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Posts posted by Harmony

  1. Not to discourage you from looking for a collab, but in spite of what you may think, you can get OCR quality results with very little money. If you already have a computer, you're more than half-way there.

    Check out the mixing for free guide and Zircon's gear guide for ways to get by on $0. Since you are a vocalist/pianist, a mic for your vocals will cost you $10 and a super cheap Casio 61-key keyboard can be found for $80. You actually might find a keyboard cheaper than that somewhere, but just make sure the keys are velocity sensitive and it has a midi connection. Yeah you might have to beg borrow and "borrow" to get that money to start off with, but it will be worth it :)

    Good Luck

  2. I don't see anything wrong with a thread bringing his passing to people's attention. Lots of celebrities, musicians, game makers and such that've passed away over the last five-plus years have gotten threads made in memory of them. But "Reuben Roulette" just had a... gimmicky, ring to it (no offense intended whatsoever Harmony, as I know it was a heart felt idea). As such, a thread about his death seems more fitting to me, and it gives people a place to express their thoughts :-)

    Yeah I could see it being thought of as gimmicky, but the idea of putting "Reuben Dies" as a site announcement just would feel a little odd for me. And again, highlighting his music on the main page would mainly be to catch the people who are less likely to read a thread.

    I'm all for a letter to be sent to his family though. We have some great writters here, but I've always thought that djp is especially talented at getting across an idea through words. Add to that the fact that he is the site admin and my hopes are for Dave to step in and represent our community with the english version of the letter.

    Agreeing in part with zyko, whatever we do as a community, we should get on with it like Nario and others have.

  3. If the judges recognize that you're using a drumloop, it's an instant NO, unless the rest of the arrangement is just mind-blowingly awesome.
    OK, that's not quite true... we've voted on numerous mixes using drumloops, even prominently, and passed them anyway (knowing full well they were just default FL, or Reason, or Garageband, or w/e.) It's by a case-by-case basis, but generally speaking, the loop just can't CARRY the mix. See what I'm saying? Like if it's a drum-centric style (eg. drum n' bass) and the primary drum pattern is a Reason default, yeah, that might not bode well, but if it's pop rock and you use one, well, that's not as bad.

    Exactly, as in this fine example and descision.

  4. I'm sure I'll catch shit for this, but why not keep it simple? No "Reuben Roulette", no tribute albums (especially no selling of tribute albums), no overblown "Candle in the Wind"-esque projects.

    Instead, find out the address of the Kee family if possible (or perhaps someone who knows where they live... or at least their E-mail address), and write them a sincere letter of condolence in both English and their native tongue if they're not English speaking... one that expresses the sentiments and well wishes of the remixing community. Have as many people sign it as possible (however you wish "sign"-ing to be, whether it's scanned hand writing, or visual images somewhat like the GenDis Christmas card last year), and send it to them. If it can be physically mailed to them, perhaps include a CD of his music on the offhand chance they weren't aware about their son's musical side.

    I know his contributions to the remixing world will be missed, but let's not get carried away Ellen-style. Keep it simple, and heart felt :-D

    The Reuben Roulette idea was just something simple to increase awareness, not replace any tribute/letter/statue that might be planned. IMO the roulette would be a little less showy than an official OCR announcement but would still gets people's attention. In the end, it would only help with any other more "heart felt" actions that are taken.

  5. More info might help. What type of controller are you using? Have you inadvertently changed the default pitch bend range on it? Are all of your synths showing this behavior?

    To diagnose the problem I would record a midi track and move my pitch wheel to its extreme upper and lower positions. Then, look at the recorded values. Depending on your sequencer, the values should go from -127 through +127, or -8192 through +8191, or from 0 through +16383. If not then either your wheel is busted, the sequencer is not properly reading the wheel's output, or something along those lines. If the range is correct, I would suspect that some settings in the synths are the problem.

  6. On another note, apparently Brits are having a field day for Black Friday. Because their Pound is about double the worth of the dollars. Who says Black Friday is an American thing? I bet foreigners are all over this.

    Yeah, I really see no downside to Black Friday. Retailers profit and informed consumers can profit; it's a win-win. I would think that any country, even those that do not have a significant Christian population, would embrace it if given the chance.

