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  1. Sounds good, Just wanted to bring it to your attention.
  2. They just took down my comment and put a small link to "music source"
  3. http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/feature-duck-hunt-meets-littlebigplanet The specific song I'm unclear on, but I'm almost 100% sure its from sonic and knuckles and project chaos. EDIT: This has happened before too, i just cant seem to find the video because it was a couple months back. I'm also not familiar with all the music on OC so, there could be instances that i'm missing.
  4. I've noticed this a lot latley on http://www.techeblog.com/, Should there be something at the end of the videos that says used with permission? or something on the site at least?
  5. i'm interested in the tourny, add me to the list.
  6. Pokemon Diamond: 2878-6063-3711
  7. Oh man, i'm so ashamed to be 22 and into pokemon.. but its like freaking crack. i'm really looking forward to some wifi battles and trades. Speaking of which, i wanna battle someone. Here is my friend code. send me a PM if you wanna battle sometime. 2878-6063-3711 Who would be up for doing like an OCremix pokemon tournament? we could have like.. ladders and shit. It would be sweet.
  8. Wow, were back. how did everyone like that.. er.. break?
  9. I think thats pretty snazzy, really.
  10. I've already tried to put the S&K logo as favicon, but it looks really bad @ 16x16. Currently, we have the Extra life monitor: http://www.projectchaos.info/favicon.ico thats *way* better. i prefer that.Also giant sphere on the cover = teh sex. Looks really good.
  11. YAY, GO 1498!also, a few lines in the writeup are interesting, so djp is aware that there are some projects ready to be released. now I'm getting more optimistic, I believe that Project Chaos can be released within August SHHH, don't jinx it!! And as a site icon idea, I've got the S&K logo taken off the S3&K Collection for the PC: http://digamejh.melankolly.com/online_storage/sonicknuckles.ico Edit: sorry bout the lack of preview. Apparently phpBB doesn't accept .ico or .bmp files Well, it dosent really scale well to 20x20 . we would have to clean it up. i have no idea how to pack that much detail into a tiny space like that.
  12. Yay! Two more! How many bonus tracks are there anyways? surely we have to be close to running out?
  13. Dogrape. *thrust* Ungh! *thrust* Ungh! *thrust* ungh! ... what, too far?
  14. I'm guesstimating about a month till release. give or take a week. This is solely based on how long DJP takes to do things.
  15. Just a quick question.. since Dj Prez deleted a whole bunch of the remixes that didn't qualify (the thread is in general). does this mean that were going to have to wait even longer for OCR1500 to come around...?
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