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Posts posted by Nineko

  1. EazyP made an avatar and asked me to upload it for him: duck1ba2.gif

    This is Duck King's little duck.

    LT: Shrink it to normal size. Too pixelated.

    EDIT: My post above was on EazyP's request. This is my stuff instead.

    A car from Alex Kidd and the Lost Stars:


    Characters from Super Puzzle Fighters 2 Turbo:


    Sakura gets one more, still from SPF2T:


    because I <3 Sakura

    I'm going to edit this post later, because I want to add also the hidden characters (Dan, Akuma, Devilot), but I don't have them unlocked right now.


    lol, I reinstalled that game and I played it for like 3 hours, I forgot how much I love Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo :lol:

    Here is Akuma: spf2tAkuma.gif

    and two Dan: spf2tDan.gifspf2tDan2.gif

    I made two of them because I know that Dan is a loved character on the forum (hey EazyP)

    who cares about Devilot. that character is hidden for a reason.

    LT: If there are any more characters missing, go ahead and add them if they look ok. Can you flip Dan & Akuma to the right? Awesome stuff.

  2. How exactly is that a problem? You can always set a dimension and filesize limit.
    again: it doesn't work when linking to off-site avatars.

    not sure about why they don't allow us to upload avatars on OCR. the size limiter works in this case. bandwidth issues, perhaps.

  3. Pardon me for asking, but why on earth are we being forced to use these generalized avatars? I don't see how it's your problem if someone wants to use their own unique avatar, even if it is crappy. 32x32 also sucks.
    because the phpBB size limiter for off-site avatars doesn't work. you can set it to 1x1 and load a 42379x234789 avatar with no warnings at all. this would destroy the forum. a gallery is the only way to go.

    well, there are some java-resizer for custom avatars, but they make the code heavier.

  4. Ooh. Then how long will it take to upload them?
    from the FIRST POST on this thread:
    I'm de facto in charge of quality control and accepting new avatars, but want to make it clear that AFAIK nothing is going to get added to the avatars until AFTER the vBulletin forums migration, which could be anywhere from 2 weeks from now, to God only knows when. So please don't worry about it if we get backlogged and stuff isn't added immediately.
    I just based my stuff on what was available in the gallery.
    take a quick look in the thread, because there are hundreds here. also, Larry's blue comments will help you to see which level of quality they are searching for.
    Duck King (KoF 11 & Fatal Fury Real Bout)
    here you are, from Fatal Fury Special (with and without border, so Larry can choose):


    my favorite character in that game, while I always played as Big Bear because he was stronger.



    LT: With border, thanks.

  5. It would help if you guys had cooler subjects. All you're doing is pictures of random characters nobody cares about.
    if no one has requests, I do avatars from games in the OCR archive, as approved by Larry.
    Kirby (the only one we have now is rather ugly)


    Some of them may have been posted in here before...I can't be bothered to look through all the pages. X_X

    it has been said that no other Kirby avatars are going to be taken, if I'm not wrong. that's why I'm not making any of them. there are like 5 or 6 in the current bunch waiting to be uploaded.
  6. Oh yeah, I also wanted to post this:


    Its supposed to be sort of a chrome bevel around the character, and each one would have a different type of background overlay taken from the game (I used mushroom hill for this one).

    I prefer a solid color.

    also, for Tails' poses, I like the flying one and you already knew that, but also the yawning and the winning one are very nice.

  7. dBpowerAmp didn't seem to work because it was a trial or something, and winamp said something similar on its site.

    Winamp comes in 2 flavors: Basic and Pro.

    Basic is free, Pro is like $20. The main difference is CD ripping and burning speeds. But, also you can encode into propriatary formats (WMA, AAC, MP3 [yes, MP3 is a propriatary format, despite it becoming a psuedo-standard. That is why you have to pay for many mp3 encoders as there are licensing fees to use the format]) with pro.

    You do not lose the ability to playback formats or install plugins with basic.

    Winamp will play ogg files so you won't need to re-encode.

    If you must re-endoce, then get Win-Lame. Can't get any free-er that open source. ;)http://winlame.sourceforge.net/

    that, or get winamp 2, that is way better than winamp 5, and can decode/encode from ANY file format.

    for me, I'll never get rid of my winamp 2.23. it's great.

  8. Nineko: Aesthetically, I agree with you on removing the desaturation box on the track list; however, having the text directly on the background makes it a bit too illegible I think. The contrasting colors just seemed to confuse it a bit too much. Maybe I'm wrong though? Here is what it looks like without the grey boxes. I'm just not sure about that bottom-right corner :/
    mmmmh, you're right.

    but you know, the text can fade to brighter colors...:wink:

  9. I agree. I don't like the box on the front. I like, instead, the box for "Disk 1" and "Disk 2" on the back. Those are good and should stay, imo. Maybe you can do one with the blue sphere and one with the ring? Still, I'm liking them.

    Also, I don't like the gray background in the tracklisting. I liked it more when the text was directly on the orange thing.

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