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Everything posted by Vig

  1. So this is cool, but as far as arrangement goes, it's not really what I think qualifies as an OCRemix. It's some groovin, followed by some original material, followed by some more groovin. It's cool, but it's really not a complete thought. I might pass it if it did more with the original, before/after the original section, but it's kind of a copy/paste job. NO
  2. The lead electric is a bit muffled. Doesn't cut through very well. The snare could be wetter, as could the acoustic guitars. These are really my only significant complaints. The performances are pretty good, the arrangement is great, and the mixing is solid. YES
  3. I'm coming off a nasty inner-ear infection and my hearing isn't quite back to normal yet, but this track is particularly bright and harsh. Looots of saws. Other thoughts are that the arrangement doesn't have a great deal of variation. Also it's kind of odd that your bass synth is panned hard right and your arpeggiating saw is hard left. Seems a little off balance. Okay i'm getting dizzy so I need to stop listening now. NO
  4. Didn't know the source, but after listening, I think you've done an excellent job with it. This is incredibly tastefully done considering the usual 4 on the floor stuff we hear. Great composition (except the sour note at 2:28). great variety, progression, direction. The piano is really tasteful. The vibe reminds me of that Orbital song (halcyon etc. etc.) that was at the end of every movie that came out in 1995. Impressively done. A dance tune with a groove that never freaking changes, yet I never get bored or want to pull my teeth out from the drums I think the secret to this is that the hi-hat is really subdued, and the mix isn't too bright or brittle. anyway, YES
  5. I was digging the intro. But when the groove comes in at :17, everything gets cluttlered. The shimmering synth lead is...fatiguing. it's playing waaay too much of the time. The bass is really busy but it doesn't cut through the mix, so it just adds mush to the low end. At the risk of being a Big Giant Compression hater, the drums have had a lot of the life crushed out of them. This track just needs more space in it. NO
  6. What's up with the beginning? It cuts in..does it do that for everyone else? the trakc is 3:35. Okay the tune. First of all, I really REALLY enjoy your aesthetic. the mixing is great and creative. As they said, there's not a great deal of source. Maybe drop it entirely and call it original? I'd also consider mixing up the beat. You don't have to go for a different loop or sound, but just chop up the loop and mix it up. Also, the tune repeats too much for a 3 minute song. I'm dying to hear something else happen, but the song is pretty static. NO
  7. Did we increase the submission limit to 10.8 megs? Why does no one tell me about these things?!? I really dig the sounds you used, but like they said, reinstrumentation isn't enough. The groove also gets really tiresome rather quickly. NO
  8. This is rhythmically, harmonically, and compositionally way too simple. Nice for a first try. Try sequencing a soundalike of a song you like to learn some things about writing. NO
  9. I'm completely failing to draw any connection whatsoever to Claude Debussy or any of his contemporaries. Afraid reinstrumentation plus another lead voice does not a remix make. Sounds pretty cool though. NO
  10. I'm loving the arrangement and performance. However, the guitar has the signature thin, brittle, nasaly sound of an acoustic pickup. I'm tempted to pass this, but could you please play around with the EQ for a few hours? Play around and see what works, but I'd start by cutting a bit around 700Hz, boosting somewhere around 250Hz, and maybe boosting 8kHz a bit. YES (conditional)
  11. With larry on this one. What's here is nice; good vibe, but you really need to make it go somewhere. As he says, it's on cruise control. Bring something new to the table. NO
  12. Gotta reiterate. What's here is great, but you need more for OCRemix. More elaboration mainly. Love the guitars. NO (Resub)
  13. There's no remix here. It's gabber head thump interspersed with clips from the original. Occasional melodic references don't count. NO
  14. Nice dynamics! Tasteful samples, nice textures. I'm sold! YES
  15. yeah, it's chippy. I do think the layered piano helps with the sound. The arrangement is fantastic, and the transition at 2:00 is really perfect. I could definitely understand if some of us decide it's too low-fi, but I'm okay with it. YES
  16. Love the programming. I think the mix is a little bit dull; it could use more high end and more bottom, but that's really my only complaint. This is great stuff. YES
  17. I'm pretty solidly with the majority here. Distinctive sounding, personalized and interesting. Some of the bell synths are reminiscent of Arc Lab. Moody. I have no problem with the ending. YES
  18. I also dig the lead, and I also get real bored with the loop. The loop sounds fine, it's aesthetically fine, but you definitely repeat it too much. Please chop it up and mix it up a bit more. I love the arrangement, but frankly the loop is a dealbreaker. Please chop up the loop and give us some different beats. NO (resub)
  19. Like 'duel of the fates,' rite? I LoL!!~ed Oh finally. This is the first submission I've listened to today that I really like. Nice guitar. If I were going to complain, and I will, I'd say that the groove gets a bit tiresome, and I'd like to hear some more dynamic changes to the groove. Solid on the whole. YES
  20. Agree that I'd like to hear more dynamics. Pro: Great club execution, great sounds, great transitions and composition Con: While the transitions work very well, and the different sections are clearly linked to the source, I think the melodies are somewhat..bare. They seem not to fit with the feel of the tune. The hat gets a little loud at times. I'm also not a fan of the noise at the end. It doesn't make it sound vintage, it just makes it sound noisy. Borderline YES
  21. My main production gripe is that the guitars don't always cut through the way they should. This could be because of too much reverb, but another solution might be just to boost a bit above 2 or 3kHz. I'd try reducing the reverb first though. Particularly the lead guitar around 3 minutes in doesn't sound right with that short delay with the reverb. Gives it a a room sound that doesn't really fit the style. You could also really use a bass to fill out the bottom. Right now the low end is a bit thin and mushy. As with most halo remixes, I find the arrangement to be a bit boring, but this is really the fault of the source material, as far as I can tell. I think this is pretty close, so I'm going to NO, Resubmit
  22. I had this game way back. It was hard as fuck. I don't think I ever won a game. As far as straightforward trance conversions go, this isn't too bad. Production is definitely passable, but the arrangement is pretty conservative. Not too many risks taken. By the end I'm extremely tired of saw waves. I think this track is pretty borderline, although a little something unique to make it stick out could put it over the top. I'd start by using some different textures. The saw is really overdone (saw bass AND lead? really?) especially because there are usually only three or four parts playing at once. NO
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