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Jillian Aversa

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Posts posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. D-Lux, Zarggg, and Sporknight enjoy rock candy lollipops


    Nice work! (Clockwise from top left: Brushfire, Katsurugi, Velocifero, Dyne, Robert, Xenon Odyssey, Sporknight, zircon, Moguta, Jen, Zarggg, Markus, Sam, D-Lux, Harmony, pixietricks, José the Bronx Rican


    What are we looking at?


    VG character poses! (I'm trying to be Kirby, fyi)


  2. Will you be coming up for the VG Expo in October, joe_cam? OneUps are playing, and zircon will be giving a panel and playing in a band as well. :3

    Hope your foot heals fast!

    In other news, if everyone on the tentative list could try to let us know whether they'll be coming, that would be awesome. We're just trying to get a sense of how much food to buy tomorrow!

  3. When it comes to meeting remixers, I'm easily star-struck. Everytime I meet a new one I have a mental battle with myself to stay composed:

    <OMG it's zircon! don't say something stupid...don't say something stupid...don't say something stupid...>

    "Hi zircon, er, Andy, er...Mr. Aversa...umm...hurrr, I like ur muzic cuz it's real good"


    Hahaha, that's exactly how I felt the first time I met Andy. *blushes*

    But yeah, same with a lot of remixers.

  4. But I gotta believe everyone is so trusting because of the bright and friendly website design. And Pixietricks.:nicework:


    But yeah, I have to agree with Pyrion. I think there is a level of trust there when people can not only admit something a little embarrassing about themselves, but find other people who are equally into it. We've all made ourselves vulnerable in that sense. ^_~

  5. Thanks for offering! I think Andy and I will just take care of the food ourselves, though; assuming we're all meeting in the city first, you don't want to have to be carrying around a buttload of stuff. ^_~

    We'll probably do what we normally do and ask everyone to chip in a few bucks (estimating $3-5) to help cover BBQ costs. :>

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