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Posts posted by Polo

  1. Fixed my next ten bios (11 - 20) accordingly, with the same consistencies as before:


    • Fixed Wiki link
    • Fixed a game title

    The Hulk

    • Punctuation fixes
    • Gave air to a stunted sentence
    • Fixed two link names
    • Fixed a game title
    • +1 console appearance

    Mai Shiranui

    • +1 fill-in bio link
    • Replaced a game info link with a character info link
    • Spelling fixes to game titles
    • Cut an extraneous console name and Japanese title


    • Reworded the last sentence of the first paragraph, adding a third game title
    • Punctuation fixes
    • Cut non-CV titles and extraneous Japanese-version titles from appearances list
    • Replaced titular numbers with Roman numeral equivalents
    • Replaced Japanese console with U.S. equivalent
    • Cut one linkable title since its sole ReMix was scrapped in the Lockdown

    Dan Hibiki

    • +2 fill-in bio links
    • Replaced a broken link with another character info link
    • Lumped all arcade appearances under the header ARCADE
    • Full-title fixes

    Lara Croft

    • Cut extraneous developer
    • Shortened name of publisher
    • Renamed a console and a game title
    • Cut repeated console listing


    • Reordered the words in the first sentence
    • Changed two words to their correct term
    • Clarified Wiki link
    • Replaced general game link with specific character link
    • Fixed five game title identifications

    Ken Masters

    • Clarified two reference links
    • Replaced general game link with specific character link
    • Same game title fixes as in Ryu's bio


    • Punctuation fixes
    • Fully named Wiki link
    • Fixed one game title identification


    • Punctuation fixes
    • Spelled out an abbreviation
    • +1 missing word added
    • +1 game appearance link
    • One year of release fixed

    ...if this is too long-winded or not specific enough, tell me.

  2. The guy from Crystalis:


    LT: Coo.

    King Dedede (Kirby's Adventure):


    LT: Coo, but can you flip him facing to the right?. If not, no big deal.

    Kuros from Wizards & Warriors:


    LT: Would take it, but his feet cut off at the bottom. Any way you can do a fixed version?

    And that man-eating fish from Mario 3:


    LT: Ha!

  3. About X - you're right, they're both the same character, but since the Armor Upgrades are so important, and really - the thing that makes him different from his older brother, I think those armor upgrades deserve their own bio. I also think that if you click 30's mascot, you should end up in 47's bio - that is, you can only access 30's bio by clicking a link in 47's bio. Does that work?

    Makes sense. If some people aren't even familiar with X, then clicking the upgrade would also yield the clown without the makeup. :P


    I fixed my first ten bios with these similar edits:

    • changed my Character Summary / Sources / Appearances format (copied from OmegaMe) to Bio / Selected Game Appearances / References (from Wiki'ed example)
    • italicized game titles
    • linked specific game manuals in lieu of general search results (with a system abbreviation in parentheses)

    ...and these nitpicks:


    • (no other edits besides the above)

    Ukyo Tachibana
    • Cut several quotation marks


    • One word fix
    • Cut alternate Japanese titles
    • Reordered game chronology
    • +1 console appearance


    • Noted the developer and publisher
    • Fluency fixes
    • Changed to a more specific Wiki link
    • Cut last two links (too much irrelevant info, plus broken sections)


    • Added fill-in links for Ryu and M. Bison for when they're finalized
    • One fluency fix
    • Fixed a game appearance
    • Replaced general SF Anniversary Collection link with a character-specific link

    Squall Leonhart

    • Shortened name of developer
    • One word change
    • Replaced a comprehensive link for the game with a character-specific page
    • +1 appearance


    • Fluency fixes
    • Cut a broken link and a non-character-specific link


    • Shortened name of developer
    • Added respective links for other bios
    • Cut a comma
    • Replaced a vague character info link with a more detailed one
    • Cut a link that suddenly demanded a login password

    Aya Brea

    • Shortened name of developer
    • Cut two quotation marks
    • Cut a broken link


    • Fixed reference names
    • Fixed two game title names
    • +2 console appearances

    10 down, 36 to go.

