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Posts posted by Compyfox

  1. I need to add this, but the "audition tracks" weren't planned for this release. That's why they aren't in the torrent. Those tracks aren't mastered by myself, so please keep that in mind.

    Everything else is planned for the "Special Edition". The page will be fixed tomorrow, too. The Torrent file can be accessed via the mainpage of OCR. If you get tracker errors, please try to fix the ports and set them up properly.

    Thanks a lot.

  2. I got some private suggestions in terms of the "humongus bass" that seems to be caused by subwoofers. I'll take a look at that in the remastering, but keep in mind:

    An orchestra is a very dynamic "bulk of sound" (so to say). Timpanis and Strings can get pretty heavy in lower frequencies. Also an orchestra is not "compressed" in any way. So if your Subwoofer craps out, simply reduce the volume of it, setup your bass management correctly, and make a cutoff (hicut) at 150Hz if your subwoofer can do that (also if the bass is still too intense, move it 1m away from the wall9. It's a "support" after all.

    I won't go indepth on setting up a 2.1 or 5.1 environment "properly", cause that's what manuals and online tutorials are for. Just those simple tricks.

    Thanks, and I'll keep you informed about the "Special Edition".

    And like Larry said, everything else goes into the official comments and feedback thread please.

  3. Well actually there're more kind of "speakers":

    - Active and Passive (which declares how they're amplified)

    - Nearfield, Midrange, Longrange

    Nearfield Monitors are for mixing. If you sit in front of them 2-3m away, they sound best.

    Midrange speakers are made for "consuming". In other words those speakers are used in a studio to checkup how the stuff will sound in a room where the speakers and the listener are far apart (starting with 4-5m). Usually you setup speakers in the corners of a room. These are for good "general checks", but can also be used for production and mastering of course (some even recommend those over Nearfield)

    Widerange aren't uninteresting for us. They're made for on stage purposes. You know... those big speakers in front of the stage, at the sides of it, etc. In other words... Live performance.

    The prices differ here too. Nearfields are 1/3rd to 1/2 as much cheaper than midfields. It depends on your the purpose you need it for. But generally you can say, if you work in a "small studio" (which most of us do), you don't really need midfields - nearfields are blend in with midfields nowadays anyway. There's no big difference anymore as in 10 years ago.

    Another important thing is... no branch is generally "bad" or "lowend" cause they're cheap. If you know how to handle the speakers, and you can live with the sound of it (and balance it out compared to other speakers), then you can do everything with it.

    Setting them up.

    You usually set them up at the height of your ears. Around 2m away from you, but not "straight pointing at you", but more like with a 30° angle towards your ears (like a piramid). The point where the acoustic preasure overlaps with each other is the so called "hotspot". THis is where you should sit.

    There a lot of other things involved to get the "right sound". Just look at goodle for "studio speaker setup" (also at sound on sound) and you'll find tons of information about that.


    zircon, the AKG K141 are halfopen ones, and cheaper than the K171 closed ones. The K240 is at 79USD atm (regulary 160USD, at least that was it once) and the K141 are at 74,50USD (both straight from the US AKG page). However... the K240 and K141 differ drastically in terms of sound. Both are mixing headphones, but the K141 has a bit more boosted bassrange.

  4. Woha woha... hold on a second with all the OT stuff (wich the ISO thing). And gimme a minute to answer the questions.

    Technically, it would have been possible to do a limited December release, since many of us mirrors have bandwidth apportioned on a monthly basis...

    Technically... But Murphy's Law struck and things like that can always happen. No need to whine about that. It will be out when it's out.

    Question for anyone in the know- which version of Far Away Times ended up on the album? Orchestral or non orchestral?

    "To Far Away Times" will come out as Piano and Vocal version. The orchestra version wasn't planned to be released and was a mistake to be published earlier. Sorry.

    I've got ants in my pants.


    Well... then take a shower! And don't crawl around anymore in the woods (especially on ant hills).

    REally now... like Aurora Firestorm quoted again, and Claado said yesterday. The releasedate will be at that "day" when all three get together at the same date. Didn't happen yesterday though. Else you would have seen the release on the mainpage.

    Patience... we're still in the 10th Anniversary year. Till september 2006 to be precise

  5. I'm making a CD anyway if I do projects like that (else I can't render to mp3 or any format I like, which is actually the extra effort). So I already have the ISO's... ISO's are nothing else than the WAVs, but already in it's "CD" form.

    Like you said, zircon: "mount", encode to any format you like. Can't get any simpler.

  6. The main computer I use has a HD of just under 20 gigs. My new computer has under 30. In fact, I don't know anybody who has a computer with over 100 gigabytes.

    Well I have over 380GB. A friend of mine is already over 1TB.

    That aside, though. I apologize if this has been said before in the thread, but what size are we talking about for these ISO files? If it's just enough that I can store until it gets burned, then that'll be fine.

