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Everything posted by Gruntguy

  1. Holy Crap for brians. This is most definitly one of the better remixes that I have heard in quite some time. Whom ever sings this song I just have to tell you that you have an increadably beautiful voice. If your as beatiful as your voice then you would have to be the most gourgous girl in the world....Um...anyways yeah nice job guys i really love it. Keep up with the good work.
  2. Oh man! This is freakin awesome! Thanks alot CapnHulk, you rock out loud!
  3. Hello, I'm requesting a sig and well I've requested one before but i think this one might be a little bit easier. Anyways, this is what I'd like to have on it. I'd like to have a Blue Master Cheif (any color would be cool but blue would be nice.) looking off into the distence. The angle would just show Master Cheif's back. In the backround I'd like to see a Gaint gas planet setting or rising in the sky. If that isn't possible, it would be cool to see the sun or moon setting or rising. On the bottom of the sig, I would like the quote Anything is Possible kind of fadded into it. If anyone wants to make this I would be greateful. Thanks agian.
  4. ...good idea...anyways, i'm a sucker for Halo and well, oddly enough i really like Grunts (note the name). Well, if someone is willing to make me a sig, i would like to have a Grunt on there, and if possible, running around in circles. It's really kinda plain but, it cracks me up. And maybe someone could add something cool to it. So if anyone wants to do that for me, i would really be grateful. thanks.
  5. hey capnhulk, i was wondering if you could give me a sig as well. if so just say so and i'll tell ya what i want on there. so if you can thank you very much.
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