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The G-Man

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Everything posted by The G-Man

  1. Try looking for pastels -- preferably chalk pastels. They allow greater control than real crayons if you're gonna do it by hand. And you should be able to find some free plug-ins or something for Photoshop. Art Rage had a nice pastel brush, though I can't remember the link, but basically it's a free (exeedingly) watered down version of Corel Painter. EDIT: Found the link.
  2. Nice tutorial! Love the style chosen too. This looks like it'll be loads of fun to work on.
  3. I always thought the style from Dreamland 3 always seemed like the best visual representation for Kirby from an artistic perspective, but I don't really mind what's used. It could be the Art Deco style Darkesword wanted for his project for all I care. I just don't wanna start working on artwork until I have a firm grasp of understanding for what I'm going to be drawing.
  4. Yeah, I would like to know more about the story before I put pencil to paper. At the moment, I don't even know what exact style this will be done in either.
  5. Thanks very much. I'll do the best I can.
  6. I may be able to help with line art if neccessary. I've made many pictures for I, Mario and this is a nice change of pace. If you wanna see examples: A Snifit Bowser's Palace And a Kirby picture I doodled for that Art Rage thread a while back. Sadly Super Star is just about the only Kirby game I haven't played all the way through. So I'll need to do a bit of research.
  7. I hope you don't mean this "Gman." I'm no musician, I'm just trying to help out.
  8. Dang, need a gamespy ID huh.. Do they send you lots of spam if you sign up? I haven't gotten one bit of spam from them as far as I know.
  9. Those files are indeed poorly organized, it may be wise to try Shadow of a Hedgehog if .mp3s are needed that are both tagged correctly and missing in that archive.
  10. Here's hoping this turns out as well as the Sonic 2 one did. You know what they say, "Strike while the iron's still hot." Good luck to rounding up all the help.
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