    EDIT: Btw it's others' bios (others plus apostrophe). ;)

  4. Unless djp drops another image bomb on us, then yeah, we covered 'em all. Dafydd, if you still need help writing Wily's bio, then here's some...

    :arrow: Name a few of his Robot Masters that fight Mega Man (Toad / Air / Snake / Gravity / Plant / Et Cetera Man...) to show the scope of the Doctor's tactics.

    :arrow: Mention his flying saucer (transportation) and his Skull Castle (hideout), both of which are key to him planning world domination.

    :arrow: You say Wily's plans are foiled more than once; try cutting it down to the fact that, should he get trounced, he "always (has) an escape route" (or some kind of backup plan).

    :arrow: Shorter quote: *juts eyebrows*

    And about full armored X... he and mascot 47 are the same character in the same universe at different points in time (like the two Samuses), so why not add 30's pic to 47's bio? If Psychotic Ninja reads this, he can add a snippet to X's bio about his armor upgrades.

  5. Akira Kazama





    Every biker needs a helmet. But Akira Kazama milks more than skull safety out of it. The normally quiet and reserved tomboy projects a badass personality when her red-and-black skulls-and-spikes outfit is complete. Any street toughs who get in her way are met with elbow jabs, spinning kicks, and even getting tossed in the air - and combo'ed still. For the sake of their manliness, these troublemakers are better off not knowing she's a girl under that helmet.

    Akira dearly looks up to her brother Daigo, an influential gang leader at the all-boys school Gedo High. His disappearance in Rival Schools prompts her to sniff him out starting at Gedo, first donning gloves, a jacket, and especially her helmet to hide her gender. Under the guise of Daigo's younger "brother," Akira convinces his most loyal lackeys, Edge and Gan, to help reclaim their idol. Anyone who messes with Daigo gets pummeled back to grade school.

    Quote: "I'm sorry, but I don't have any time to waste!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    Rival Schools: United By Fate (1997)

    Project Justice (2000)


    SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2 Expand Edition (1999)


    Wikipedia - Akira Kazama

    Fighters Generation - Akira Kazama

    Rival Schools Network

  6. Okay, watkinzez can take care of Sakura and Karin and I'll do Akira (131).

    Roberto Miura





    Roberto Miura is one-quarter Brazilian, three-quarters Japanese, and all competitive spirit when playing a game of soccer. Topping off his uniform with a sun-blocking cap, the goalkeeper of Gorin High School maintains a keen eyesight and quick reflexes for the benefit of a future in the sport. Through Capcom's Street Fighter-ish mold, Roberto's skills translate into battle moves, such as dribbling or juggling his opponent like a soccer ball, sidesteps, and even a show-off backflip kick.

    Off the field, Roberto is a less violent justice seeker. Since he was raised with two younger brothers, acting as a mediator comes natural when his friends, Shoma and Natsu, break out into arguments. Larger problems arise when students start disappearing from different high schools, causing those remaining to blame and fight each other. Shocked at the ugly turn of events, Roberto puts his soccer career on hold to help investigate matters.

    Quote: "There's no shot that I can't block!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    Rival Schools: United By Fate (1997)

    Project Justice (2000)


    SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash 2 Expand Edition (1999)


    Wikipedia - Roberto Miura

    Fighters Generation - Roberto Miura

    Rival Schools Network

  7. Nina Williams





    Hot bod, cold stare - the most common looks of Nina Williams. In the Tekken series, as well as her own spin-off title, Death by Degrees, the lithe assassin knows multiple ways to take down a man while wearing any sort of skin-tight suit. Grappling arm twists, body sweeps, and every kick imaginable put the drop on warriors and thugs alike, both in tournaments and underground fighting circuits. But one opponent refuses to yield: her younger sister, Anna.

