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Everything posted by ThatPaige
New Poll! Who thinks Compyfox's controller is bigger than Bladiators?
You would ask that question Compyfoxy! I'm sorry to say that I don't know which one, whichever is the, ahem, biggest?I presume??? As for "HWA's" question: He uses his a deep voice, kind of like something you would hear on a commercial for preparation H.
I would have to agree with you "Holy Warrior Azar" or "HWA." Nobody has a voice like Mr. Liontamer....especially when he says stuff like "vroom cha cha cha," and "Driiiiiiiiiivin over mountains and shit." Course I much prefer it when he speaks softly to me in that seductive voice, purring things like "hey baby, can you tell i'm happy to see you? i've got a nintendo controller in my pocket."
STINA!!!!!! those were good times. i'll never forget even then how it's interesting which guys show up to a costume party dressed in quasi-drag...
Based on your votes so far, I can see the majority of you (if not virtually all of you) have excellent judgement in character and sexiness, becuase you have either voted for me or voted against Liontamer's reeky armpits and poor personal hygiene. I must thank you for your support and encourage those of you who have not voted yet to do so. A brief re-cap of my campaign promises: I will vote on every decision wearing black underwear. pizza every day for lunch and coke in the water fountains better vg remixes (i.e. Star Salzman, GrayLightning, Rexy, Israfel, Bladiator etc..) accepted on the site. I promise to always smell nice, somewhere between sugar cookie spice and roses. Don't let Liontamer's Tyranny continue! Vote ThatPaige for Judge and Vote for ThatHotness!
It is true my friends, you see Liontamer's example has established a cult following around the world. Is this what you want OCRemix to be synonymous with? As he is, after all, an official presence on your judges panel. Vote for me and I'll wear sexy little numbers every time I accept or reject a submission and you can bet your bottom dollar everything inside will be authentic. Course, I won't post any pictures but you can leave it all to your imagination Honestly the very least Liontamer could have done was tried to look like a woman or shaved... There are some very beautiful drag queens/transsexuals out there...Larry could have made a gorgeous woman, maybe a Tina Turner Look-Alike. I bet someone can find an appropriate pic of that. But then I'm sure he would be too busy curling his eyelashes and moisturizing all the time to be my lover.
How like the politicians and their dirty special interest groups to simply hurl insults at me without presenting their own platform or agenda. The truth is, this is all an attempt to deflect attention from the fact that Liontamer has no policy and no plans for the future. A Vote for ThatPaige is a Vote for ThatTruth, ThatJustice, and ThatAmerican Way. Plus--Liontamer shouldn't be talking about me primarily using boxed food, he wouldn't know the joys of cinnamon raisen bagel, cream cheese, and ham sandwhiches were it not for me....
But of course! Let's not forget that Larry eats sardines in tomato sauce from cans! ::Shudder:: I am an excellent cook, a skill I would be happy to employ for the benefit of all of you. Paige As Judge Inaugural Virtual Dinner Menu: First Course: Fried Potato Crisps served with a light Ranch dip. Second Course: TGIFriday's Buffalo Wings with Extra Spicy Sauce Entree: Paige's Spectacular Macaroni and Cheese and Salisbury Steak (a top secret recipe from Chez HungryMan) Desert: Key Lime Pie (something I really do make, from my grandmother's recipe) Aperitif: Paige's Get Drunk Punch (including Vodka with a splash of Cranberry juice). (A Requested $500 campaign contribution per table)
Allow me to refresh your memory then: VG Frequency # 27, Post-show Ring a bell? I think that conversation involved Sting did it not? Ah well, I am pleased you remember my words. I can promise all of you as OCRemix judge, I will continue to talk about things without authority!
For certain, I enjoy babbling on and on about OCREmix, as a two and a half year expert on not listening to remixes or paying attention to the website and artistic happenings within the community. However, I do not recall when I discussed the intricacies and spiritual benefits of Yoga. Perhaps I shall meditate on this topic as I hold my Warrior Stance for an hour attempting to channel the Great Void.
I agree with CHz, a debate should be allowed. Of course, I am confident that Liontamer will also ignore my request. I would expect nothing less from the likes of "On the Down LOji," whose five o'clock shadow shadiness is clearly symbolic of his darker intentions to rid the OCRemix world of Democracy, Truth, and the American Way. I encourage you all to entreat The Panel to allow me to engage Liontamer in a duel of Wits and Tits. You'll find that I am far superior in both categories. Come Liontamer, spar with me!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!
