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Posts posted by Zaid

  1. So off topic a bit...Who here is really worried for the future of the Playstation. The way its going right now I don't see how it even has a shot at the market.

    The Wii is taking the market by storm, the 360 already has had its year run. I am just partially worried for the Playstations future, because i think it's been very healthy to have them in the market.

    Here's in the hope that the Playstation scrapes by this generation.

  2. ^ You're going to look like such an ass when the PS3 doesn't flop(neither will the Wii, though I can see it becoming a niche item due to its controller)

    While the PS3 may succeed, it's a dangerous gambit. If they don't make enough money from software sales, the production costs are gonna hit them hard. After the RMA and batteries fiascos, Sony no longer has a thick cushion for the first year or so. If it does not go perfectly, investors will start looking for a way out.

    I completely agree with you. Investors are already on their heels thinking twice about Sony.

    Lucky for Sony the average consumer is far too stupid to bail on them. The PS3 will succeedd due to the average consumer, and eventually the hardcore gamer will pick it up for its must have hits.

    I hate to say it, but I don't think Sony deserves to do as well as its going to do with this system.

  3. I'm just saying that if Evilhead can feel better about himself by trolling the Wii thread, maybe I should try to have some fun trolling the PS3 thread with similar results.

    Especially after I mentionned yesterday that I was gonna have fun "emulating" his type of posts.

    Kinda like the Okami thing all over again. Not only do I point out that I am gonna troll, I tell it to the people I am gonna troll. And they still fall for it.

    You're pointless. Being a troll just cause someone else is, is...well...ridiculous. Imagine if everyone had your line of thinking.

  4. To the one who linked the auctions. Those pre-sales are of course going for almost nothing, especially with the current news of reserves not being met, and cut supply. I wouldn't bid a penny on them either.

    Just watch the hype machine work its magic once everyone realizes they are impossible to get a hold of.

  5. It all depends on how one rationalizes the situation. To me selling a PS3 for a possible 2 to 3 grand outweights my desire to have one.

    I hate to admit it, I am exicted for the Wii. Though the PS3 will take the awards in a year, but untill then, its not worth passing up a few grand.

  6. So which other OCRers are smart enough to camp out for a PS3 like me? I'm going to camp in about 24 hours from this post...should be an exhausting experience, considering that I have to travel for possibly 12 hours on Friday, and a time zone change to boot.

    Wow, seems like you really want that PS3! Good luck getting it! Bring your DS and a lot of games, and maybe a good book.

    I think you meant to say, "He really wants to sell a PS3 for a hefty profit." Good luck to you Bahamut. I am waiting in the same boat, starting tomorrow night most likely.

  7. ^ I truly to god hope that doesn't happen. This market competition has been great. If Nintendo reclaims the market, we will see some intense stagnation; same with Microsoft. I hope that they all survive in their own markets respectively.

  8. I am still putting my hopes on that Sony will do something wise with the motion control in their system. I really think its a good idea that their controller is a variation between a standard controller and motion. Also they are known to occasionally push creativity, despite what many nintendo fans will say.

    But ya, I do think the Wii is going to do well, and be entertaining. Sadly we will see the graphics drop off alot quicker than other next gen due to it being similiar to program as a gamecube, meaning it will top off alot quicker.

  9. Lawlz, on a completely different topic, it's hilarious to hear people start spewing nonsense when they hear that developers are actually using that extra space on the Blu-Ray discs.

    "O rlly?? Code doesn't take up that much space!?"

    "Lolz they using uncompressored stuffs?"

    One guy even thinks they're storing uncompressed data on the disc, but before it loads the data off the disc it compresses them first...

    Um, right... :?

    Seriously guys, you can olny talk so much about stuff you have no experience in before you start spewing crap out the wrong hole.

    But Razumen, god forbid anybody wants this superior technology. we have to show them the light of how much cooler the Wii is. I mean like...its going to own, you obviously haven't paid attention to the motion sensor. You tool, its innovative, almost futuristic.

  10. Have there ever been OCR polo shirts? I'd be interested in one of those.

    Like this one here (this is from another music community I found like three days ago. It's geared more towards hi-fi personal gear as opposed to music itself):


    The slugger one is nice too.

    Some of the ladies' stuff is nice, but I don't know if we have enough lady members to warrant making those.

    Just some ideas that I think would be nice to consider... not trying to promote another community or anything, simply trying to show some possible apparel options.

    I completely agree, a polo would be a nice idea.

  11. Wow, I really really wanted to like this song, cause its a new direction that alot of songs haven't went into...but something about the whiny singing i just couldn't get into. Perhaps I am not into the whole rockish pop deal, but I do things this is a direction worth taking, I just don't think this song is the first step we need.

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