    Like any two siblings, Nina and Anna used to fight for parental love, especially from their father, an assassin and martial artist himself. But his cold murder forever split the sisters through blame, shame, and other intense emotions that only a grave visit can rile. Now, as if to prove who the better Williams daughter is, Nina and Anna compete as contract assassins, each of their targets - and encounters - deadlier than the last.

    Quote: "Come on, baby. Show me what you've got."

    Selected Game Appearances


    Tekken (1994)


    Tekken 2 (1996)


    Tekken Tag Tournament (2000)

    Death by Degrees (2005)

    Tekken 5 (2005)


    Wikipedia - Nina Williams

    Fighters Generation - Nina Williams

    Tekken Zaibatsu

    Death by Degrees


    And what the hey, I'll take Roberto (135). Hopefully Instrument of GAWD will post Akira soon (or Sakura...).

  8. Jin Kazama





    Flashing a focused, no-nonsense demeanor, Jin Kazama is a classically spirited martial artist who hasn't forgotten his familial strengths. Under intense training by his paternal grandfather, Heihachi Mishima, Jin executes Mishima-style crouching dashes, wide kicks, and opponent-juggling punches mixed with his prior-learned self-defense tactics. Meditative strolls through a forest bring calm to his soul, while his mind devours the precepts of his prophetic mother, Jun. At once he obeyed her last plea to seek his grandfather's aid, for she sensed a beastly evil approaching.

    The entity, called Ogre, slew Jun Kazama shortly after Jin's fifteenth birthday. Heihachi proposed that his grandson fight in the King of Iron Fist tournament to lure the demon out in the open, to prove himself, and to exact revenge. Little does Jin know what Ogre is after, or what powers his shoulder tattoo hides...

    Quote: "It is only a matter of time before I am completely overcome by the devil gene."

    Selected Game Appearances


    Tekken 3 (1997)

    Tekken 4 (2001)


    Tekken Tag Tournament (2000)

    Namco x Capcom (2005)


    Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (2006)


    Wikipedia - Jin Kazama

    Fighters Generation - Jin Kazama

    Tekken 3 Game Manual (PS)

    Tekken Zaibatsu

  9. Here's some quick fixes for your Zato-1 bio, Lin:

    [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zato-1]Wikipedia article on Zato-1[/url]

    That should link properly.

    Broken link; try this: http://www.guiltygearx2reload.com/

    And if you want, some possible Zato-1 quotes (from your FAQs link):

    "When little brats bother me like this, they die."

    "How can you touch a shadow? It's impossible."

    "My mind can detect and defeat any attack."

    "Hmm... Quite an unusual opponent."


    Heihachi Mishima





    For someone who's well into his seventies, Heihachi Mishima is in better shape than most young men. In his self-sponsored King of Iron Fist tournament, speed saturates his crouching dashes and sweeping kicks, while power forged by training bears in martial arts ignites his God Fist uppercuts and throws. If that weren't enough, Tekken's wing-haired man punks a steely personality to match.

    Ultimately self-reliant, Heihachi will let no one, not even his family, bar him from his relentless pursuits. If his father Jinpachi must be imprisoned to gain the Mishima Zaibatsu (the family's financial empire), so be it. If his own son Kazuya survives getting hurled off a cliff or two, then he's worthy of being his son. Naturally, Heihachi's family does not approve of him - and neither does the Japanese government.

    Quote: "I'll show you what it means to battle with me!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    Tekken (1994)


    Tekken 2 (1996)


    Tekken Tag Tournament (2000)

    Soul Calibur II (2003)

    Namco x Capcom (2005)


    Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (2006)


    Wikipedia - Heihachi Mishima

    Stage of History - Heihachi Mishima

    Tekken Zaibatsu


    And if no one else wants a Tekken character, I'll take Jin Kazama and Nina Williams.

  10. Voldo





    As Europe entered an age of conquest in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, goods that weren't traded were often plundered. One Italian merchant hoarded all his treasures and, piratelike, buried them deep on a Mediterranean island, setting up traps to make short work of any thieves. He knew it wouldn't be enough, not long after he died, so if the traps failed, then vandals would have to answer to the merchant's loyal vassal: Voldo.

