Reaktor, Reason in ReWire Mode, the SuperWave Plugins in general are aimed at the supersaw sound, IK Sonik Synth and Spectrasonics Athmosphere is also a nice add on for themore "melodic trance".

    But for the more harder stuff, I'd recommend the first modules mentioned. I'd also take a look at official webpages from the artists themselves. Scooterfor example listed their equipment once. Last year they mentioned in KEYS germany what they're using (and hardware, especially the JP/Juno series is still essential in their sound).

    This is all I can give you on the way for now.

  11. Preferences? Hardware? Software? Both of them, hardware only or software only?

    There're so many possibilities. And I'm pretty sure the first softsynth that will be mentioned will be "Vanguard" as "ultimate tool". *duh!*

    A bit more specific in what you hear or what type of "Trance" you want to produce, and we might better be able to help you, cause there're tons of hardware/software synths out there, so are drumsamplers, drummachines and sample CDs.

    In the later section I'd recommend the "Techno and Trance Essentials" CDs (Bestservice). They have lots of material from the hardtrance section like Scooter and Kai Tracid do. Else the usual things: TB303 (ReBirth is free now!), a 808 and 909 drummachine (again, ReBirth is free and has those samples included), the rest depends on preferences (synthwise) and engineering skills.

  12. Now, here is something you might want to consider. Those songs you told me were "Special Audition" and not "Special Edition"... let me post the file name and tag for ya:

    File:SE - Determined (PLBenjaminZ).mp3

    Title:SE - Determined (PLBenjaminZ)

    see those little thingies that say SE? That quite tricked me.

    I requested this a couple of times now, Star didn't put the files down. Blame him, please. It was fault due to misinterpretation, not lisetning and not forwaring requests. And that's still taking place.

    I say it once again:

    The "SE" files on chrono.ocremix.org don't reflect the "Special Edition" or the mastering of the "Regular Edition" in any way. They're the files that were released as teasers months ago and didn't change since then.

    ...while looking for a quote, I found Compy's little nice explanation of the Special Edition. Ok. Let's all point at the me and laugh.

    Search function would have helped.

    I would like to know about Special Edition album art though: possibility or no?

    Was also already answered with a "yes".

    Can't answer questions till next week thuesday (I'm not available till then). So please don't hijack this thread. I'll post new informations as soon as they're relevant.

    Ah yeah to those who think this "Special Edition" is a "thing by Compyfox only, which has nothing to do with Chrono Symphonic anymore and is just to show off":

    You're wrong!

    I'm still the engineer of this project, Claado still says what goes on the CDs and what not (in other words... his word counts - nothing else). I didn't take over anything or stole "the project". This Special Edition idea came up last year October/November, Claado agreed to the idea, developed it with me and gave me free hand in terms of the release.

    It's still "his" project and no emo roll from my side. Whoever started this BS... thanks, but I don't need anymore of that crap.

    Just to clear the rumors and false information.


    Closing this one till I have some news for you. Keep your eyes open for that.

  13. Torrent fixes "faulty" files. But I know for a fact that the "RAR" pack I offered had a typo in the filename and the ID tags. The particular file should be automatically fixed (checked, and it is).

    Still I said why there's no "need" for a mp3 pack - we have enough mirrors. why do you ignore that? I removed that link again. And please leave it be this time!


    What about the pagefixes you were asked to do? You totally ignored that, too?

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