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Everything posted by TrueLugia121

  1. that would explain why most of the users working on this album aren't probably getting the job done am i right?
  2. so it's gonna turn out to be a 3 disc special edition then?
  3. i actually have a question on this, would the bonus discs have 20 tracks in total?
  4. hehehehehehehehe great that's nice to hear. also Vilecat yeah it can be a wallpaper of the front cover of the album or something like that.
  5. it'd be good to add like say a Playstation Portable or Desktop Wallpaper to go with the project if anyone here owns a Memory Stick DUO and PSP. i own a PSP and i see alot of good PSP Wallpapers on the net so i think you could come up with the idea of adding a wallpaper to go on the PSP Home menu or something, you know, to spiceup the love for the project, maybe? high quality would be good. like 5MB for a 487x272 size bt of artwork for the project? also Summoning of Spirits is gonna raise the roof over video game remixing even higher than the past projects. and i think KyleJCRB you could be the project runner to end all project runners there. keep it up.
  6. so, and i think this might involve CompyFox or someone with a good knowledge of remixing, on actual fact the whole process of enhancing Midi as you said Suzumebachi is just twice as complicated right?
  7. so there isn't a set possibility that this could be done then?
  8. yeah but for the most part generally sequencing MIDI's hard work for most people that right? also what i don't get is does converting MIDI to WAV actuallly keep the sound from the original MIDI but in WAV format?
  9. so they work differently is that correct?
  10. so how can you tell the difference between the different MIDI formats?
  11. someone else told me that shea was able to record some Yamaha XG MIDI in order to sound diferent that the originl MIDI is this true?
  12. Sorry i'm not too sure if this can be done or if you'e guys done this before of something but does anyone know the exact procedure towards digitally enhancing MIDI? i don't know the exact meaning of Enhancing MIDI but i'm sure there might be ways ofdoing this. does anone here know the ways or have an address to a guide that may have some information as regards to how this is done?
  13. trust me on this one. Compyfox know's what all of us said about him is all true. he just wants to get away with what he likes doing best which isn't fair on the people working on the project.
  14. you know it's all true Compyfox. what's drama is that you just don't get any of it.
  15. hmph. as if that's ever gonna work Zeality
  16. then fergive me when i say this project is gonna rock. but that's just only one mans opinion though. everyone else needs to lighten up a little and at the same time like Clado Shou stated above "publicly praise and privately punish". Compyfox, everyone acknowledges what you've done so far and to me i understand that fully. i love what you do and how good your remixing sounds. you're an asset to Chrono Symphony. not only that everyone in the entire thread respects you also.
  17. that's great. obviously servers are costing big $$$$$$$$ but making the most of it's one thing you can't get away from doing right?
  18. why are you still goofing off over something that simple? it's only a question geez
  19. blokes these days
  20. i'm just only looking to know one thing and you goof off about it?
  21. i'm not being ambitious about anything i'm just lookig to know if you've got it done that's all
  22. shouldn't he get started already? the albums nearing the deadline right?
  23. not to hurry anything up here but RoeTaka why is it taking you so long to get started on Track 23 of Chrono Symphony?
  24. well technically speaking yeah you can have a lossy compression on music but that audio file's still gonna be played smoothly like it's been played on CD, or so that's what i think. and about the project who's gonna create the video fer Chrono Symphony?
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