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Everything posted by Vig

  1. too compressed; the bass synth is overpowering everything else, especially the leads. The arrangement is pretty decent, if straightforward. it's a simple ABA form, and the As are really close. You may want to introduce some new elements the second time through so it doesn't sound like a cut/paste job. NO
  2. It's a solo piano piece; why did you compress the piano so much? Maybe it's just the sample. Main issues are the fact that it's too close to the source, and the register is too high much of the time. Maybe try transposing down a fifth, or some parts could even drop an octave. NO
  3. I'm very torn on this. I'd say just about everything about it is good, and nothing about is great. This is a very straightforward jazz trio performance. Because of the exposed nature of that format, the listener will tend to be a lot less forgiving of performance shortcomings that might be overlooked in a more densely arranged style. Ignoring for a second its context and the fact that it's a rather creative reinterpretation, as a jazz recording this piece simply doesn't cut the mustard. The performances are really just not rhythmically and melodically sophisticated enough to stand up in this genre. The strength in the piano playing is definitely the chord voicings, but the solo is entirely uncaptivating, and the comping rhythms are clunky. The drum part lacks any sort of subtlety or rhythmic complexity. It's just a placeholder. The bass isn't bad but it's also pretty basic and doesn't seem to be communicating with the piano or drums. There are absolutely some solid ideas here and the concept is enjoyable, but if you listen to the more straightforward jazz remixes on the site (neskvartetten, etc) the performances here aren't really at the same level. NO
  4. An admirable first effort, but there really isn't enough development of the source. You need some more elements thrown in. I like how the beat is somewhat reminiscent of super mario world when you are riding on yoshi. crossover! NO
  5. I think the mix is a bit bright. I don't hate the snare, although it could probably afford a bit more compression to emphasize the decay. my other technical complaint is that the lead guitars are a bit too loud. They don't sit in the mix..they are very much out in front. I think the performance and composition are great. Unfortunately i feel this tune suffers from medlytits. Listen to any individual 20 seconds and it's great. But listening to the whole 5 minutes a couple times, i feel the tune sort of lacks direction. NO
  6. too much artificial "analog" effect. There's a lot you could do with this source. Sure you'd have to do a bit of writing and thinking outside the box, but you could at least try reharmonizing a little bit; writing a B section, etc. Instead you've just got a 4 minute vamp that with some reinstrumentation, and some noodling. There's very little development. Think of a direction, then go in said direction. NO
  7. OA's right; the intro can go. The second intro is pretty simplistic and also doesn't do a great job of capturing my interest. The drum loop is really tired, and you use it way too much. The mix relies on it way too much. The writing is too straightforward; it's not very interpretive or evocative. This one needs a lot of work. NO
  8. I dig the piano, but the composition is a bit plodding. The entrance at 1:30 is too loud and the instrument sticks out in terms of texture. The tonal instrument parts are way too simple for such a slow tempo. Imagine this song without drums. It would be unlistenable. The textures here are pretty cool, and I dig the mood, but you really need more complexity and subtlety in the writing to justify such a slow pace. NO
  9. Sick. More like this please. Oh I guess I could elaborate: This is a great example of how a videogame to hip hop conversion should be done. Taking the song out of context, it's a fantastic pop construction. Sounds like a lot of underground hip-hop from the past decade. Excellent delivery and your samples (in the hip hop sense, not the virtual instrument sense) are very well chosen. It's definitely on the more liberal end of what we accept, but the approach is authentically hip hop, and the samples used (and created, obviously) are undeniably reconstructions of the sources. I'm looking forward to Larry trying to change my mind though. YES Oh yeah, criticism: the beat should be louder by maybe 2 or 3 dB.