    Armed with armor-piercing katars, Voldo's overriding priority is to guard the Money Pit - his master's treasure horde and grave. Years of subterranean refuge have blinded the warrior and chipped away at his sanity, but his killing skills remain sharp and unpredictable. Voldo rushes, pounces, and stabs intruders, facing forward or backward, or even if he lies back on his hands and feet, torso stretched like a table - a popular stance among fans.

    One day, Voldo hears his late master's voice - real or imagined, he cannot say - telling him to retrieve a sword known as Soul Edge. In his lifetime, the merchant dispatched mercenaries, pirates, and other travelers to find the sword that grants its owner any earthly desire, to no avail. But the latest grave robber to escape the Money Pit intact carried the scent of Soul Edge on her. Now Voldo surfaces into the world of light, tracking the fabled blade, set on bringing it to rest in the Money Pit even if it's in shards.

    Quote: *bows*

    Selected Game Appearances


    Soul Edge (1995)


    Soul Blade (1996)


    Soul Calibur (1999)


    Soul Calibur II (2003)


    Soul Calibur III (2005)


    Wikipedia - Voldo

    Fighters Generation - Voldo

    Stage of History - Voldo

    Project Soul Official Site

  11. Cid Highwind





    One of the recurrences in the Final Fantasy series is the inclusion of a character named Cid. Several incarnations are known to build and pilot an airship for the heroes to cross oceans and continents in, helping them reach their goals. Cid Highwind of Final Fantasy VII fills those boots generously, taking his role a step further. The cigarette-smokin', goggle-totin' pilot is driven by his boyhood dream: to be the first man in outer space.

    Unfortunately, being a hotheaded cuss machine doesn't deliver the Captain's end goal any faster. Cid's maiden voyage via rocket went kaput when Shera, a faulty engineer, was caught in the path of the rocket's thruster right before ignition. Furiously, Cid aborted the countdown, saving her life, and later learned that the space program chose to withdraw their funding. Now a precariously tilted rocket and a contrite engineer remain with Cid, doing little to ease his pain; the frequency of his blistering swear language is legendary in the Final Fantasy franchise.

    But even if Shera, or Cloud and his companions are "numbskulls" in his eyes, he's not above lending a hand or saving a life for a greater cause. Spear in hand, Cid shish kebabs enemies from above, thanks to his Dragoon-classed leap-and-dive mode of attack. Since the sky is still within his reach, it wouldn't hurt to allow Cloud's company aboard the Highwind or the Tiny Bronco so they can find the black-caped terror known as Sephiroth.

    Quote: "Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    Final Fantasy VII (1997)


    Kingdom Hearts (2002)

    Kingdom Hearts II (2005)

    Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (2006)


    Wikipedia - Cid Highwind

    Video Game Character Adaptations - Cid Highwind

    Final Fantasy VII Game Manual (PC)


    I would now like to claim Voldo (138) and that Heihachi Mishima dude (53).

  12. Try wat or Watkins. :wink:






    Rikku is a purebred Al Bhed, a tribe marked by blond hair, green, swirly eyes, and a handiness with machines, called machina. When not challenging foes with her clawlike arm mount, she's stealing, mixing, and negotiating an exchange of items with them. Such versatility is a must in a world that outlaws machina and persecutes those who tinker with them.

    Prone to speak her mind, Rikku tends to babble even though she means well. Unable to talk her cousin Yuna out of a life-threatening pilgrimage, the Al Bhed insists she accompany her as one of her guardians. Together with Tidus, an anachronism untainted by the world's prejudice against the Al Bhed, Rikku's stunted worldview gradually opens, as she matures. In return, Rikku keeps her friends together and motivated, even in dire situations, with her upbeat spirit - like any teenage girl, she only wants to laugh and to love.

    Quote: "Memories are nice, but that's all they are."

