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Everything posted by Nulion
...Wow. I might actually have to pick this up, after hearing about all that! Good eye! ....annnd...I found another Silent Hill V video. Never seen it before, thought I'd share It looks actually very good...I really hope they can flesh out the context-sensitive actions, a la Resident Evil 4. (Climbing over things, hopping down a ledge, etc). Also, the graphics are actually pretty great-looking, when the fog lifts up a little.
Gotta love it, every time that guy posts something, I find out something new. I had no idea the graphics were actually given a bit of a facelift for the PS2 version. Those screenshots don't look bad at all. What I was expecting from a PSP-to-PS2 conversion was essentially a direct, unchanged, 100% completely identical port, complete with graphics that look great on a handheld, but terrible on a TV screen. It's nice to see they went the extra mile to make it look better, isn't it?
Hmm...I loved Silent Hill Origins, hehe. Maybe I didn't love it as much as the other games in teh series, but I still thought it was a solid Silent Hill title. Problem with those PSP-to-PS2 conversions is that they often don't turn out very well. I mean, those games are optimized to be viewed on a small screen with less-powerful hardware, so the textures and geometry are probably gonna look pretty ugly on a bigger screen. Still worth getting if you don't have a PSP though! ..At least, I hope. The whole experience might be worse with a bigger screen.
Was browsing through the past 20 or so pages on here just to make sure nobody else had said it, and I'm pretty surprised, really. Has anybody been trying out the different Snake taunts? Just heard about them recently, he's got like 35 (one for each character) different taunts, where he calls in Otacon, Mei Ling, Campbell, etc on his codec and talks about his opponent. They're hilarious All you've got to do is go into practice mode (The codec call gets cut off if you're hit while fighting) and use Snake in Shadow Moses Island. Then pick any character as your opponent. WHen the match starts, hit the down button on the d-pad (Gamecube controller) until Snake leans down to use his codec. I can't get enough of these, they're awesome
Hmm, always thought it'd make it look better. Goes to show ya I don't know much about my new HDTV, hehe. I'll try it again without the upscaling. EDIT: It looks a whole lot better now. Ugh, I really should look into these things more. I guess the upscaler is for SDTV's that can't handle all the extra information that is available from a high-def system like the PS3, and that's what the upscaler's there for? I've got no idea. Thanks for the tip though, Neko
Yeah, I guess the more I look at it, the more underwhelming SH5 looks. I guess I'm being a little too hopeful, but it's not like we can shoot down the game and call it trash half a year before it even releases. I've also got a feeling that, like the screens for all the other games in the series so far, we are not being shown the more impressive scenes from the game that really take advantage of the hardware. I remember a long time back when I saw screens of Silent Hill 2, they were close-up pictures of faces and shots of empty rooms without much feel visible on them. Add to that, the grain filter that made any screens taken look awful. Foggy streets, extremely dark shots of monsters fighting, even an over-reliance on screens taken from the game's FMV's. The screens for Silent Hill games before release have never been anything to write home about, really. At the end of the day, it's about the ambience, the sound, and the gameplay...can't get those from screens! I remember on that EGM issue awhile back though, there were a lot of screens there...and honestly, they were impressive. I like the monster design, aside from the nurses, who are lifted directly from the movie...If anything, I'd say the game seems to not get that the monsters should ALL be skewed toward a particular aspect of the character you're playing as (Personality or psychological situation, etc) or toward a particular aspect of the story at large, and the characters involved. At least that's how the other games have been, right? I'm not sure if nurses should be in there just for the sake of having nurses. Yeah they're creepy, but...ah well, just being nitpicky. Still sucks it's being developed for 360 first though, since it's a well-known fact that porting from the 360 to the PS3 just doesn't work as well as doing it the other way around. Ugh. I don't expect it to be as good as the first three games (I really enjoyed them all, and don't see what the fuss is with 3 that some people have), but then I don't expect it to be as bad as the 4th game, either. (Even though I enjoyed SH4...It wasn't an unplayable piece of garbage, right?) Those screens of SH3 you sent look *great* though. Where were those even taken? I was just playing SH3 yesterday, and it looked nowhere near *that* good and sharp. And I was even playing it on the PS3, upscaled, on an HDTV. Hmm. Maybe it was the PC version? I think the PC version did have higher-resolution textures and things like that. ______ Thanks for all the neat stuff again ifirit Looking forward to the other stuff you've got to post; I guess I'm just really out of the loop, and not checking out the Silent Hill forums as much as I should be. And I have no idea why Pyramid Head would want socks o.O
This awesome thread shouldn't have dropped so far as it has, especially with all of this insane info that ifirit's been providing...And yes, I do read all this and try to look at it, and it interests me to no end I wonder where one might be able to find a copy (Digital) of that Pyramid Head 'comic' that's right there...Very neat stuff. In fact, there's a ton of neat stuff there, that somehow I have no idea how I missed! Like the New Track & Field version of Pyramid Head? Great laughs on the character bio there Buut, anyway... This thread's been gone too long, and maybe one reason is because there's been pretty much *nothing* to chew on Silent Hill-related lately... But I just stumbled across these screenshots for Silent Hill V, thought you guys might enjoy taking a look. One thing I think that should be kept in mind while looking at them is that the early screenshots for every other Silent Hill game didn't show much of anything, either...Probably to preserve the scare factory of certain areas. All in all, the pictures (I think) actually look really good! ...I'm not sure I like that weird health meter/enemy attack detector thing at the left hand side of one of the pictures though. The fog is impressive though, and looks as if it distorts anything that's far off in the distance, rather than completely hiding it. The other impressive thing I noticed is how pic 4 in the XBox 360 section of the photos shows off how the flashlight's light cone can be filtered through and dimmed by the fog. I'm also wondering by that picture if this game has even a little bit of a RE4-type camera angle, at least during combat. Oh well, anyway...Link! http://ps3.qj.net/Silent-Hill-5-screenshots-a-tour-around-creepy-town/pg/49/aid/114885
Hmm, how about Jacob's Ladder? Or Pi, or The Machinist? Ahh, good times...good times. Really, they're all great, strange and interesting movies.