    This whole idea of fist-fights and long lines, although true, is exaggerated. I'm pretty sure more of that happens in the last hours before the Christmas shopping season ends as on Black Friday. In anycase, sales typically extend in some form over the entire Black Friday weekend and the hours after the initial rush are, in my experience, much more mundane.

  7. Apparently, no one paid attention to my other post specifically instructing everyone to "save an Axiom 49 for me," so by the time I got to Guitar Center--an hour after opening mind you--they were all sold out :(


    Seeing tears starting to well up in my eyes, a salesman offered to sell me the Axiom 61, the Axiom 49's big bro, for only $210 (I was going to pay $200 for the 49)!!! So my reward for being late to the sale was a 30% discount instead of 20% BOO-YAHHH!


  8. Haven't really heard any of SampleTank's pianos except the free HQ, but imho the free Clavinova 2 soundfont (either the 120mb OR the 24mb version) sounds better and is more expressive than it. The larger version is reasonably bright and boasts 7 velocity layers while the smaller version is a little darker with 6 layers. Hey, it never hurts to give the free route a try before dropping the cash :)

    The 24mb Clavinova can be found at sf2midi and the 120mb version is one of the soundfonts in Compy's Piano and Harpsichord Collection torrent:


    EDIT: Oops, I read "SampleTank" instead of "SampleTekk" in the original post. I haven't heard any SampleTekk pianos, but I'll still stand by my Clavinova suggestion. Good (free) stuffs is good (free) stuffs.

  9. Yeah, good luck with Best Buy all ye poor souls that enter this Black Friday. A part of me died while trying to make it into and out of that store last year.

    This year you'll find me miles away at Guitar Center where any single item will be 20% off! I'm not sure if the coupon that I got in the mail is required but if not, I hope everyone with enough dough puts it on their Black Friday list. Just make sure to save an Axiom 49 for me :)

    EDIT: Looks like no coupon is needed, according to the GC site. Sweet, that means I can bring my friends as accomplices to get 20% off of more than one thing.

  10. I'd like to clarify one point: Komplete 5 will not accept a midi controller right?

    Just about any sequencer (FL Studio, Ableton Live, Reason, etc) will take input from a midi controller. But that's not the final story, since if you open up your sequencer, hook up your controller and press a key, guess what? You probably won't get any sound. That's because the midi messages from your controller aren't controlling anything! That's where plugins come in. Komplete is just a collection of plugins...stuff that you can control with your controller. Some of the plugins produce sounds (soft synths, samples) and some of them modify sounds (effects).

    Although Komplete might include some stuff that can run as a stand alone application, for the most part the idea is to use your sequencer to host the plugins. You play a key on your controller, the sequencer (FL for example) gets the message and passes it to the plugin (for example PRO-53, which comes with Komplete) and then you get sound.

    So yes. The plugins in Komplete can be controlled by a midi controller, provided that the plugins in Komplete can be loaded into whatever sequencer you're using.

  11. If you're worried about losing the ability to play on a piano-like hard-synth, I would suggest a MIDI controller such as the MicroKorg, Minimoog, or the X-Station. They come with some great sounds and you can just use the MIDI input for your own sounds in your DAW (Ableton or FL).
    Clarification: I'm about 90% sure the MiniMoog cannot act as a midi controller (wasn't it released before the midi specification?). The much newer Mimimoog Voyager probably can though. Regardless, if you're going with Komplete, using the Korg and the X-station as midi controllers is sorta overkill imo, especially for a novice. Take your pick of less expensive dedicated midi controllers from M-audio, Edirol, etc and use them to control the awesome amount of sonic power that Komplete will give you.
  12. A few photos from my Salt Lake City adventure so far. Haven't really gotten any free time to do any real exploring outside of driving around downtown, but I will eventually.


    The view from the roof of the parking garage of a ridiculously huge Wal*Mart. Yes, the store had its own parking garage.


    Didn't bother getting out of the car, since I'll do a real tour of Temple Square another day.



    Our conference is in the Convention Center which apparently does a fire show when big groups like ours show up. The fans created a vortex of air that spiraled skywards. There was a small "pilot light" flame on the ground in the center of the vortex, and the two guys used wands that sprayed some type of fuel that ignited once it hit the flame. They were able to create really intricate patterns, ranging from thin tight tornado-like flames, to full-on huge fireballs. The photos do it no justice. Very very very cool.

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