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He said "I'm just there to help with some of the timing\dramatic\scene-to-scene issues, that make a film score a very different thing from a video game score" Soo...that sounds heavily to me like all he's doing is supervising, while Yamaoka does the actual work on the score.
Hehe...I just heard about this Jeff Danna story myself, and it was a huge disappointment - but as usual it was people on the net twisting the truth without actually knowing it... Someone had sent an e-mail to Mr. Danna just recently, and here is the mail and response: _____ > Hi Jeff, > > I have a brief question. > > I'm guessing that Silent Hill fans have probably > bombarded your email account with expletive-filled > rants and some have probably threatened your life. > I'll try to be a little bit nicer. > > Ok, my question is simply if it's true that you're > scoring Silent Hill, and if so, what is the extent of > your inclusion? Are you doing the whole movie, > collaborating with Akira Yamaoka? What's going on? > > It's been a big issue with SH fans because Akira's > music is so vital an element in the games that a > Silent Hill movie without his sound is almost destined > to fail. I liked your RE: Apocalypse score, but this > Silent Hill movie really needs Yamaoka. > > Thanks for your time, > > - Andrew _____ And here's the reply Hi Andrew , actually no one has sent me anything yet. There wouldn't really be any point to anyone cussing at me anyway , since a composer must follow his director's orders , [ just like everyone else on the film ] , no matter how he feels or anyone else feels. In this film , the score is based completely on Akira's music , I'm just there to help with some of the timing/dramatic/scene-to-scene issues , that make a film score a very different thing than a video game score. It's going to sound just like the game , so if you are a fan of Akira's music , you will be very happy with it. Thanks for your interest, JD _____ So we can relax, Akira is still doing the score Danna's just going to be helping him out, which isn't bad. That one site up there apparently took Danna's involvement to mean that he was doing the entire thing, which isn't true. Thank. God.
I apologize, I meant no insult at all It's really just me thinking out loud - that, and I'd never read the comics, so could never have known she was only a little girl. But based on what you mentioned and all those glaring flaws with the comic, I don't think I'll be spending my money on them.
...Wow, that Tears of Mankind Room of Angel song was *really* good...Struck a chord with me, but the cookie monster vocals of the others were a shame. Those movie pictures are sweet o.o Seeing that body strung up on the fence, a la Silent Hill 1, was just great - it looks SO much like the original, even if it does have kind of a fakey look to it. Count me as impressed I suppose EDIT: I just read somewhere what I personally may think is even more reasonable....The woman in the funeral veil is probably Dahlia. But as for the ragged, filthy woman, that might be Cristabella. (At least according to IMDb, which I know is a very shaky resource) But it would make more sense considering that the two women look so different from one another. ...But then, I have no idea who Cristabella is, or what she'd be doing in this movie in the first place. All I know about her is that she appeared in the Silent Hill: Dying Inside comics, right?
Thanks a ton for looking up that info for me, even though honestly I was only curious Also wanted to post this - it was in another post here, but then again it deserves to be in this one too. http://www.play-symphony.com/ It's that PLAY! symphony thing that's supposed to be making a very large tour sometime during the next year or so, and the symphony will be playing musical tracks from Silent Hill as part of the presentation
Whew, Broken Notes? I'm always checking up on that, extremely wonderful job you guys have done over there, best of luck in the future And ifrit, couldn't have asked for a better reply I'm thinking when we finally have Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara translated, it won't make entirely too much sense to us. Does a kyodan have a form, similar to a haiku? Either way, I can't imagine how captivating some of those stories can get, especially told from a living legend like Ichiryusai-san. (Ugh, I tell ya there's a lot of times I wish I was born in Japan )
Very nice movies, all of them were awful interesting. I'd never known that Making of SH3 video existed, hehe. About that "Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara", do you know why that was even slipped in there? I could never understand why, or from what perspective that whole thing was being read even. I'm imagining Henry's perspective, but then I wouldn't know why or what for. Guess a lot of that is unknown till somebody translates it. Also....I'm proabably going to sound like an idiot, but who is Teisui Ichiryusai? He did seem pretty important, and he isn't exactly the type of guy I'd expect to show up in anything SH-related. Ah well, very great stuff, I really enjoyed the movies
Hmm...wow, this page has dropped pretty far down, hehe. Not much to talk about I guess...but anyway, Part 4 of that Silent Hill: No Escape movie was released - go see it http://noescape.rateofinjury.com Oh, and as far as the SH movie goes, all I've heard recently is that Roger Avery put on his blog something about "the 9 foot Pyramid Head and the gray children". So it's pretty much confirmed that PH will be in the movie. Good news if ya ask me, as long as they make a connection to it different from the one James had with them. Also, I heard over at IMDB.com that the SH movie trailer is set to debut on October 14th with that remake of The Fog. So I look forward to seeing that one.
