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Everything posted by OmegaDonut

  1. I notice a slight discrepancy in the file size between the OCR version and the VGMix version. What did you do differently here, chthonic?
  2. Nobody does Starfox like DZComposer. Hawt, but I wish it could leave me with the same giddy feeling like his own "DO A BARREL ROLL!" can.
  3. I'll have to say from the outset that I didn't even notice there were drums in this song until I read the judges' decisions and saw some of the judges had issues about them. They really take a backseat to everything, but you know what? The parts of the mix I liked the most were the ones where the drums weren't even playing. But I think that ultimately the song wouldn't have seemed so good without them, because to me the song progresses from good to better to a wonderful climax at 2:20. Kinda like sex, or a book with a really orgasmic plot. Yes, one of my favorite tracks from the RotS album.
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