Hmm....I can't think of much in the way of firsts, but I can think of a bunch of "first" scenarios, that I don't know the answers to (For the most part, at least!). Try and find these, maybe First cutscene First fully-3D game (Was that already said?) First idle animation (That actually goes to Sonic the Hedgehog, I think) First graphics (Early games were text, weren't they?) First save points First cheat code First easter egg (Adventure for 2600, I think? Might've already been said) First real world in-game advertisements First movie tie-in game First complete-able game, with an actual ending (Ex; Pong is impossible to actually beat) First game to sell over a million First game to use Mode 7 First to use HDR lighting First to use scripted scenes/events First to include Havok physics First to include a save game battery (Easy one; The Legend of Zelda) First game to include a separate controller First cooperative multiplayer First competitive multiplayer First game to teach you something you didn't know you wanted to know (Like Sim City....very subjective though!) First DVD-ROM game (First one *I* had ever heard of was FreeSpace, but I don't know) First CD-ROM game (Really not sure about that...was it Myst?) .....bah, my head hurts, and I don't know the answer to all those, but there's lots of neat firsts out there. Really interesting thread here
A concert of Silent Hill music...? Ohhh man, what I'd give to be able to go to THAT. Sadly, money is an obstacle Thank you again for the great info, ifirit While I'm babbling on about nothing, has anybody here beaten Origins? What're your thoughts? I'd beaten it myself, twice, and have yet to beat it a third time so I can attempt getting the UFO ending. It's a small game, maybe half as long as other SH games, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Plus, it had a much greater scare factor, in my opinion, than SH4 did. There's tons of funny, great extras, too; the costumes alone are a lot of fun, especially the one unlocked by the Konami code.
It's...oddly enough, like an alternate form of Pyramid Head, isn't it? More butcher-like than PH is, what with the enormous meat cleaver...But really, he looks pretty damn scary too Ugh, I *really* hope we in the US get this! >.<
I was just reading this thread, and had to go and check out this music for myself....Wow. It's every bit as good as the score he'd composed for the movie "The Island". (Thank you for the suggestion! I nearly forgot how much I loved this movie's score ) Anybody here listen to that score, as well? It's got plenty of great tracks, my favorites being "The Island Awaits You" and "My Name is Lincoln", along with "Mass Winnings". This guy seriously has some talent...He's apparently worked on everything from some of the music in the Pirates of the Caribbean Movies, to a bit of the music in Metal Gear Solid 2. (That's according to IMDb, at least.) Also did the full score for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, and is working on the score for its expansion pack.