Ahh, I see... I actually kinda get the feeling Konami didn't really think about the timeframe the games took place in, and just said 1999 to please anybody who wanted to know. The setting just doesn't look the part though...My guess is more that they wanted the games to be timeless, or just not make much chronological sense, as it really isn't important. The names in the movie though, well, I think that'd be one biiiiiig coincidence if the Cybil in the movie (Who is a police officer) and the Cybil in the game (Who is also a police officer, of course) aren't the same person. Fair assumption, but you're right - we just don't know that much yet to really say one thing from another. What I'm hoping most for is not that it'll make sense in the overall plot arch of the games and their continuity, but that it'll have the same soul - so far, it's looking like it is, and that makes this noob a happy noob And thanks for the medical info, this uncontrollable vomiting has, to say the least, been a pain. I don't think I'll ever get that chunk of pepperoni off the Escape key ._. *runs to doctor*
Hmm...20 years before Silent Hill 1? I'd actually always assumed that Silent Hill 1 took place in the 70's, as every car you see as well as many references to pop culture found in the game are from that era....Right? It seems to fit to me, but then again I haven't looked at the timeframe of the games as in-depth as you probably have ifrit. But then, what leads you to believe SH1 is 20 years after the movie? If that were true, then Cybil being in there wouldn't make much sense....I guess it's too early to say anything just yet. EDIT: I read the post above this one, and.....oww...man, my head hurts now. I think I'll go and play Sesame Street ABC - nice and easy, with a nice ice pack on my forehead. (Very nice theories there )
Whoo...Just watched the 3rd part of that movie - and this guy's skill just improves with each episode he does. That's honestly gotta be the first time I've seen a Silent Hill fan fiction of any sort disturb me and actually make me WANT to see what happens next, just as the games do! *waits for chapter 4*
*rolls eyes* Just lighten up a bit By this point, EVERYTHING is a Hollywood cliche - things can change. Not saying they will, but what can I say - it's still just a movie. Even if the movie sucks so badly it affects the global economy, we'll still have our games.
Judge, have you ever seen her act? She's actually really good, and has never played one of those screaming blonde idiots before. It's not her style, at least from what I've seen...So as far as female leads go, they could have chosen much worse. (Aw man, the Street Fighter movie...I have no idea why, even though it wasn't the best film ever, it...err....I dunno, I kinda enjoyed it)
Okay, for some reason that website I just posted is actually asking me to register for an account to even see those links - I assume it does that for others, so I'll just post all the direct links to those pics here http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie001.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie002.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie003.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie004.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie005.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie006.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie007.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie008.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie009.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie010.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie011.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie012.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie013.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie014.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie015.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie016.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie017.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie018.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie019.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie020.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie021.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie022.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie023.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie024.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie025.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie026.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie027.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie028.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie029.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie030.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie031.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie032.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie033.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie034.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie035.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie036.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie037.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie038.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie039.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie040.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie041.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie042.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie043.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie044.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie045.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie046.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie047.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie048.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie049.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie050.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie051.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie052.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie053.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie054.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie055.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie056.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie057.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie058.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie059.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie060.jpg http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/MattsPics/Movie061.jpg Also, I happened to stumble across this: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=9300 Apparently the lead role in the movie is going to Radha Mitchell, as Rose. The mother in the movie I mean. Good choice, I think she was the mother in Man on Fire, among other things.
Whoo....As always ifrit, -excellent- information... I do actually have something to add to that - several SH Movie Set pictures not featured in any of those links. I assume they're brand new, but revealed in the pictures are things such as Pete's Bowl o' Rama and Neely's Bar, which seem to actually be parts of the set. And they look VERY nice in my opinion. There's even garbage cans with a Silent Hill tourism logo on them, all rusted and derelict. A lot of small details, really. http://silenthill.bloodflame.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3 And again ifrit, thank you for all the good info - I enjoy reading it thoroughly
Hmm....don't know how to help ya much with voice samples, though the OST for Silent Hill 3 has some very high quality voices in the Sun and Lost Carol tracks, though I doubt that's what you're looking for. Actually, I remember a site that went down awhile back, Silent Hill Media. They used to have voice rips for practically all the games. Perhaps some people still have those voice rips on Direct Connect? Or some other program like that. Aw well...*goes back to watching the CG video again*
Been keeping track of this post for a long time, hehe...must be since page 40 or so, but never had anything relevant to post. Gotta say though, ifrit, your posts are simply awesome and and a joy to read Always something new, hehe. Anyway, thought I'd post this.. http://noescape.rateofinjury.com Have you, or any of you guys seen this before? Apparently, this guy took to making a CG Movie series (There's only two parts so far) that tries to tell this really odd story that, personally, I can't figure out. It's Silent Hill to the core though, right down to the good usage of the music. Whatever the case, the guy who did this is GOOD. (Especially for being just one guy) Hadn't seen it posted here before, hope maybe it'll provide some new goodies to look at Just go to the downloads section on the site, maybe take a look at the trailer, or just download the first two episode-things. They're about 10 - 11 minutes long each, the second one is especially good.