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Everything posted by V___

  1. Heres a cleaned up version of my entry to the PRC:A 10 comp. If you havnt voted, get there and do eet! http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=79996 <--- there ya go! Anyway, its in the zip file as an RNS (not RPS) because i'd appreciate any help with it. Even if its just 3-4 little tweaks on a synth, if it cleans up it, i'm happy. Feedback is also awesome. Enjoy! http://www.geocities.com/v_gasm2000/Mel.zip
  2. Iv only done 2 collabs, both with me on production and LAOS on vocals (1 currently being worked). It's pretty easy with such a devision... i send my ideas as an MP3, he asks me to loop section 'a' to 'b' btween time 1:10 to 1:18 or whatever, i resend the mp3, he records vocals dry, sends them MP3 to me and i finish the mix. Not high quality but it works well. Hopefully at some stage i'l find more people who would want to collab with Reason, so we can send files back and forth... it'd be much better for me learning-wise Side question in regards to collabs: In the previously mentioned situation, i have no question that that is 2 artists working together. But lets say i ask someone to fix up 1 part of the track (eg I ask JoeyG to fix a piano line in an arrangment). They record a cleaner version and add some improvisation, I'm personally inclined to list as artist 'V_gasm featuring JoeyG' (ugh i need a new nic).. it just seems right TO ME. But then i thought bout all the mixes Taucer is on without immediate title credits. I was wondering what others would do in that situation?
  3. hey, old account is currently still in limbo so i'l update with this (it V_gasm btw). Update on my stuff: * Forest Stage is pretty much finished, Taucer is guitaring for me, then i'l pass it across for final evaluation. * Flower Stage is coming along nicly, but i might have to drop it... Iv just purchased my first property, and legalities/finances are swamping alot of my mind/time. I'm gonna have to drop OCR in about 1-2 weeks and hoped to have it done by then, but my week off work was spent on other things, so dunno if i'l finish. I'l pass what i have on if anyone wants to use it in their mix or somthing, but see what happns in the next 2 weeks.
  4. Very nice sephfire This thread does need more love, I'l start posting my PRC entries regularly or somthing. Plus my AR stuff (btw, check out the PRC:A, or just vote for me, i'm happy either way link = http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=79996)
  5. awesome read. You forgot a link to the 'compressed' mp3 though...
  6. SOFTWARE: Reason 3.0 AcidPro DJ 4.xx (outdated ) FL Studio 5 demo HARDWARE: Behringer BCF-2000 mixer Roland 'Studio' piano (88-key, weighted) After I move, i'm thinking of getting either FL6, Project 5, or AcidPro DJ 6. Iv gotta get a mic (cello recording, mmm mm!) and better headphones.
  7. I dunno if i'd recomend Australia for that... popular music seems to have a wider range here (i didnt know til recntly how differnt the acceptance of electronic music is in the US...) however the education of ANY music is very very questionable. Let me give an example: i once applied for a Music Technology corse. I met with the lecturer for a random discussion, and he was talking about the best project from last year. A student filled up 20 balloons with red paint. He put them in a dollhouse. He pressed record on his mic. He cut up dollhouse + balloons with a chainsaw. He submitted the recording, and got excelent marks. I dont know bout you, but i'd rather somthing with, ya know, MELODY or somthing. [/derail] Zirc, its sounding good. It would suit vocal, but for some reason, growth-wise, i keep thinking of Pendulum - Girl in the Fire... probably because i was thinking of some classic 80s guitar riff leading out of your WiP. Hope the juices get flowing!
  8. I can tell you that getting into the habit of being in only 2 different places (class and computer desk) every day, day in and day out, is a depressing and boring cycle, and it could be affecting your creativity. You live in a dorm, right? Start hanging out with new people and going places. Probably the best advice in the whole thread. If a computer is more or less your only form of social contact, you need to get out more. Disagree. Massivly. I have a fair number of friends outside of the net, so its not like i'm a social retard. But i would rather chill with friends online that go out and meet with mates. Your more likely to meet with like minded people online than on the street. Lately, because of things happening in my personal life, and i'v had to cut out alot of stuff; iv got 3 weeks to finish any music comitments, no online access after that, while i figure out aspects of my life. My real life friends havnt been too understanding to the situation. Family is like whatever. The people who have supported me the most... Ormgas members. The peeps i'v met there have helped set ideas up in my head, and offered understanding and best wishes for the situation. no one else has. This isnt the only time this has happened; When i was moving across the country, online friends were helpful. When i was making decisions for travel, online friends supported me. Mabey i just have fucked up reallife friends or somthing, but i know i'v received more support for the improvment of my music here than anywhere else, and i used to go to a music school. I would trust online friends more than reallife friends, financially or personally. I could become a hermit and be happy as long as the internet held up. The net allows me to communicate with people with similar tastes and ideas. Zircon: By saying 'new friends', i dont necesarily have to mean your other roomie neighbours. Mabey try a different IRC music room or somthing (mabey change your nic aswell so peeps arnt all 'OMG ZIRCON UR CT MIX IS LIEK OMG COOL D00D!' )
  9. Improvisation has always helped me out. When i was stuck for a while, i pulled up a sampler, attached as many random sounds to it as possible, and then played along to a semi-cool song in the background. It didnt sound good, but it got my head out of a linear mindframe, which helped alot. Also opening old sparse mixes and humming a improvised melody along get me thinking differently. I also tried mixing up classics... i had a midi of 'Mars' i was working on to improve my sample control (which was failing) so i changed some brass sounds to this thin synth, and shifted its pitch down a tone. It sounded funny, so i changed other instruments around, either by attaching effects or just their performance style (ie arco to marc). It was still recognisable but its was different (added a swing backbeat after that... XD damn it was bad) Musics always been expression to me, and people dont always work within certain logical patterns and styles. Sometimes its good to detach from harmonies and structure and everything that you get taught, and just make something because thats what you feel, as cheesy as that sounds. Alternitvly, mabey you just need a new surrounding for a bit... go somewhere new, meet with someone new, experience something unusual, even just for a weekend.