The truth hurts my child, but it shall set you free. -T/P
What a lovey gesture, CHz, consider my bid for judge now official. As judge, I promise you, valiant OCRemixers the following: More reviews with words like "hot," "sexy" and "whipped cream." A more feminine offical presence on the website, maybe some new drapes and air fresheners. Encouragement of more submissions on par with the quality of Toyota Disco (Larry Oji Grand Tourismo ReMix) and Gray Lightning's LarryandPaige song. More accepted submissions from GrayLightning, Israfel, Star Salzman, whoever did the "daba daba song," Arkimedes, Bladiator, Rexy, and the girl who goes to Peabody Conservatory who did that cool singing thing. Coke in the water fountains and pizza every day for lunch. So follow me into glory ye might beasts of music! Together we can take over the world!!!!--- or at least our little corner of the OCRemix Universe.
We can always kick out Larry and replace him with you in the OCR panel. You have more refined tastes in music than he does anyway. Hm. I don't mind taking you up on that. If I knew how to make a little sign thingy it would say: ThatPaige 4 Judge. ThatHotness +1
i will say it won't be the same without larry's show, i sincerely enjoyed bugging all you ocr people and busting larry's proverbial radio frequencies. but at least we all have each other. right? or are my 15 minutes of fame finally over.
wow...i wasn't listening, although i did talk to larry a couple of times off-air during the show before i slept around 1:30. well, i always knew he had stamina. Larry's Sleep Schedule This Past Week: Wed afternoon to thursday night (no sleep) Thursday-Friday (5hrs of sleep) Friday to Saturday (5hrs of sleep) Saturday to Sunday (no sleep) How will Larry Oji continue this reckless pace? Will he ever solve the Riddle of the Minotaur or wander aimlessly the maze of OCReMix babbling incoherently about D-Lux and "Toyota Disco??" We'll find out in the next episode "Larry is OverClocked," same Bat-time, Same Bat-place. And maybe he'll let me come too.... Rexy: I think it would be funny to put up a betting pool as to how many hours of sleep larry will get before graduation. I'm guessing on average 3 a night.
you're right, nobody does it better than you. what was it btw? oh yeah...not having batman the animated series and having oh i don't know, ALL the episodes of News Radio. Now when a guy asks me out and says "Hey baby, let's watch some Batman cartoons..." I'm putty in his hands. When a guy says "hey baby let's watch that guy from Kids in the Hall..." well, i'm only putty if it's the one who was the Chicken Lady. try again...now if you had Knightrider...MAYBE..Maybe there would be hope. Until then I languish in my dormitory tower guarded by an fierce, yet cuddly, cartoon-watching Lion.
No BATS? oh that is unfortunate.... well, bladiator, it's been swell...we've had some good times together, but i'm afraid this isn't going to work out. it's not you, it's me. but let's remain good friends.
i know i'm hoping larry can get back to VGF soon...after calling in on d-lux's show, let's just say i wasn't a happy camper.
...sounds like someone wants to talk a little smack. I'm shaking in my boots Caramella...shaking...
My goodness you EA people are evil,evil, evil...I mean why would you resurrect a part of larry's past that he'd rather keep buried? I mean who would create such a cruel website anyway?? ..oh wait..Binnie and I made it....
Nice to see you showing up on the boards though, but please beware of the brainless fanboys that will undoubtedly hit on you. thanks gray. i've lurked for oh, over a year now...decided to make an honest woman of myself. T/P
[quote="GrayLightning How do you put up with Larry's legendary smell of bad odor? You have my admiration madam.
Do you guys feel invaded? As for Bladiator...you guys have so little confidence in your favorite "Mulatto Stallion." Sure, Larry doesn't have the charm with the ladies or the romantic skills at the piano like Bladiator. Sure he isn't 6'7" with whispy blonde hair and soulfull blue eyes... And sure, he recently sired little D'Kwandishawn leaving him forever bound to a woman whose name sounds like some dangerous kind of sushi... But he's got one thing the B-Unit will never have--- The complete episodes of Batman: The Animated Series on cd.
hello remixer people-- to add to compyfox's post-- for all you americans.. spring daylight savings time begins at 3am on April 3rd. -T/P