I'd always loved that soundtrack to the movie The Time Machine. The newer remake (2001 - 2002, somewhere in there?), by Klaus Badelt...Very beautiful soundtrack, even if the movie wasn't all I'd hoped it'd be. One of the more awesome new scores to a recent movie was the recent Danny Boyle one, Sunshine. That movie had this incredible, futuristic celestial horror kind of music to it...Extremely hard to describe, but a great score for a great movie. Shame I don't know anybody else who's seen it. Hmm...what else? 28 Days Later, along with its sequel, both had great soundtracks...Very atypical of the kind of music I'd expect to hear from such a violent zombie series. Loved it though Can't think of anything else off-hand, but ah well. I betcha nobody here was going to say Sunshine though
Omega, I and a lot of other people will agree with you about the low points of Silent Hill 4....and really, it wasn't anywhere near the best game in the series, but oddly enough the game is still enjoyable once you get all the way through it. I actually did like the endings, but the problem was that I didn't enjoy *getting* to the endings. Things like the unkillable ghosts and Walter with his pistols coming out of nowhere (Although that was scary!), and the fact that you never once set foot inside the actual town of Silent Hill were really bothersome for most people. Despite all of that though....really, there are MUCH worse games out there Annd....I'm kinda shocked nobody's said anything about those two *NICE* pieces of artwork up toward the top of this page courtesy of Mr. Tom Waltz. Really, those are great...The first picture of the main character, oddly enough, reminds me of Harry from the first game. Seems to have slightly similar clothing, although he does also seem to have a more determined and angry air about him... The second picture, really is also great stuff. It has a real strong SH2 vibe, as I see it. That real dilapidated look stuck in the pea soup fog, as if it was just a rotten urban corpse...Very impressive I also really wonder who that woman is...Guess we'll find out, hehe. Kudos to you guys, I hope the comic turns out well! The other comics, though, have been....well, they were difficult to follow. The Dying Inside series didn't seem to be too well-received, since it was just so.....so *weird*, and hard to follow. The one I have seen that I loved though, was Silent Hill: Hunger that came bundled with the Silent Hill Experience UMD that was released along with the movie awhile back; that was terrific, and it stayed very oddly true to the atmosphere of the series, which is always the most important thing. This one does look more like Silent Hill: Hunger though, and that's a great thing Anyway, keep up the nice work, and thanks so much for sharing this with us! When is the comic due to release, by the way? This might have been mentioned, but....I'm lazy ._.
Haha, hell yes! I just got the EGM in the mail the other day myself...but it's great someone posted that. Honestly, looking at those screenshots just dissolved whatever worries I had about an American developer doing Silent Hill V; it looks *amazing*, if I say so for myself. .... And as a footnote....I don't even know if I'm allowed to say this, but somebody has managed to rip the full soundtrack of Silent Hill 0rigins, and has posted a link to it over on the GameFAQ's forums. I'm not going to post the link here, as I know that IS forbidden...but go on over to the GameFAQ's message boards for Silent Hill 0rigins, and you'll find it.
Nah, what I mean is that over at Gamestop, you can generally find a lot of things for $9.99; it's not uncommon over here at least. How much is it in Australia though? And I tried going around to some other Giant Eagle stores in my area, but they either don't have the rentals department, or their rental department is already closed down. Who knows, there's bound to be some out there though that are still 'in business', so keep your eyes peeled. EDIT: I completely forgot to mention, by the way...the Giant Eagle over in Monroeville is supposed to close down like September 12th or so. They've still got a bunch of stuff over there if you want to run over and take a look. (I checked earlier today, and they still had more stuff than I'd have expected them to have)
Well, the Monroeville one was pretty cleaned out last I checked, so you may want to try the ones over down by Edgewood, or by the Waterfront. (For those who don't know, this is all in the Pittsburgh area )
Hmm...didn't see a thread on this, so I just wanted to let you guys know... Apparently, Giant Eagle (If you have them in your area!) is trying to get rid of their Iggle Video rentals departments...I talked with the cashier over at the Iggle Video rental department over where I live (Near Monroeville, PA), and he mentioned that this was not just limited to my area, but instead was more widespread throughout Giant Eagle stores all over the place. Not sure if it's all of them, some of them, or NONE of them...I simply don't know, but if you have one in your area, GO THERE NOW. They were pretty much selling everything at the store for under $20. All PS3/Wii/360 games were $19.99 (I got The Darkness and Ninja Gaiden Sigma for $40 total), all PS2, Gamecube, and XBox software is $9.99 (Not exactly the best deal, I know), all newer DVD's are $10, and all older DVD's are $3.99 It was pretty crazy, but who knows, might be some great stuff out in your area too, if you've got an Iggle Video that's doing this. Good luck
Very cool Got to love that about the whole SH series, that pretty much anybody can contribute to it and enhance it, as long as they have the right mindset, the talent, and the determination to do so. It's all so open to interpretation, and that's really the beauty of it. I'm curious, have you seen the short movies "Silent Hill: No Escape"? ( http://noescape.rateofinjury.com/downloads.htm ) They're an amazing set of fan-made videos, I believe there's five or six chapters to the story....but for being made by just one guy (Who has also posted on this thread ), it's enormously impressive. I'm always looking forward to anything SH-related, as are a lot of people here, and I for one really appreciate you coming around to let us know about this Although if you didn't, I'm positive ifirit would. When he comes around, you might enjoy a chat with him; practically nothing seems to escape that guy's notice, and he's always letting us know about whatever it is that's going on Have a good one Tom, and thanks again!