  10. I barely hear the pokemon theme in this track. That must be why I like it so much. The high point for me is definitely the lead sequencing. Your sound and writing is very reminiscent of Protricity. This song is so 80's. Epic, to be sure. A little bit too epic, in that the amount of reverb on everything sometimes turns the mix into mush. I would definitely tone it down and at least make the drums and rhythm guitars dryer, if not the leads. However, it's still above the bar. YES
  11. Those strings are so bright they hurt. But the bass sounds real nice on my headphones. I'm very much down with the atmosphere, but I'm 2 minutes in and nothing has happened yet. Oh ok, there's the groove. Yeah that took way too long to happen. The first half of the song is essentially 2 minutes of piano noodling. The groove comes in and it gets considerably more interesting. Wait, what is this, more noodling at 3:10-3:30? Wayy too much noodling. WTF happened to the song? The unexpected solo at 4:00 doesn't work. the piano playing isn't that great, and it's way too compressed. Oh and it has nothing to do with the rest of the remix. It's like you ran out of ideas for this song, so you just tacked on another piano thing. I think you should completely delete the piano tracks you have for this song and start from scratch with the lead instrument. It can be a piano if you want, but you've got to make it way more tasteful than this. You're just noodling. Trim down the beginning and come up with an ending so it sounds like a complete song without the piano, then add the piano. NO
  12. Woah, agree with DA that the snare is WAAAY too weak. Given the intro, I'm waiting for a thundering foot-deep snare. Is that a brush kit? Really? Many many more testicles required. Aside from this, the pads are really overpowering, and the sequencing is really mechanical. I don't think this one's that close. NO
  13. Not bad, but for an ambient track in particular it's awfully mechanical. The piano sticks out for this reason. It also seems like there are lots of parts looping rather than evolving. In my opinion one of the main differences between good ambient and bad ambient is sonic evolution over the course of a song. I think the sonics of the second half of this song are a lot more interesting than the first, but I think the vocal pad is really boring and should be ditched. The piano could work if it were further back in the mix and less mechanically sequenced. Those are my thoughts.. NO
  14. Holy shit dude I lick my tongue and it licks it three times for me!!
  15. I actually don't think there's a bass at all. The "bass" sounding notes I believe are just the guitar. As for the source, I know this is unexpected coming from me, but I've got to say NO. A bit too loose with the source. I'm okay with jazz form head-solo-head but this strays a bit far and lacks..eh...direction. Nice tune though. NO
  16. Love the drum and bass sounds. Unfortunately, the composition and arrangement structure are pretty thin. There's not a whole lot going on beyond the groove. NO
  17. Guitar is too loud, mix is too thin. performance is...struggling. the synth part seems pasted on. really weird and out of place. NO
  18. Completely with polyp here. This is well-orchestrated, but it takes almost no risks. The delay was kind of creative and interesting, but that's about it. NO
  19. No. Can someone who voted YES please tell me what you liked about the song? Anything? OA liked the original material in the transitions. The rest of the comments are generally along the lines of "eh, nothing way too wrong." And that's not incorrect; there's nothing offensive to the ear here, but this mix is completely cookie-cutter. The most interesting thing going on is the drum sequencing and processing. There's very little in terms of development. I could elaborate more, but really if you mention any element, I'm going to say "not bad, but it's not doing anything new or particularly creative." Sorry to the remixer if I'm sounding harsh; you're really not bad, it's just that we need more than a standard dance adaptation to make it on the site.
  20. Certainly an enjoyable, danceable break tune. I actually really dig it. I think the biggest problem with regard to passing this is that there's really not a lot of elaboration on the original. It's got the melody once in a while, but the backing track is really only vaguely related to the original, and since it never really goes anywhere, there isn't any particular interpretation of the source beyond the vamp. On the technical end, I think the leads are a bit loud sometimes. NO good stuff though.
  21. The beat is really uninspired and repetitive. As far as the bottom end, the reeeal lows, i don't think they should be rolled off necessarily, but I think the sub bass part should be a bit more sparse. The rumbling isn't overpowering incedentally, but it's just too busy. There's too much of it. I really like when the bridge comes in around 2:00. Nice harmonic structure and textures. I think the arrangement loses focus at times. You've got that hook, you need to use it as such. I really like this as a start, I just think it needs to be a bit more concise and form-driven, and change up that beat. NO
  22. Well, I'll definitely say that your percussion is varied and interesting enough, but I still think the song relies on the drums too much. Imagine this song with no percussion. it would be incredibly sparse and weak. The string and EP texture is static and while not bad, pretty bland. There isn't even a bass. There's rarely more than 2 pitched instruments playing at the same time. Nice groove, but really guys, imagine this song without drums. NO
  23. I'm largely hearing a sonic update of the original. Same tempo, same feel, same key. You've got some personalization in the parts, but then you go and repeat everything a million times without changing anything, and you didn't bother to have an ending. NO
  24. My main complaint with this is that the spectrum is completely wonky. the guitars tend towards dark, as does the mix on a whole. The bass is usually buried except for a few resonant notes were it blasts out the low end. Most of the time there just is very little low end, but the low mids are really mushy. cut some 300Hz, compress that bass, and gimme more under 125Hz. NO
  25. Shame the project files are gone. I guess the (cond) was not met, which makes it a NO
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