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Posts posted by Harmony

  1. 0901-0104-magfest7-073.jpg

    Gah! I missed meeting Hale-Bopp!? We need bigger name tags next year where everyone can write their names and handles HUGE so no one can possibly miss it.


    Better Than [suck].

    I'll let someone else correct our group's name (although as written, the description fits 8)). Otherwise, awesome shot man, thanks! Is it just me, or am I doing a spot-on Dave Matthews impression?


  2. Wow, that was really more fun than I could have imagined. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Everyone who put in blood, sweat and tears to get MAGFest off the ground this year, you have a HUGE thank you from me.

    And a special shout-out to fellow members of quite possibly the best band ever, B.T.S! Taucer, audio fidelity, yodaisbetter and bustatunez, you all rock :)

  3. I just, ME MYSELF, do not like to hear lyrics on tracks that were meant to be lyric-less


    The back-ground voices are actually a nice addition.

    Thanks for the comments KogeJoe, but don’t you think it’s kind of weird to throw out a blanket statement about not liking when things are added to a song that weren’t in the original when you’re on a remix site!? If remixers only used what was in the original song, then we would all do super-conservative covers (a.k.a exact copies) and this would be a very boring place. I find it even stranger that just about every time someone has given me a comment about never liking lyrics in songs, they qualify it with “but I liked your lyrics” or “I thought these lyrics were a cool addition.” What’s up with that?

    In any case, I’m glad that I’ve had the chance to help a number of people re-examine their preconceptions about lyrics in songs (even if they don't know or admit as much). Hopefully, future remixers will hear a few less “I hate lyrics in remixes” comments as a result. In fact, tearing down all musical preconceptions is one of my favorite contributions of OCR to society at large. Gotta love this place :)

    OverClocked ReMix -- Obliterating “I hate [blah] in music” comments since 1999.

  4. You can record the violin on a $20 mic -- it won't sound great, but it shouldn't sound terrible either. IMO, the best suggestion for you is to just have fun recording (plug the mic into the line-in of whatever soundcard you have and go for it) and don't worry about sound quality right now. First of all, you can learn a lot by really having to focus on mic placement, getting the room quiet and post-processing the audio. Secondly, you can take this as an opportunity to improve your compositional skills, as opposed to your production skills.

  5. Cool mix, gotta love Lemmings.

    I like the change-up around 1:59, although the harpsicord-ish synth could use some humanization. I also like the bass-only breaks that show up now and then. So yeah, I think this one has some potential, but there are a few issues that I think will keep this from pulling a YES from the panel.

    Biggest shortcoming for me is the number and variety of ideas that get worked into the mix. It's only 3:22, but it feels like it's dragging on at points, because although there are changes, they don't sound all that different from each other. Add to that a bunch of repeated sections and the drums that barely change at all and you have a mix that doesn't hold attention for very long. Beef up the drums, play even more with automating the synths, and make sure that you've got more texture than 'buzzy synth 1', buzzy synth 2', etc.

    Second, that main snare is far too simple, both in sound and in pattern. Try layering it with something else to get a fatter more interesting sound. Change its pitch once in a while, add a filter and play with that during fills. As far as the pattern, those eight note fills like at 0:35 have absolutely got to go. The fill at 0:32 isn't terrible, but it could use some flare as well. You jazz up the snare pattern a little at 0:51 but that's about it. Play with it a lot more, listen to some of the great electronica drum programmers on this site (like zircon and tefnek), and steal ideas if necessary :)

    Lastly, for a dance mix, I'd expect a lot more energy in terms of mastering. This is often overlooked by the newer guys, but it's an important aspect that adds fatness and dancibility to the final product. Learn about the compressor and try compressing both the drum track and the entire mix. Using EQ you can bring in some more kick, get a snappier snare, and really highlight the main synths.

    Nice work so far, keep working to make it nicer!

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