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Everything posted by nookster

  1. Don't know if somebody already opted it. But regarding the whole kirby olimar thing. I think, as kirby, the first B push wil pull a pikmin out of the ground. The second will throw it. Than you have to pull out one again. Little bit of context sensitive B
  2. He plays exactly like I hoped he would. Except that the pikmins don't do one of damage on impact, but instead, latch on. Which is even cooler (and closer to the game) This is among the coolest things that have been anounced for the game for me EDIT: And I think the mii character is plausible, if simpler then most people think. Just one character, with set character traits, that looks the same as the mii that is your favorite.
  3. FINALLY, i fuckin told you so :D:D I knew he was gonna be in. Nintendo launched Pikmin as their IP, so they aren't going to neglect that. But sooooo fucking nice to have confirmed. And not only that, but the song's supervisor is Mitsuda? Mitsuda helping out with the pikmin song? DAMN Can't freakin wait for the Pikmin stage!
  4. Marth? 10char
  5. Yeah probably. Doens't explain the name of Tekken character on that list though. I think they made a mistake. Leon Kennedy sounds a little more plausible, but i don't believe that either.
  6. Suddenly remembered. Wasn't that Krystal from Starfox rumoured as the third 3th party character? Very unlikely I know, but didn't her voice actress said she did a voice part as Krystal in Brawl on her site. How did that end? was that debunked? because i definitly recall reading that. Edit: http://imdb.com/title/tt0928380/ So, leon Kenndy eh? And Kazuya Mishima? Not totally sure about this hahaha
  7. Beer, a beamer, and about 15 people for me. Gotta love a game-design school.
  8. I think it would be awesome if they had ANY stage from windwaker
  9. that makes two of us
  10. aaand another extremely small stage with one platform :S
  11. bbbuuurrrrnnn hehe ahem. But yeah I'm actually relieved by this. I didn't want to know much more, want to experience new things for myself. So yeah, start screen tomorrow please
  12. http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=245 I suspect this is why
  13. DAMN! My girlfriend was gonna buy me Galaxy for christmas (not a bad deal, i haven't got a lot of time now anyway) but... fuck this, i'm gonna buy it monday. She'll have to come up with something else
  14. Sorry for the double post. But... This is like metroid for dummies. Pretty much no backtracking required besides some storybits that, for most of the time open up new parts in old places. Most upgrades can be found on the first item run, and there are virtually none of the beaten path. If you don't like the little bit of backtracking this game features, then why did you buy a metroid game in the first place? Sorry if this sounds like criticism. I'm just curious. Because i played Prime 1 and 2 just before starting 3, corruption seemed like a very simple walk in the park (played it on hard) And I just want to know. Is it me? Maybe because I played the other 2 right before it (both 100%) that i got used to the way they designed their game flow / secrets? To me Corruption felt like a liniair metroid game with one big item run after 2/3 of the game, on which you can get pretty much everything, and save for the odd simple room and corridor, it opens up no extra areas that aren't used in the main quest. Most items you get on the first run through an area. Is it me? Are you just not used to metroid games? Am i missing something? (because my completions percentage says otherwise...sadly)
  15. Okay. Little help here. I NEED FRIEND VOUCHERS Friend of mine got the game too, but doesn't play it. I've got friend vouchers to burn, but a serious lack of players to trade em with. And I am a completionist. I want to see those diorama's! PM me if you want to trade. Thanx
  16. Another cramped stage :S
  17. two hints in there. The other one is, "you never know what is going to happen" I think we're getting raiden (rayden?) from mgs.
  18. Sakurai posts his updates early these days Too bad about the update itself
  19. Nah, i dont mean in that way, although i don't really mean what i mean. Maybe the coin's are something you can collect together, and do stuff with... No idea, sue me, i'm playing Prime 3
  20. Little late due Metroid Prime 3 (bought yesterday) but.... Intruiging. I think (or hope, maybe that's a better word)the coins tie into an online friend system of some sort
  21. ... This means we can finally remake Hyrule castle from the first ssb If they haven't put it in as a classic this time
  22. Can't the phrase "having a life" not also refer to "damnit, my life is very busy right now, so, although i really want to, i don't have the time to play?" I know I've used it like that a few times in the last month...
  23. whoo, late quote. But meh... i would be nice, but sounds like wishfull thinking to me. I mean, it would be strange to have have someone like bowser fight Petey, but that's not how it works, now does it? The Adventure mode seems to choose who you will be playing at the moment (beginning with a choice between kirby and mariom, later one one between diddy and donkey etc) So by the time you get to play as one of the villains, the story will have unfulded in such a way that they will fight someone relevant to their background as well. For the moment it seems anyway that adventure mode features fixed scens with fixed characters EDIT not fixing the spelling, just saying it's early and im in a hurry, so sorry
  24. Fuck. Way to waste a character slot :S Ahwell, maybe he plays interesting
  25. Qfe ten characters
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