    CD1 has 47min, CD2 has 39min. Dont't know how big CD3 will be. Just think of 3x700MB. Even though I will pack them. And of course, the less material on the CD, the smaller the packed files. Or in other words: I can't say you anything about that yet.

  7. *sigh* Not "that" discussion again. Look... if you don't want to download the ISO's, then don't do it. But I won't make different versions this time. ISO's are already lossless, packed up in RAR they eat as much as FLAC's "non packed". You can do the encoding for yourself.

    No discussion on that this time. I plan this for weeks now. And my opinion won't change. Sorry. Same with the mp3s. I said "maybe there will be some", but it's not a "must" for me. Also the SE is no must, but I've been working on C.S. for so long now, with a couple of extra material that went on "behind the scenes". Why not push it out?

    Sorry if that doesn't please you or even offend you. But these are my rules this time.

    And think about this: You get 3(!) CDs with music, professionally engineered... for free. You'd usually pay at least 35bucks for such a project "minimum", and then it's barely a 2 CD release.

  8. Dunno what's up to with the page. However Claado told me that the lyrics (yeah ment that, sorry) will be included on it. The outtakes have a different purpose, though. But I won't say anything about that "yet". ;)


    I haven't given an update on the "release", so I can't say a thing about it. But it was planned that way. "When" it will be... sorry... can't say either. Folks... you starting that thing again. Don't force me to lock the thread if that goes out of hand.

  9. Well, we'll have an extra feedback thread for that, so please stick to that one. The thread remains open for questions only in terms of the "Special Edition". I'll get into that shortly, but fist of all, an apollogy.

    An apollogy to all those who got dissapointed with the 5 or so releasedates and this whole thing still got postponed. It can happen. Most of the delays were on my behalf, the last one just wasn't expected. Simply... Murphy's Law... if you think everything goes well, it sure doesn't

    The Second apollogy goes to all you listeners. In the last couple of days after I was done uploading the files for the people mirroring/the torrent release, I had the chance to take a deeeper breath and listen to the "regular edition". And as stuff like that always happens, I found some flaws in it in terms of mixing.

    Which brings me to the next point, the "Special Edition" itself. I don't want to spoil that much "yet", but a little teaser and info for you, to keep things running.

    :arrow:Chrono Symphonic - Special Edition will be completely "remastered"

    Meaning that I'll take even more time for it and fix some issues with some tracks I'm not happy with (mainly reverb and EQ issues). This doesn't mean that the regular release is bad. It just means that even I are only human and with the tight timelines, problems while mixing with Wavelab, PC crashes (I lost count how often that happened), etc some minor flaws crawled even into this release. Again, I'm sorry about that.

    :arrow:The Special Edition will have at least 35min of extra music material

    You'll notice that there're the "audition tracks" missing in the "regular release". Those will be included in the Special Edition, along with a handful of new and previously unreleased tracks

    :arrow:The Special Edition is aimed to have 3 CDs and will be released as ISO's (via Torrent)

    Yup, that means "lossless" right from the start. It is planned that the CDs are prepared beforehand so that you can burn it straight to CD after you downloaded the torrent files. A mp3/FLAC release is not planned this time, but I consider at least a "remastered" mp3 release of the "Regular Edition", also available via torrent.

    :arrow:The Special Edition will contain additional bonus material

    Namely: Outtakes, Production Report, Trailer, Artwork, Songtext, Interviews, etc. So far it is planned to include all that on the 3rd CD as "Data Track" like some audio CDs have that too. I'm still sorting out the material so I can't say yet whether or not there will be a 4th CD just with those material only.

    :arrow:Chrono Symphonic - Special Edition rough estimated release date

    I can't say anything about a definite releasedate yet(!), but I aim for january 2006 (february latest). No guarantee on that yet, though. So please don't scream at me if it comes out a little later (remember, we're still have CT's 10th Anniversary till September). As soon as I think the "pack" is completely finished and ready for release, I'll give out a proper releasedate.

    This is all I can give you for now. I'll keep you updated. I hope you'll enjoy the "first" release of Chrono Symphonic, but please stay tuned for the Special Edition, too.

  10. Sorry to hijack this thread. But why didn't you ask Mazedude and CotMM for this project? They'd totally fit it and make it more "agressive". Just listen to the stuff Maze already made in terms of Doom2 remixes.

    "Barrels of Fun" revisited, anyone?!

    And before you ask... no I won't do a mastering job. Sorry.

  11. I'd also like to ask the "mirrorers" to keep the files for themselves and not pimp them around anymore. You had the chance to listen to the project "sooner". But that doesn't mean you can tease all others. Please be fair.

    If everything calms down a little, I'll think about unlocking this thread. Maybe I'll also post a small "demo" of Chrono Symphonic with all tracks like I did for "Hits & Misses" by Joe Cammisa, but only maybe. Else... like Larry and Claado said... the music is important, not how often it was delayed.

    Till then...

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