Why does atmuh get to see all the movies first, and I have to wait two weeks for my wife to get back from California.
Not fair at all.
Good to hear the movie didn't suck.
Highlander Challenge The ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge! League Highlander [9v9] 327/320 2/2 Waiting List: OCReMix Team 2
Highlander Ladder The ETF2L Highlander Ladder! Everyone Welcome! Ladder Highlander [9v9] 115/300 1/3 Signed Up: OCReMix Team 2
There ya go.
Also I am scheduling a Scrim with atmuh's Team Princesses on Sunday at whatever time. Please check your schedules and get back with me on what you guys need.
Also I would like to have a team meeting at some point tonight if possible. I know it is very short notice, but it would really be beneficial. If not available, please PM me your email so we can get some form of dialog going.
Update on who I need to sign up.
Demo: Critical Hit
Engineer: Gamemaster1379
Heavy: H1nScaids (Signed)
Medic: Brushfire
Pyro: !!
Scout: Cinderwild (Signed)
Sniper: Zephy (Signed)
Soldier: Narf
Spy: MAV2013 (Signed)
Dr. Waltz (Signed)
[solide Snake] Lale (Signed)
G-Wave (Signed)
If someone wants to spread the word about this via Steamchat, that would be super helpful as I at work until 2230.
I use these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826158075
I got a friend who loves these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826249016
Both are decently priced.
Microphones are cheaper: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836111601
Depends on what kind of connector you want.
I would like to take this oppurtunity to remind everyone that if you don't have a headset, I would really like everyone on my team to have a mic, so information can be passed from teammate to teammate on the battlefield. It doesn't have to be a great one, just have one please.
Team Hackers starring Angelina Jolie's Tits.
Also thank you for signing up Zeph.
Update on who I need to sign up.
Demo: Critical Hit
Engineer: Gamemaster1379
Heavy: H1nScaids
Medic: Brushfire
Pyro: !!
Scout: Cinderwild (Signed)
Sniper: Zephy (Signed)
Soldier: Narf
Spy: MAV2013 (Signed)
Dr. Waltz
[solide Snake] Lale
G-Wave (Signed)
If you don't know your Steam ID, you can find it out on our HLStats Page. Just search for your name, and see it on your player page.
Also, I should rename our team to Team Digidestined.
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.
I need THESE PEOPLE to sign up:
Demo: Critical Hit
Engineer: Gamemaster1379
Heavy: H1nScaids
Medic: Brushfire
Pyro: !!
Scout: Cinderwild (Signed)
Sniper: Zephy
Soldier: Narf
Spy: MAV2013 (Signed)
Dr. Waltz
[solide Snake] Lale
G-Wave (Signed)
Abadoss, If one of our Auxilaries drop, you can have a spot. Also to Barl, same thing.
You know there are assloads of gay guys in the airforce. But instead of having sex with each other, they play WoW instead.
Seriously Wes, you will make a fine Officer.
You did a great job man. I hope that you enjoy your newfound freedom eating soup and getting haircuts like real men!
BRUSHFIRE FOR MOD!!! Is it in poor taste to campaign in someones going away thread?
Brushfire as played by Dan Akroyd:
More OCAD goodness as Epicenter appears.
To quote Brian, a good friend of Deven, "It needs to be shorter with a touch more 'no job'"
Have you been reading my screenplay Eric? I was totally gonna pitch that to Warner Bros. I was gonna call it Band of Brothers that have F-22's that Fight Cthulhu Part 3: Revenge of the Empire of the Sun.
Someone wanna photoshop that movie poster? It would really help my pitch.