A novel? AH! ....Man, I should check my facts better before posting >.< About that "Silent Hill: Sinner's Reward" thing up there though....Wow. That little snippet of art there actually looks great....and very heavily reminds me of Silent Hill 3, what with the reddish-orangeish tones throughout the picture.. Not to mention, if that really is the writer of the comic right there (Sorry, in the internet it pays to be suspicious, hehehe - no offense whatsoever ), then that's quite an honor for us ..So far Tom, it looks very promising! The rest of the IDW comics though...well, they get mixed reactions, but I for one am always willing to give them more chances, especially when more people are involved to diversify them and give each comic its own distinctive touch Thank you though for the heads' up, and the picture! I'll keep my eye out on this one for certain. *prays to have gotten the facts right*
Very nice as always, ifirit ...Is it just me, or would anybody else here love to at least *TRY* the Silent Hill arcade game? Just out of curiosity...I mean, sure, it's as non-canonical as can be, and the graphics don't look too great, but a shoot-em-up is always good fun at the arcades, and one with some Silent Hill flavor can't be *that* bad. I'm thinking about maybe getting that Silent Hill 3 manga too, as very honestly, Silent Hill 3 really sparked something with me. I'm not exactly sure why people are so divided on its quality, but I loved that game so much....just felt to me like it was the most fun to play, with some of the most endearing characters of the series so far. The manga's gotta be great, too And who knows, there more than likely would be some extra scenes in it. Usually, those things don't copy their source material verbatim, right? Too bad it's in Japanese though >.<
The weird thing about the Heavenly Sword demo was that I didn't like it at first either. But if you play it over again, you'll like it more. Play it again, you'll like it even more, and so on and so forth. I think it's because the combat system at first seems very limited, until you get to understanding all the crazy things you can do with it, and because of that, the game just gets more fun. Really weird, but hey, it worked for me.
Oh, I completely agree....And it is interesting to think that Yamaoka-san's music has become a kind of genre in itself, like you said there. It really has, and every time I hear something like it, the first thing that comes to mind are the games. I really, really doubt that Yamaoka is ever going to distance himself completely from the games though,be it his choice or otherwise...You should have seen him at the PLAY! concert in Chicago last year; the man really looked like he loved doing what he does best. Not only that, but in almost any press release involving a new Silent Hill anything lately, a major selling point that they make CERTAIN to plop into there, is Yamaoka's involvement, be it soundtrack or otherwise. They did this with Origins, with the movie, and now with Silent Hill 5. Even they know that Yamaoka just seals the deal, as far as a Silent Hill game goes. They probably do know that without him, their franchise just wouldn't be the same.
That is true...Several different takes on the 'tortured war veteran' theme have been tried before, and it would be all too easy for that sort of story, told just as it is, to become trite. If Silent Hill 5 *does* take the story of Alex's time in the war and bring it into the picture, I would expect them to add layers of depth to that story. A troubled past (Cliche'd, I know), a failed relationship, problems with his brother, a family oath, that sort of thing could come into play and really give this game some personality outside of that war-angst you mentioned, Ifirit. What I really see this game ending up as becoming, especially since the game was already described as being much more psychological than the past several games in the series, is more of a character study on Alex as he comes to terms with coming home, yet not *actually* coming home, from a war. Maybe he will deal with what people must think of him afterwards, or what kinds of things he missed while on his tour of duty. Maybe the theme of the place he's coming back to just not being the same as when he left, leaving him feeling as if he has no rightful place there anymore. Of course I bet you there'll be themes of war, of what it feels like and of what it means to the "entity" that pulls the strings behind the scenes of Silent Hill...but then, I really think that for the most part, this story will be about Alex, and his relationship to his brother, Joshua. It could even wind up like the Father/Daughter (SH1, SH3) Husband/Wife (SH2) Neighbor/Neighbor (SH4) relationships of past games...only this time, it is Brother/Brother. There could be some seriously disturbing things coming into play, in a Brother/Brother relationship scenario...
I wouldn't worry too much about Silent Hill 5....honestly, crazier things have been done with beloved franchises, only to have them turn out great. Case in point; Metroid Prime. Can't believe it was Retro Studios' very first game...Even if there will be another developer doing Silent Hill 5, you can bet that Team Silent/Konami will be watching CLOSELY. At least, I really hope so. It's hard to say how the game will really turn out without seeing more of it...I can't wait for October's EGM >.< As a side note though...hot damn that SH:0 E3 trailer was good! I actually like to see that they seem to be using the Silent Hill movie's method of showing the transition from foggy to alternate Silent Hill, with the bits and pieces of the world floating up into the sky and all. Very cool. Here's some other Origins-related stuff....some gameplay videos that show off some gameplay, as well as some of the actually very cool creature design. The first link has just one video, the second link has *three* videos http://pspupdates.qj.net/index.php?pg=49&aid=97307 http://pspupdates.qj.net/E3-three-new-Silent-Hill-Origins-gameplay-videos/pg/49/aid/97486