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Silent Mike

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  1. Going back to Melee after playing brawl for six months was REALLY AWKWARD for me at first. Check it: Me (Ganon) vs friend (Dr.Mario) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJEmvnNNLms I get caped THREE TIMES! Auto-sweetspotting has spoiled me and now I have to relearn the timing to sweetspot properly. Also in other matches, I kept using Ganon/Falcon's side-B for recovery, which is NOT worth it in melee. Me (Link) vs friend (YL) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7-s_Iws6vc Part of me is happy i'm still able to l-cancel, otherwise i'm still ehhh. Part of me is still bitter that Link, my main in every smash game, has been and apparently always will be horrible in any every smash game. I'm not even that much into LOZ like that, I just like Link's playstyle. Anyway brawl is still fun but yay melee.
  2. Shit guys. Wavedashing in brawl. With hacks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjrmVCB1ncY
  3. Also, above average? What IS the average? It's not like elements of games, such as platforming, charm and music scores, could actually be objectively MEASURED in terms of the quality of the content. Any attempt at doing so would be subjective.
  4. Dude I liked DKC for almost all the reason you pointed out. But that is all still subjective. FACT: This game introduced the mechanics of going inside barrel cannons that spun, and you could control when you would be shot out. It was the only one at it's time, I think. YOUR OPINION: Apparently you must think it makes the game better since it's on your list. MY OPINION: I hated most parts that forced you to use them. FACT: DKC had a soundtrack. YOUR OPINION: It had the most influential soundtrack in 1994. MY OPINION: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 had the better soundtrack in 1994. I'm not hating on your opinions or anything, I'm just saying that they are still subjective. Also Sologamer I missed you.
  5. That is not objective. That is your opinion, which just happens to be shared by a whole lot of people.
  6. I did, and I will say that it was totally a fluke from attempting to meteor cancel during the lag. Also the Ganon Jiggly fight on lylat cruse was intense.
  7. Defender, where in MD do you live? I'm around germantown, and I need more exposure to some decent players.
  8. Good stuff as always, same to Ocean.
  9. Damn I was on all night last night. I'll be on tomorrow night.
  10. It jumps if you press up repeatedly. And also, if done in the air a certain way, you n-air. I'm probably wrong, but I think it's when you move the stick diagonally in any direction. While useful in theory, it's easy to accidently n-air when you intended to do another attack, which is why I went back to smash-stick. Accidently fastfalling is not as bad as accidently n-airing in my opinion.
  11. If you change your c-stick to "Attack" instead of "Smash", it won't automatically fastfall if you d-air, no matter what point of your jump you happen to be in. It acts like a tilt instead of a smash.
  12. Yeah I kind of realized that afterwords too. After the third match, he went offline and posted here. Guess he didn't know either. JoeFu if you're on later we can finish it up since you still have another match.
  13. Good matches though. My Link won over his G&W. His Olimar shitted on my Link. My Wario just barely beat his Olimar.
  14. Dunno where JoeFu is, he hasn't registered my code yet. And as mentioned earlier, I can't access IRC right now. Yeah.
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