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Everything posted by Nulion
^ Now that's just plain evil! Oh, and just in case anybody wanted to know...On the FX channel, Tuesday the 11th at 7:30 pm (EDT) they'll be showing "Don't Say a Word" (With Sean Bean in it), and more than likely with each commercial break, they'll be showing some Silent Hill movie stuff in there. Also, I hear that BET (Yes, Black Entertainment Television) will be showing a thing on Silent Hill Tuesday the 17th at 7:30 PM EDT. While on that subject, did anybody see the recent Starz behind the scenes thing for the SH Movie? If not, here's a high-quality version of the thing.. On The Set: Silent Hill (Friendly warning, it's a 190 MB file)
That messup over at IMDb is a complete fake Note how the same actor is cited for several different characters which (If you're not talking about Alessa), makes no sense. I'm not sure how information gets submitted to IMDb, but it's all user-submitted. And sometimes...the users are even bigger idiots than I can be at times. It's still a really good resource, but you can't be 100% sure everything you see there is accurate or true. Hopefully someone fixes those false names that were inserted in there. I'd do it, but I have no idea how. Maybe you need an IMDb premium (Paid) account?
You can't? Been awhile since I checked. I'd imagine it's mostly lots of cultish stuff that'd be cryptic and way outta my league.
Oh man, I am such an idiot >.< Here I am thinking the Book of Lost Memories you were talking about was the one in SH2 that you actually have to find in order to get the Rebirth ending. o.o So there's actually TWO Books of Lost Memories...the one in the game, and the real one. I got 'em confused Even so, I should've researched that a little and I'd have kept myself from getting confused. Ugh, sorry about that one guys. Going to go and bash my head against a concrete wall and refrain from posting theories ever again Whatever the case, I guess the best explaination about how PH is now not a James-specific monster\entity thing is that Team Silent is making this stuff up as they go. Maybe they just thought (Or Akira\Gans just thought) it would be better to have it this way, as opposed to what they were thinking around the time they actually designed SH2. They're only human, right?
Razor, I'm just tossing out ideas here...But James in SH2 does have an awful lot of delusions. Maybe the parts you mentioned in the Book of Lost Memories are actually James-specific? As in he would see what he wants to see, in order to understand what is going on around him. Maybe even that book would have different text depending on the person who reads it. Makes about as much sense as a lot of other things in SH2, actually...Since you are playing the game from his perspective, you see what he wants to see; everything you see in that game is a mix of what James THINKS he sees, and what is actually there. Spoiler..I think One thing that points that out, I think, is how the letter he recieves in the beginning of the game starts to fade out, until it disappears by the time you fight the Mary\Maria demon. That letter was all in his head, right? I could be getting something wrong in there somewhere, hehe. At the very least, it does show that he can make things up and fool the gamer into believing it's real. Who's to say he didn't do that with the Book of Lost Memories? EDIT: This post was me not thinking straight. Apologies, I didn't realize Razor was talking about the actual (In Print) copy of Book of Lost Memories...as opposed to the one you find in the actual SH2 game. (Which still makes little sense, because the in-game one doesn't mention any of this >.< I need to get more sleep before I post something)
Ah, good to hear you'll be going to that, ifirit...Will be strange to know that a bunch of people I barely know will be at a concert I'll be at ...Of course, I'll be on the top balcony in row G o.o Guess all that counts is we all get to hear the music, right? Hehe. Maybe if you wear a nametag that says "ifirit", I'll spot you down there with my binoculars..or something.
...That's got to be, by far, the most awesome-looking movie website I've ever seen o.0 Thanks for the info ifirit! (I got it RIGHT this time!) Oh, just curious, anybody here get tickets to see the PLAY! Concert in Chicago? For those who didn't know or didn't read the other thread about it...or didn't see the info earlier in THIS thread, Yamaoka is going to be there doing some of his music live, as well as doing a meet and greet with the people rich enough to pay $125 to see this, on top of travel expenses, hehe. Got my ticket, I'll be there. Should be fun, too
Meh, I'm tired and don't pay attention
BIG Congrats on your doing the film guide for SH: No Escape, glad to hear you'll be flexing those theoretical muscles in a DVD bonus thingie Speaking of a DVD, this was the first I'd even heard of it...May have to get a copy of this thing someday, hehe. Great all around news As for another post on Silent Hill Remixes ifirit (YES, I fixed it! Nyah!), I would keep my eye on Tranceaddict, the guy there (Carl who did a remix of Room of Angel I'd posted several pages back is contemplating doing another version of that song. At least that's what my friend's been telling me, who frequents that forum. I'll keep an eye on it and post whatever he puts up, if anything at all.
Actually, try looking up some of the concept art for PH, or some of the artwork done for him, you'll see that he actually is pretty scrawny. At least that's what I thought when I had a look; http://shforever.silenthillfever.com/redpyramidhead.jpg Small picture yes, and his arms do have muscles, but they are still very thin. About the grating on his head, it does have a more industrial look to it, and it makes sense since Silent Hill 1 felt so much more industrial than SH2 did, right? Also it'd make sense so that the actor playing PH (That IS a costume) would be able to see.
