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    Screenwriter, Graphic Designer, Director, Web Designer, etc...


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  1. I totally agree with this. Even if it is premade, that is a very good choice. The piano is perfect and, if there really was a movie to be made, it'd be an excellent addition for a real soundtrack.
  2. Wow! You guys are off to a good start! I love all of the pieces so far. To the writer of the script -- Did you replay the game and re-write the script? It's scene for scene. That had to take... quite some time. The problem with re-writing something so intricate is including all of the stuff that's so good. You have to dig it all out and redo it, because going from beginning to end isn't going to work. That's just a writing tip, no offense meant. IF you ever want to talk about it, you can IM me at: PLNNOCHLO I'm always on. Keep up the good work everyone!
  3. Just coming into the forums and into the thread. I'm not a remixers, but I want to encourage you guys to do a good job! Which alot of you probably will! To the person who started it and is writing the script-- I'm actually a writer, and it's cool to see someone else on the boards who's going at a Chrono Trigger script. I'm going to download yours and read the first fifteen.
  4. This ReMiX caused me to sign up for OCremix, and to make this tribute video to the creator ( www.freewebs.com/khid/khoctribute.htm -- Video with this OcRemix music. Used without permission, but I hope he/she doesn't get mad. It's my tribute to an AWESOME remix.) I've been coming to this website for a while, i've donated, but never registered... and now I have to say that I'm finally satisfied. ONE Kingdom Hearts remix... Hollow Bastion... and it's EXCELLENT! I'm certainly going to use it as background music when I write my new script. A++... Now do more KH remixes, everyone!!! (( Wait for the FLV to pop up. You have to have the newest flash player to view the video.))
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