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Top Gun

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Posts posted by Top Gun

  1. I've been getting in a reasonable number of games recently. I'm almost always willing to hop on when other people are playing, so like, just start playing.

    In other news, a person on another server I sometimes play on gave me a free Genuine Stahlhelm out of the blue. Said person may or may not have been high at the time, but hey, free hat.

  2. My final haul is a bunch of coupons and a game I'm never going to touch. XD While it'd be nice to trade it for another cheap game I'd actually play I don't think I'm gonna get any takers on the Steam forum. So if you want any of this lemme know and I can trade it to you.

    If you're giving away FlatOut for free, I wouldn't mind snagging it. I don't have any games to offer, but I have a few other fairly-useless coupons I could toss on your pile. :P

  3. Foundry achievement whoring was a lot of fun tonight. :)

    I tried my hand at some token crafting for the Pyro and Scout tonight, hoping I might luck out with a Maul or Three-Rune Blade if I didn't get one of the new weapons. Pyro was a bust, but I wound up with a Wrap Assassin, so it wasn't a total wash.

  4. Actually, only the LttP timeline is caused by Link failing to defeat Ganon. The WW timeline is based on if Link remained an adult after OoT (an option that isn't given in-game). Maybe... the difference between the Adult and Child timelines are if Link looks for Navi or not after being sent back to being a child. Maybe it's one where he stays in Hyrule and grows to be an adult.

    Unless my memory is really failing me, I thought that the OoT ending implied that Link didn't remain as an adult in the future. After Link defeats Ganon, Zelda sends him back to the past one last time. That seven-years-later time is what we see in the party scenes at the end of the game, with the Sages standing together; Link's already gone to the past, but Ganon's dead, so everyone's happy. That's where Wind Waker comes in: Ganon eventually gets free, but because Link wasn't there to produce descendants, the gods have to intervene and flood Hyrule. Twilight Princess follows from the other branch, where young Link and Zelda warn everyone about Ganondorf's plans and seal him away before anything bad happens.

    Personally, I feel like any sort of timeline branch that presupposes Link's failure is flat-out stupid, since it sort of goes against the whole basic mechanic of the games. The only titles I can think of that had a specific "bad end" were Majora's Mask and Zelda 2...trying to shove that concept into a decade-old game that didn't address it at all just doesn't work. Messing around with individual little elements like hopping back-and-forth in time during OoT gets even worse. The concept of two timelines was well-established, at least in fanon, and had some decent reasoning behind it, so I'm not sure how pulling a third "branch" out of thin air does all that much to clarify the issue.

    And obviously this is all dancing around the fact that the series was never meant to have any sort of overarching timeline at its beginning (hell, it wasn't even meant as a "series" at its beginning), so anything you come up with is going to be forced at best. :P

  5. The nice thing about everyone bailing on those Lockdown matches was that I managed a couple of easy wins in the row, and got a Bombhead Mask as a prize. I hardly ever play Lockdown, but at least I'm slightly better at it than Blast Network.

  6. Yeessssss...Descent is one of my all-time favorite game series, and those old MIDI tracks were a big part of that. This did a great job of building off the source material; I didn't remember exactly which track was from level 12 when reading the description, but as soon as the main chorus kicked in, I recognized it immediately. Definitely a nice groove.

  7. I got a bit burned out after Halloween, but I've been meaning to jump back in on a regular basis. I'll have to hop back on and check out the updates.

    (Also, if anyone's able to hand out invites to the OCR guild, I'd love to jump in and do some runs with people. :))

  8. After looking into it more, it does look like that Top Notch is a Notch exclusive item. Not ~that~ surprising really, but I'm still confused at its implications. The last I heard, didn't Notch say that there was some basic incompatibilities with how Minecraft would mesh with Steam? Like this?

    I think the only implications are that Valve want to have Notch's babies, like many other people out there. :D

    And yeah, Sombrero, besides some of the earliest promo weapons (Big Kill, Lugermorph, Maul, etc.), they've all entered the drop/craft system.

  9. That definition clears things up for me, too. :) The Windows sound analogy was a good one, since that was something I thought of too when asking the question. Even though hardware like the Wii and 360 are designed primarily for gaming, you're right in saying that there's a lot more that consoles can do now, so things like avatar and store menus don't necessarily have that direct connection to games.

    While I'm thinking of Mii-related things, where would something like Wii Fit fall into place? It's ostensibly a fitness tool, but many of its activities are legitimate mini-games; it's sort of a similar idea to Mario Paint having the fun little fly-swatting game. I don't know how much memorable music it'd have in the first place, but it's a fun hypothetical.

    (Heh, ninja'd.)

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