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Everything posted by Coniferous

  1. Damn you post mover! /cry /tear
  2. Close, but not yet. Thanks for the advice on the troubles i was having accessing the site.
  3. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y99/coniferous/cantping.jpg Probably something on my end.. whats the ip address? Just to make sure its not a dns issue.
  4. wow... wow.. thats... thats effin sexy hadyn! what a fantastic job!One question, the music button on the lower left, is that teaser music? or somthing not intended to be played right now?
  5. ah, right.. good point. anyone ask Djprez if he'll donate the bandwidth? would he do somthing like that?
  6. Really? i like the way the are now, that way there in the order that they pop up in the game. just my opnion. Also, on the issue of bandwidth... I seem to recall hedgehog haven taking somthing in the line of tens of gigabytes in 48 hours... thats somthing along the lines off 208 MB an hour... and seeing as this one isnt going to suck, i can assume we will need much more then that. perhaps making the songs 128kbs to encourage people to download the higher quality bit torrent? the only problem i see with that is that people are impatient and download both, making the bandwidth problem worse. Hm. Anyways, thats my two cents... *goes back to silent lurking*
  7. *spontaneous orgasams* Oh man, that was great! i cant honestly say more, beacuse i dont really understand what makes this appealing. it's got just too many layers for me to take apart. awsome awsome job.
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