    Selected Game Appearances


    Final Fantasy X (2001)

    Final Fantasy X-2 (2003)

    Itadaki Street Special (2004)

    Kingdom Hearts II (2005)


    Wikipedia - Rikku

    PlayStation 2 Fantasy - Rikku

    Upbeat Soul

    Final Fantasy X Game Manual (PS2)

  13. Setsuna





    Little did Shinnosuke Kagami realize, when he weakened the seal on Hell's Gates, he freed a demon above demons - Setsuna. His spirit found refuge in a baby's corpse, discarded on a field of battle. With demon-augmented powers, the vessel matured rapidly into a darkly handsome adult, complete with an owl companion - and concealing his unconscionable desires.

    Setsuna's electrically charged black blade - the forgery of which cost the smith's life - cuts far and wide, shocking any recipient. If the demon so chooses, he may outright take his opponent's soul, encased behind a mirror. One way or the other, Setsuna craves nothing less than the total annihilation of every human and demon alive - every last one.

    Quote: "All is a nightmare. The beginning. The end."

    Selected Game Appearances


    The Last Blade 2 (1998)


    The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


    The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


    Wikipedia - Setsuna

    Fighters Generation - Setsuna

    Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade


    Unless subconsciously pre-called for, I'll write something for Rikku (84) and Cid (140).

  14. Cool, glad that's helped you watkinzez.

    Shinnosuke Kagami





    Hell's Gates - a portal which links the underworld to earth, through which demons aspire to pass and become reborn in The Last Blade - is protected by four Guardians. They maintain the balance of power on earth, halting whatever pops out of Hell until the Sealing Maiden comes to strengthen the seal between the two worlds. An elaborate effort wasted on the fragile, foolish humans, sneers Shinnosuke Kagami, one of the Guardians.

    Dignified, and exuding a straight posture beneath a regal cloak, Kagami opts for a new earth order, one where he alone dominates. He starts by weakening the Gates' seal and joining the emerging demons in a slaughtering spree. The other Guardians now rank among the worthless humans as far as he's concerned.

    Those who challenge Kagami face a fiery assault at the edge of his sword. Upward slashes and air-dragging leaps and dives are a fraction of the Last Blade end boss's burn-based repertoire. And that's not counting the damage dealt by the demons he let loose.

    Quote: "It all comes to an end... and begins once more!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    The Last Blade (1997)

    The Last Blade 2 (1998)


    The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


    The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


    Wikipedia - Shinnosuke Kagami

    Fighters Generation - Shinnosuke Kagami

    Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade


    I'm also working on something for Setsuna (150).

  15. You're welcome, good sir.






    The main protagonist of The Last Blade, Kaede's name means "maple," referencing the leaf that appears on his back and in the series title. A seasoned swordsman, he commands the battlefield with wide, cutting slashes and the occasional lightning bolt for punctuation. Even when victorious, he's not above wiping his brow free of sweat.

    Five years before, Kaede found his master's body slain. Emotionally distraught, the preteen attacked his orphanhood brother, Moriya Minakata, who withstood his outburst and left without a word. Swearing vengeance on the killer, Kaede left to study with another mentor.

    Then and now, the young man's maturation has often surprised his teacher and himself. What other skills lie dormant within him? Will he avenge his late master's death? And will Kaede ever talk to Moriya again?

    Quote: "When I'm angered, you are cursed."

    Selected Game Appearances


    The Last Blade (1997)

    The Last Blade 2 (1998)


    The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


    The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


    Wikipedia - Kaede (The Last Blade)

    Fighters Generation - Kaede

    Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade

  16. Shortest bio yet? :-D You could well expand a little more. What kind of game is he the main character of? Bla bla etc.

    Picky. :wink:

    Keiichiro Washizuka





    Once an age in The Last Blade, a band of deities must perform their Sealing Rite on the weakening Gates of Hell. For in every age, demons from beyond the portal scheme to be reborn in the world of the living. In the mid-nineteenth century, Japan, they seek to halt the Gods' ritual altogether. The Shinsengumi police force send one samurai to investigate matters: Keiichiro Washizuka.