Well....it's been on some other Silent Hill forums and IMDb for a few days now, but figured I'd post it here simply because it is extremely cool Some French magazine managed to get a picture of Pyramid Head from the movie, and the picture I assume was taken from a movie clip shown at Wondercon '06, where Pyramid Head grabs some woman outside a church and rips her skin off. Fun for the whole family! Anyway, here's the picture http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d4/suspicionvandit/ph_movie.jpg
Oh, had another little relevant blurb...Saw this one over on IMDb, and it's definitely worth a look... Go to this link http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/silenthill/site/downloads/wallpapers/sh_wp5_1280x1024.jpg And that is a link to one of the Silent Hill movie wallpapers. However, try changing the number in the "sh_wp5_" section of that URL...anything from 1 to 7. And in there are 3 hidden wallpapers that are not on the official website. #1 in particular is pretty sweet, as the thing in the picture can only be described as the final boss in Silent Hill 2. At least that's what it looks like from where I'm sitting, hehe.
Hehe, didn't mean to steal your thunder there ifrit, was pretty happy to have heard there was something Silent Hillish to stick into my PSP in the near future About that iFUTURELIST album though, it's pretty amazing how utterly different Yamaoka-san's normal, non-SH music is from the things he does in the SH games. You ever hear some of his tracks in the DDR series? Sme of them are actually pretty good and catchy...but NOTHING like his SH work.
Some new Silent Hill news! Apparently, Komani has just released information on a new....thing....for PSP, called "The Silent Hill Experience" It's a sort of interactive UMD that has 6 different 15 minute long animated Silent Hill comics, interviews with the director of the SH Movie and with Yamaoka, stills and trailers from the games and for the movie, 20 music tracks from the games hand-picked by Yamaoka, and a behind-the-scenes look at the SH Movie. It should be released this coming Spring. http://psp.ign.com/articles/683/683276p1.html
Times like these, I really wish I could understand Japanese. Bleh Ifrit, I've been trying to look up info on this but isn't Konami Gamer's Day soon? There's a chance we might learn something new when that rolls around. *just now noticed Ifrit's signature and slaps self on the head repeatedly....though it doesn't have a date*
Chances are, that was Silent Hill Media you were looking through, Infinite. I know the link is somewhere in this thread, probably around page 70-something Great, great site. And...er....since we're posting that ytmnd thing, here's my favorite: It was inevitable!
I stand corrected, he's right o.o Even in the game though, when you go back to the alley and see the book, it still has that same gibberish on it you pointed out. Weird. I went into Silent Hill 3 though, and on the bed near the end of the game is the same book, and it DOES say "DRAWING BLOCK". Guess they decided after the first game that sticking with gibberish for book covers wasn't a very good idea, hehe.
It does? I could swear it always said DRAWING BLOCK. But then, I think the text actually changes if you beat the game, along with several other little scenes in the intro movie. I can't remember all of them now, though.
About the lighter, did you notice that what was happening in the trailer is the exact same thing that happened to Harry during the first part of SH1? It's where he sees shadows of his daughter running into an alleyway. He follows the shadow and is led into the alley, where it starts getting dark; at that point he has no flashlight, and has to use the lighter. Then he stumbles upon the corpse tied up to the fence, and after looking at it, is attacked from behind by those mumbler things: the trailer breaks this up, but any time you see her with a lighter chances are it's going to be THAT section. Oh, also...did anybody notice that in the trailer, Sharon is holding almost exactly the same drawing book that Cheryl is in the opening of SH1? It even says "DRAWING BLOCK" on it. Even if they get some technical details about the movie wrong, such as the nurses or Pyramid Head not belonging, you have to applaud their attention to detail.
Was wondering about that just as I read it, but maybe it's possible that Walter created his own world, and in his own world he scattered ammo around to help himself out? The ammo may have never been meant for Henry to use, but for Walter. Evidence for that might be that the only firearms in the game are pistols...and Walter himself uses pistols. So he'd keep ammo around to keep himself armed. But then I suppose that theory would eventually fall apart, right? He hides ammo in a lot of places where you never see him. Not to mention, why would he hide a gun in Henry's apartment? I don't imagine it was to give Henry a sporting chance to keep himself alive. But... If Walter didn't put the ammo there for himself, then it would have had to have been for Henry - maybe because Walter wanted Henry to make it all the way to the end, where he could complete the 21 Sacraments? Guess I'm rambling
Make sure if you're getting Silent Hill 2 for PS2, get the Greatest Hits edition....it has the extra "Born from a Wish" scenario in it where you play as Maria
Ah...Jacob's Ladder was a good movie...It's probably been said here before, but the worst ending of Silent Hill 1 is also a homage to the ending of Jacob's Ladder. Spoiler: In the worst ending of SH1, Harry dies in his car, and apparently the entire game was simply what he saw in his mind, during his dying breaths. Similar to Jacob's Ladder, where the ending has Jacob dying on a hospital cot while still in Vietnam, and the entire movie was nothing but Jacob's last visions. Or something to that effect, hehe
Ah, so not only are the fans creating the posters, but voting on them too? Pretty cool of them Global-Trance's poster honestly does get my vote, and I've taken a look at a lot of different posters. Not one of them has the cool stare at it till you see the fog moving thing though, hehe. Not to mention a lot of them just don't quite feel right, or are overly complicated, etc etc. ...That reminds me, I heard a little something over on the IMDb forums - that Hot Topic has gotten rights to start licensing Silent Hill merchendise. Who knows, could get some cool t-shirts out of it, or stickers and other weirdness. This means I will actually have an excuse to shop there
Global, that poster is awesome ...Is it just me, or is it that if you stare at that poster for a few seconds, it actually appears to move? o.0
Also got a little tidbit to add... Friend just sent me a link to a really, really excellent remix of Room of Angel, called "Room of Angel (Carl B Remix)" Room of Angel (Carl B Remix) Hope you guys enjoy