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Top Gun

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Posts posted by Top Gun

  1. The only caveat with upgrading to a full account is that you have to put a minimum of $5 into your Steam Wallet when making your first purchase, even if you're buying something less than that. It's not a huge deal, though, since you can then add a few other items to your purchase, or just keep the funds in your Steam Wallet for later use to buy a game. I picked up a pair of gift wraps with my backpack expander this weekend, so I have a grand total of $0.03 remaining. :P

  2. Yeah, the second half of each tier tends to net you the most stuff. If you can find a way to join a friend's run once they've hit the first crossroad, you'll get the most bang for your energy buck.

    Man, that transition to 4-star takes forever, though. I can't even imagine how ridiculously long it'll be to get my first 5-star set. I think I'll hold off on that for a little while.

  3. That sucks to hear about the issue you're having; hopefully they can get that fixed in a patch. I just hit Tier 3 access myself, so I could definitely do a JK run. I actually managed to get the new area the other day, and it's pretty fun. It has much more of a gameplay element, like the Factory levels (though without their hideous lag), which I'm hoping continues in future new levels.

  4. Sorry for the bump, but if anyone in here is still playing regularly, there was a fairly significant update released today. There's a whole new level type that has some sort of torch-lighting gameplay mechanic; it hasn't made it to an active gate to try yet, though. There are a few limited-time costumes you get if you spend at least $10 on energy. And maybe most importantly of all, Spiral Knights was added to the new Steam Trading system, so you can trade items outside of the game, and even trade them for items from TF2 and Portal.

  5. Here's another one: getting every single medal on the Freeflow and Predator challenges in Batman: Arkham Asylum. There were one or two of the Freeflow ones in particular that damn near killed me.

    Strangely, I didn't find getting all of the Riddler challenges to be all that hard. I grabbed the majority of them just through playing, and once you find the map for each area, the rest don't take long to track down.

  6. Sooo many things, but one thing I can think of right away is getting the highest ranking on this one Floyd mission in Jet Force Gemini. You have to race through this first-person obstacle course, picking up a bunch of items, and blowing up several others, and you have to do everything as smoothly as possible, because you have essentially no margin for error. I flat-out quit playing the game the first time because I got so sick of failing it, and it took me several hours the next time around to finally get through it. Never touching that again.

  7. I would say the only thing that annoys me sometimes is seeing a situation where some quick, easy teamwork would make something much easier (Destroying a GM sentry for example) but just no one steps up to the plate to make it happen. I feel like calling it out and saying, "Okay guys, lets do this. We need two medics..." etc. but I get the impression everyone will just ignore me. Instead we beat our heads against whatever is blocking us (GM sentry) for 6-8 minutes when a tiny bit of coordination would have it down in less than 3.

    Honestly, I think most people would listen to you. It doesn't even matter who's saying it; just the fact that someone has a plan can get things done.

  8. Another good thing about playing on a server with really good people is that you can watch their techniques and try to emulate them. I know Frogg has affected how I play Heavy, and while I'll never be a quarter as good as him, it's definitely improved me.

  9. ...I just crafted some of the weapons in these new recipes like a couple of hours ago. Uuuuurgh.

    Seriously, anyone else feel like we need a moratorium on new weapons? At least for a couple of months? I still don't have all of the Uber Update stuff yet, much less anything that's come out since then.

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