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Posts posted by PlastikBag

  1. "a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CD into the finest gold-lined box that money can buy."

    Heck yeah!

    Also, were you still going to allow those of us who preordered a chance to d/l the wavs, free?

    That would be awesome, I'm tingling with anticipation. I have some free iTunes stuff, but I don't want to waste it on something that I'm getting in the mail in 5 days.

    Also, that new tefnek collab is sick. I hope he starts releasing some more stuff sometime soon.

  2. I dunno. I kinda feel that adding all the MGS2 features pretty much broke the game. I mean, the the fight with Ocelot is so easy with the first person controls that I beat him in less than a minute.

    The boss fights were never hard to begin with. All you have to do is chase Ocelot around the room shooting him, he'll never get a shot off. This is all without first person. MGS, in general, was never hard to begin with. First person mode hardly "breaks" the game.

    As for the voice acting, both the original MGS and TTS have many sketchy places in the voicing. Many people are just nostalgia whores and will shun anything that's changed from the original. Both games have some very forced dialogue at points. I felt that the original did better in some of the more dramatic scenes; but I hated most of the accents, as they sounded fake and forced to me.

    What does suck about TTS is some music is missing; the best tracks are missing. These tracks made some of the scenes in the original feel a lot more dramatic. The lack of presence of these tracks is simply unforgivable.

  3. I really don't know what my thoughts on it were. I swear, the technology was really random. Cell phones, RPGs, and samurai swords. It didn't make any sense. The violence was way over the top. It just screams "look at me! look at me!" I'd say the action was pretty good though. Lots of focus on finishing off the enemies, seeing them get split in half with blood going everywhere. Kinda cool, but not for everyone. The weak part of the action is that it didn't build any tension. It was flashy as hell, but didn't invoke any emotion.

    The story however, was pretty lame. "Number one and number two" and the whole revenge story. That crap made me laugh. If all he's gonna do is make his way to "number one" while killing everyone that wants to be number two, the show will definitely not be worth watching; and I don't see where they can go with the plot to make it any more interesting. Also, even though they got osme big names on the voicing cast, a lot of the lines were delivered poorly.

    The first episode was an interesting watch. The animation was gorgeous, the art style is interesting, but overall I felt that it was a crappy anime with a fine gloss coating. Hopefully the next few episodes will prove me wrong, but I don't think this will turn out to be anything worthwhile.

  4. It's funny how they seem to complete shun any fan made arrangements that dont sound exactly like the original and yet find stuff like this perfectly acceptable. :?
    Sonic Fanfiction

    What happens after Shadow goes camping unfolds into a series of... Furs,Minor,M/M,Oral,Anal


    Ancient Love

    Riona, Tikal's daughter, goes on a quest to find the seven chaos emeralds. But her quest gets sidetracked when she meets a certain two-tailed fox. Tails/OC. One shot. OC,M/F,Minor,Furs,Lemon,Oral,Preg


    I'm almost tempted to read one of those just for the laughter that will ensue, but I'm just a tad bit afraid.

    And oh yeah, Akumajo, plz finish Water on the Dancefloor, it's awesome.

  5. Oh man, now that I gave this entire thing a listen, I can easily say that this is the best site project yet. I'm really sad that Rayza's tune could never be completed because holy hell it's amazing. But on to the actual project...

    Kanjika surprised me the most. When I first saw the project, I saw that he had some of my favorite songs, but I had never heard anything done by him. Both of his songs are freakin epic.

    Hetcenus also surprised me. Never heard anything by him. Classy piano stuff. Rexy did great, too.

    Hydrocity is my favorite tune on the soundtrack, I nearly shit my pants when I saw that house got it. Good to see my extremely high expectations were not disappointed.

    Braincells and Snappleman (as well as norg and Ashane), hawt shit. I rocked hard to all of it.

    I also loved the rest of the stuff. I especially liked some of the quirky stuff by GameBox and DannyB. I found myself grooving hard to Robotnik Radio. All in all, there weren't any bad tracks. Great work all around. I really can't pick any favorites because so many of them are just that good.

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