    This man was chosen for his recent spy work, with a Kenshin-like facial cross scar added to his résumé. Washizuka's honor and determination to restore order to Japan are equally matched by his bark and his bite. With his katana thrust forward, he executes a stealthy array of rush-ins and stabs to penetrate his opponents' defenses. But is it enough to handle the chaos at Hell's Gates?

    Quote: "I'll show no mercy to those who would thwart my mission!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    The Last Blade (1997)

    The Last Blade 2 (1998)


    The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


    The Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


    Wikipedia - Keiichiro Washizuka

    Fighters Generation - Keiichiro Washizuka

    Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade

  17. Looking over my Ukyo bio, I didn't like most of the second paragraph:

    Ukyo first sets out in search of the perfect flower to offer his love, which a scholar tells him is in the center of the demon world. It is not. His searches are made difficult by tuberculosis, as he coughs up blood before and after battles. Additional burdens Ukyo faces include a return to a devastated homeland, an encounter with a demon that steals Kei's unborn child, and another victim of tuberculosis.

    The parts I boldened are Ukyo's starting conditions in some of the titles in the Samurai Shodown series, which I initially put there to add spice and change-ups to his "find the perfect flower" goal. But since Ukyo's story is convoluted with tragic plot twists, most of these details sound like spoilers to me. So I fixed stuff up to make it a more "complete" bio.


    Now, this guy's not the deepest of characters, but garner what you will...

    Keiichiro Washizuka





    Despite his gruff temper and biting tongue, a samurai's honor remains Keiichiro Washizuka's most valued virtue. His unit in the Shinsengumi police force is dispatched to investigate the Gates of Hell, a source of chaos and death in Japan. Katana in hand, "Sword Wolf" Washizuka boasts an arsenal of rush-in stabs, fit to penetrate the Gates' defenses and defenders.

    Quote: "I'll show no mercy to those who would thwart my mission!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    Last Blade (1997)

    Last Blade 2 (1998)


    Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny (2000)


    Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai (2001)


    Wikipedia - Keiichiro Washizuka

    Bakumatsu Rouman: The Last Blade

    Last Blade FAQs

  18. Okay, here's a tentative first paragraph to add to my Spider-Man bio...


    A standout among Marvel Comics icons, Spider-Man was the first teenager-turned-superhero which like-aged readers could relate to. The series, The Amazing Spider-Man, took pains to depict how the world would realistically view the superpowered red-and-blue-suit, and how his life would be affected. In the real world, Spidey's media coverage, especially in two successful movies (with a third debuting in 2007), has helped the web-slinger's legacy endure in a positive light.


    And the other bio...







    Remy LeBeau, an adventurer from Louisiana, enjoys charming many a fair dame with his smooth French talk and burning red eyes. Known as Gambit among the X-Men, a body of mutant-powered fighters, he hones his above-average speed and muscles through Savate kickboxing and wielding a quarterstaff. Able to charge inanimate objects with explosive energy, he can literally bring down the house with a playing card-for-a-grenade.

    Charismatic as he fancies himself, Gambit's time with the X-Men is not without strain. He can't kiss, hug, or even touch his teammate and love interest, Rogue, due to her automatic skin-ducted psyche-absorbing power. Gambit is also reticent to reveal his past; some acquaintances would be reason enough for the X-Men to not trust the Cajun overcoat, whose eyes earned him the nickname of "le diable blanc" - the white devil.

    Quote: "Playin' for keeps is still playin', mon ami, so take a card... ANY CARD!"

    Selected Game Appearances


    Spider-Man and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (1992)

    X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (1994)


    X-Men 2: Clone Wars (1995)


    X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1996)

    Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1998)

    Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000)


    Wikipedia - Gambit (comics)

    Fighters Generation - Gambit

    Gambit: Remy LeBeau

    Gambit Group


    I'll also take the first two Last Blade characters, Washizuka and Kaede (36 and 45).

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