  10. YOU, MY MAN, ARE MY MENTAL SAVIOUR!!! Seriously, Thank you so god damn much! i award you this trophy!!
  11. i took the remixing forum to have more of a musical leaning than the general forum... but if mods disagree, feel free to move it
  12. Iv had this song stuck in my head for the last week, and its been bugging me like hell. I dnt have anyone musical nearby to ask, so i wrote it up quickly on Reason and am posting it here to ask... WHAT IS IT!!!?? im gonna go crazy i swear... Its classical, so not from a game or movie, full orchestra, n i have memories of the conducter yelling at us cellos 'MORE SFORZANDO!!!' http://www.geocities.com/v_gasm2001/Document1.mp3
  13. an LFO (Low-frequency oscillator) is somthing thats used to change the sound created by the synth, over a period of time. For example, you can make the filter frequency on a synth go up and down (ie oscillate) without having to automate it all. LFO's are on all synths in Reason. On the subtractor, the LFO controls are on the bottom left, below the noise controls. To learn how to use them, i recomend going through some presets (pads are usually good for that). For an LFO to work, the 'Amount' must be set to at least 1. Hold a note down for an extended period, and listen to the sound change, then modify the settings and try again. For help with the matrix (and other great tutes) check out... www.propellerhead.se and look at the tutorials section (damn i cnt find the link i wanted, if i find it i'l post it)
  14. Icant talk about a range of keyboards (others here can help heaps more) But i'd recomend the following site if your wanting a fulllength, hammeraction electric paino and dnt have a massive chunk to spend at once: www.rolandrentals.com.au I'm renting from them, theyr excelent, and its slowly bought.
  15. hey, i gotta revive this slightly dead thread with an example. I wrote this up with Reason 3 for the current PRC. I used 3-4 samples from the starting minute, and manipulated them around enough to change the theme (in my opinion at least) Would this be an acceptable use of samples in a remix? link = http://www.geocities.com/v_gasm2000/FFXIII.mp3
  16. Stepmania lets you make up your own steps to songs etc, but it could be kinda tricky. The syncing can be a bitch... Plus theres almost 1500 songs to get that done to, thats kinda tedious Actually i opened stepmania for the first time in like a year last week, and found in my 'collected internet' folder i had a stepset for McVaffe's 'Ice Capped' (they just called it 'ice cap remix') It wasnt very good... badly synced, inapropriate rhythms... but yeh that means i heard OCR stuff 2 years bfore i knew it existed.
  17. Does anyone still watch this thread? I'm hoping so, cos i got a reason file i'm gonna upload soon, and i'd love to get feedback...
  18. oh yeh, sorry, its acoustic. I dont have a camera available, but i edited a pic so you'd know the exact location hope it helps...
  19. I get a guitar! (FF fanfare) A friend of a friend was getting rid of junk from his garage, and he was just going to throw it out, but iv always been curious bout learnin guitar, so i saved it. Its not flawless, far from it. In fact it has a large hole in the side. If you hold it by the neck, strings out, there would be a hole as big as a fist next to your left foot. I was wondering what would do with the sound? Also i'l need to get some strings, and a pick i beleive. Any brands to stay away from/levitate toward, string wise? I hvnt done any research on beginer books/sites yet either, but if any come to mind that are highly recomended, i'd be much obliged! Thanks heaps!
  20. you have alot of time on your hands...
  21. WHO WANTS A FOREST WiP!!! I think its almost done.... any coments would be awesome. Rightclick n choose save as, cos its geocities and likes to lick ass. http://www.geocities.com/v_gasm2001/ForestXTR.mp3
  22. I got a WiP for that.... And now i gotta go sign up for the forums!!! And I must hear it now plzkthxbai. i'l get a WiP up on Monday
  23. I'v had that on my playlist for the last 2 days, n i keep skippin to it.... hopefully there be a longer version comin out?
  24. I got a WiP for that.... And now i gotta go sign up for the forums!!!
  25. The ECF-42 doesn't have HP but Dr.REX does....... I'd like tempo automation. And a new synth. Ooh! (this might be a bit of a stretch) And I want arpeggiation settings for the Matrix (or maybe even in the sequencer). i gotta learn more about the instruments... i cant ask for more if i dnt know what the full capabilities are (ie never use the rex, ddnt know bout the filter) I agree with the tempo automation though... Do most people want new stuff, or growth on whats already there? I like the idea of growth personally, i'd rather add to a chain than have to build a whole new one. But that could severally limit the possibilities...
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