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Posts posted by Garian

  1. Brycepops: Be patient, the game was released early because of a number of reasons (the official reason was ultra high demand fyi) so some of the components that were meant to be part of the release weren't finished, including standalone dedicated server software. Blue posted on the unofficial Terraria forums basically saying to sit tight-- features that were planned for release are still on their way in the coming weeks, including dedicated server as well as more thorough steam integration, achievements, and desert/sky island content.

  2. You must be playing a different game than me if excavating materials is tedious and boring. I just had my first encounter with a worm and it was frightening. I was digging around (which yes is pretty slow it seems) and found a massive copper vein. Not thinking about it, I started digging. Then I noticed a chugging sound getting louder and faster, but didn't think anything of it. BAM! a worm bursts from the stone walls around me and rams me with full force.

    For a game that has only been in development for half a year it is fucking amazing.

    Also: fuck those goddamn slimes :(

  3. DrewGourley: I'll give you all the wood you want :)

    Stevo: $90 to commemorate the official launch of an indie game? From what I've been seeing lately, Notch has a hyper-inflated sense of what his game is worth because of its popularity. Not that I am against the idea of MinecraftCon, but that pricetag is pretty steep, even if there are other things going on.

  4. http://notch.tumblr.com/

    lol Notch was going to charge people to allow them to become "mod developers". Due to what I can only imagine to be overwhelming displeasure, he changed his mind and made it free. He can sure be an imbecile sometimes.

    That's actually very disheartening, considering he has already promised to release the source code under the public domain when the game is no longer making money, so offering up early access to the source for modders is a HUGE deal for an indie developer. Sometimes people demand to have their cake and eat it too. Too bad he didn't stick to his guns, but he does mean well and either way this'll be a boon for MC players.

  5. Neblix, please stop falling for the bait, you're smarter than that. The guy obviously signed up just to troll this thread. Everything that needs to be said about the project really already has been in the first two pages so continuing to reply just gives it more expo-- oh. The entire concept is asinine and their efforts would be better used to make an original game that plays similar to Metroidvania, but people without creativity are just going to rip-off the work of others so whatev.

  6. Actually says 9-9-9-9-9.....9-9-9-9-9 days(Found the audio file) So either it's extremely far in the future(If the repeat wasn't a glitch)...or it's around 270 years.

    9,999,999,999 days is an extremely long time though and the facility would be in a much MUCH worse state

    I think by even the first estimate plastics would've started to biodegrade; I hadn't searched for the audio file and was relying on what I heard during the sequence. I don't think it's possible for the Aperture complex to survive aeons as well as whatever cataclysms befell mankind due to the Black Mesa incident.

  7. The computer says 9-9-9-9-9...9-9 days, which is over 27,000 years according to a quick calculator check. I think that the computer at the relaxation center is probably an unreliable source of information due to whatever damage occurred after Chell is first woken from stasis... who knows what happened though, unless it was merely fallout from GLaDOS being offline.

  8. Thanks for the heads up, Cobalt, I'm the same way except I p. much only solo-- except Portal 2 came out ;) I've finished with SP though so I'm probably going to be playing SK again.

    Also, we should maybe start trying to collect each other's recipes to help out maybe? I still don't know what armor I want to go with, and I already have my 4* sword recipe and am going through with the Owlite shield path... Hm.

  9. By the way, was anyone else disappointed when valve's writers threw away established in-game science in favor of entertainment? I'm referring to Chell not being shredded when she was sucked through the portal to the moon... you know, momentum being preserved and all?. I mean it WAS entertaining and "holy crap that's awesome" but still, it made me :( inside.

  10. Don't forget 4000 Degrees Kelvin. For a time it was the most popular song on Audiosurf because the orange box music came with the game for free :)

    Also, has anyone found the song that The National did for the game yet? It's in a really obvious Rat den but it's also easy to miss it simply because you're not looking for it (although I'll admit that I saw it in a video before checking it out myself).

    I absolutely cannot wait for the map building tools to come out, by the way. I've played through single player three times and have every achievement except catching a bouncy blue box and beating that test chamber in less than 70 seconds. If anyone has beaten co-op and wants the Portal Professor achievement, add me on steam and we can do it to it as I have not touched co-op yet.

    edit: I am an idot, http://steamcommunity.com/id/garianse :)

  11. I'm not sure you quite understood what I meant; The song doesn't sound like he laboured in an attempt to outdo his previous work. "Want You Gone" sounds like it came out organically, rather than trying to "beat" the success of "Still Alive." Harken back to Eminem's lyrics in "The Way I Am," how his label wanted him to repeatedly achieve the same results as "My Name Is" with new songs and he was aware that that methodology would fail him. :P

  12. The single player campaign was a total blast, and the ending theme song was pretty great. I'm glad Coulton didn't try to out do "Still Alive." I have yet to find all the rat dens or all of the secrets in Chapters 6 and 7.

    do we have a spoiler tag?


    Guess not :(

  13. Let TF2 go for a while, and remember that the pirate server for PSO is [spookytext]~~~illegal~~~[/spookytext]. This game is cute for what it is, and while there is a major lack of content, if you just play for an hour or so a day for a while you won't really notice it until much later on. Hopefully the guys at Three Rings can get some more artists so they can release more content~

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